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  • Feliks

    Originally posted by AirDOGGe View Post
    None of this addresses my question of drag and resistance reducing efficiency. The wind will want to go around rather than through such a device.

    Because of this and other factors, it sounds like such a device would have to be several times larger then a equivalent-output standard windmill, and occupy a MUCH larger footprint on the ground (500 meters you say?).

    What DOES make sense is to combine the two systems. Place a very efficient propeller-type turbine within the narrowest point of a venturi.

    You'd achieve a faster airflow with the venturi, AND capture more energy, the best of both worlds.

    None of this addresses my question of drag and resistance reducing efficiency. The wind will want to go around rather than through such a device.
    No, I will want to go around. It just so it looks at first glance.
    Why not? Sent because the in narovest place occurs during movement of vacuum that will suck the wind to the venturi tube. Of course condition is laminar flow through the cones, tubes, or do not occur turbolent. It's a little like an airplane wing. If there is no laminar flow, the lift force disappears and the plane falls. Here, too, will disappear if the laminar flow venturi tube, not give us a profit on what we expect. To maintain the flow laminar, cones are not allowed to have larger angles than those resulting from the calculation. Therefore, they must have adequate length, the relatively large for its diameter. The plane did not fall then = ( expected to give a venturi tube laminar undisturbed flow ) and gain velocity and pressure drop.

    This link, which I received from you, thank you for that, it is only a substitute and the name of a venturi tube.

    So the truth, this is just only enclosed propeller...

    That is made ​​that not only you have doubt. I had already dissipated before it, and historical perspective on the forum are Autosport. start post 461

    Regards Andrew

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  • AirDOGGe

    None of this addresses my question of drag and resistance reducing efficiency. The wind will want to go around rather than through such a device.

    Because of this and other factors, it sounds like such a device would have to be several times larger then a equivalent-output standard windmill, and occupy a MUCH larger footprint on the ground (500 meters you say?).

    What DOES make sense is to combine the two systems. Place a very efficient propeller-type turbine within the narrowest point of a venturi.

    You'd achieve a faster airflow with the venturi, AND capture more energy, the best of both worlds.

    (searching the net...)

    Looks like someone has already taken that path:

    Last edited by AirDOGGe; 06-05-2011, 10:42 AM.

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  • Feliks

    Your doubt in both cases, virtually the same properties are for a venturi tube.Maybe start from the second issue of ramjet.
    Indeed you are right, the pressure decreases. But it is by how much. Venturi type into the calculator, which gives a link, such values ​​.1000 mm and 500 mm in diameter. You'll see that the pressure falls by only 3 mmHg, as much as a small change in the weather. So very little. But the speed in the narrowest place is as much as 6 times greater... and it is known that the jet must have a framework for high speed input, because only then is a good efficient....

    As regards the first issue, that of efficiency in relation to the traditional windmill is to present two part.
    The most important thing is a wind speed that is achieved at the narrowest point.
    In the formula for the power of the windmill, there are two variables. Wind speed and diameter of the fan. the fact that the speed, power depends on the third power, and the diameter only in the second... So there will generally follows the model that is appropriate to increase the velocity of wind, and reducing the diameter of the fan. Thanks to this we get greater power.

    Conclusion. The venturi tube, the energy involved produkcjii WHOLE air mass at a given time as there is a venturi tube inside. This follows from the Bernoulli's principle that there must be continuity in the flow. A pipe can have a length and 500 meters...
    A traditional windmill, at most, the air mass, multiplied by max disk windmill , say 1 - 3 m.
    From here you receive such a big difference of power, with the same input speed of the wind. Just a whole mass of work has been hectic

    Ideal can see the difference in energy received in a gauge air -powered vacuum with a venturi tube. which is diameter 3 / 4 inch, hard disk drives and up to 8000 RPM gyroscope, which has a diameter of 2 inches.
    Imagine now that such energies would produce a windmill with a diameter of 3 / 4 inches..
    And no, even the most modern building of a traditional windmill, he can not s Compare and contrast this...

    regards Andrew
    Last edited by Feliks; 06-05-2011, 07:02 AM.

