Hey boys and girls,
Aviation Week and Space Technology has just released the finalist for their 17th annual photo contest. There are some very talented shooters who participated in this, and one "hack" (me). You can review the photo gallery and recommend those photos you feel are winners. You can find it at aviationweek.com You can also become part of the process by voting on those photos you feel are note worthy. The winning photos will be published in their late December issue. So go online and take a look at these talented individuals and vote for the photos you feel are winners.
Aviation Week and Space Technology has just released the finalist for their 17th annual photo contest. There are some very talented shooters who participated in this, and one "hack" (me). You can review the photo gallery and recommend those photos you feel are winners. You can find it at aviationweek.com You can also become part of the process by voting on those photos you feel are note worthy. The winning photos will be published in their late December issue. So go online and take a look at these talented individuals and vote for the photos you feel are winners.