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  • AirDOGGe

    I understand the venturi principle clearly, and I see what the drawings are representing.

    What I don't see is some form of evidence that this would be more efficient than a standard 2 or 3 blade windmill.

    Resistance of the wind to flow into and through the venturi rather than around it, and the drag of the walls within the long tapered tube will make it less efficient. Further resistance/drag will result from the air being drawn through that long"tube" from the generator turbine to the venturi device.

    Also, the smaller diameter generator turbine fan won't be nearly as efficient as a modern windmill propeller, whose blades aren't all that dis-similar to that in form (long span, short chord) and materials) carbon fiber) of a very efficient thermal competition glider. I'm sure technology learned by the wings of the latter has gone into the former.

    What makes the venturi "windmill" superior? I can see that it would be safer for predatory birds, many of which are dying from being struck while hunting around windmill farms, but I don't think it would be more efficient than a modern 'mill.

    Just my thoughts. I'm not trying to offend anyone. Have anyone tried placing a large venturi out in the open breezes and measured the results yet under real world conditions?


    I don't know about the RAMJET-IN-A-VENTURI idea either. Sure, the airflow at the narrowest point is increased in velocity, but there's also that significant drop in pressure, negating any benefits of the former for the internally mounted engine. The airflow reaching the front of the ramjet would be moving faster, but at a lower pressure and so will not result in more air being compressed into the engine. It might even lose power.

    Ramjets rely on the air being forced and compressed under pressure into it's inlet for proper operation. Lower air pressure, such as that encountered at higher altitudes (or at the venturi's throat) result in less jet engine power output. Said aircraft jet engines have to fly faster in thinner air to achieve the same power. There is no power gain.

    Last edited by AirDOGGe; 06-05-2011, 12:06 AM.

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  • Feliks

    Complete Patent Searching Database and Patent Data Analytics Services.


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  • Feliks

    Originally posted by Feliks

    On the pictures below you can see how small the venturi nozzle is to drive the gyroscopes in the strands. My finger and applied on the next hand, illustrate the size of the venturi tube. It is almost equal to the diameter of my finger. Now, please imagine how much energy to give the fan with the same diameter of my finger...

    Regards Andrew
    A venturi tube so small as my finger is able to propel a large heavy rotating disk gyroscope air to 10 000 RPM, and even walk through the air filter....

    Since the gyroscope can be power, relatively high compared to the diameter of the venturi tubes (1 ") and he has the 2 ", then maybe you can do in F1 KERS Venturi "?
    The air sucked into the engine can be sucked through a venturi tube so, resulting in a negative pressure to drive the gyroscope, which will keep energy....:tsk

    That would be something like a turbine gives energy, but the intake pipe. Turbo

    Regards Andrew

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  • Feliks

    Lesson Two: in terms of fundamental historical

    Venturitubes 1937.pdf

    On the pictures below you can see how small the venturi nozzle is to drive the gyroscopes in the strands. My finger and applied on the next hand, illustrate the size of the venturi tube. It is almost equal to the diameter of my finger. Now, please imagine how much energy to give the fan with the same diameter of my finger...

    Since the narrowest point of the venturi tube, we can easily get up to 10 times higher air velocity, we can mount the engine behind the jet frame, which at high speeds the inlet has a good performance.
    For example, you can mount an engine on an Tourist Plane, which reaches 200 km / h at the entrance to the RAM JET would be about 2000 km / h....
    This will generate additional good sequence, using a very simple engine ( or two )

    Regards Andrew

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  • Feliks

    Originally posted by Juke View Post
    What would this solve better than the normal windmill ?
    "The gain in kinetic energy resulting from the increased linear velocity in the throat is offset (i.e., balanced) by the decrease of pressure in the throat. The reduction in pressure which occurs when the fluid flows through the throat is called the Venturi effect and is named after the Italian physicist Giovanni Battista Venturi (1746 - 1822) who first observed the effect."

    Animation showing how using venturi nozzle drives the gyroscope to the flight instruments. Historically, the aircraft was not an electric current...
    But now, if we do the jets in the right size, we thus also powered electric generator...

    Even used a double Venturi nozzle, in order to increase the vacuum to best drive "turbine"

    Last edited by Feliks; 05-27-2011, 12:53 PM.

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  • First time Juke

    What would this solve better than the normal windmill ?

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  • Feliks

    "The Non-Undergroud Windmill"

    This is Homer. Now you can safely drink, because he knows the underground fan will give him a lot cheaper green energy.
    It can use an underground windmill used an old engine, for example, the Harrier. Or the same fan.

    Regards Andrew

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  • Feliks

    The Underground Windmill.

    Underground windmills will be an really new alternative to the Atom

    Regards Andrew

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  • Feliks

    he wind energy. Harrier is driven by the wind, the helicopter also...In order to receive a flow venturi nozzle which is in the engine Harier ( 200 KG / sec ), then you need only 6 meters in diameter and 25 length.... and 5 m / sec wind...

    With the movement of 200 Kg / sec Harrier has a string of 10 000 KG....

    Another way to go. The narrowest point is less Venturiego nozzle pressure. It's like found in the center of the lowlands of atmospheric ( weather ). This causes larger than hurricanes weather.
    Except that here we have a much shorter way from the boom to the lowlands....
    Huricane flows from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure.


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  • Feliks

    Originally posted by AirDOGGe View Post
    If you like unique powerplants, vehicles and other unusual machines, then you'll LOVE this site. There's even a 'vibratory' steam engine that resembles that 'half-rotate' engine in your animation:

    The Museum Of Retro-Technology
    Douglas Self, audio design, Subjectivism, Combat Cutlery, Compressed-Air Amplifiers, ElectroMechanical Amplifiers, optical telegraphs, Auxetophone, heliographs, voicepipes, Monowheels, Diwheels, Schilovski Gyrocar, Gyrocars, Brennan Gyro-Monorail, Steam-Powered Bicycles, Rocket-Powered Bicycles, Unusual Bicycles, Unusual Tricycles, Quadcycles, quadricycles, Steam Lawnmowers, Steam Aeroplanes, Unusual Steam Locomotives, Armoured Narrowboat, Jet-Propelled Paddleboat, Helicogyre, Cyclogyro, Propeller-Driven Car, Propeller-Driven Sleigh, Propellor-Driven Locomotives, Compressed-Air Vehicles, Rotating Steam Boilers, Internal Combustion Boiler, Rotary Steam Engines, Tower Spherical Engine, Disc Engines, Vibratory Steam Engines, Parsons Epicyclic Engine, Rotary Internal Combustion Engines, Axial IC engines, Cam engines, Rotary Valve IC Engines, High-Speed Steam Engines, Uniflow Steam Engines, Still Steam-Diesel Engine, Ammonia Motor, Zeromotor, Boiling Petrol, Alcohol Motor, Carbon Disulphide Engines, Soda Engines, Carbonic Acid Engines, Odd Working Fluids, Ether Engines, Water Engines, Water Motors, Thermomagnetic Motors, Clockwork, Dog Engine, Electromagnetic Engines, Mechanical Rectification, Thermo-Electric Generators, Gearwheels From Hell, Electrostatic Boiler, Aerosteam engine, Square piston engine, Perfect, Tye, Roswell

    Thanks for the link. Good place. Each inventor must know the story well.

    "Twin Feliks"

    Big air cooled

    Small air cooled

    And "Stephenson second"

    And story this inventions "step by step"
    Story half rotate engine

    Save these PDF files on your computer and print. These are drawings of the 2-liter engine on a scale of 1: 1

    No coments.....

    Regards Andrew

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  • AirDOGGe

    If you like unique powerplants, vehicles and other unusual machines, then you'll LOVE this site. There's even a 'vibratory' steam engine that resembles that 'half-rotate' engine in your animation:

    The Museum Of Retro-Technology
    Douglas Self, audio design, Subjectivism, Combat Cutlery, Compressed-Air Amplifiers, ElectroMechanical Amplifiers, optical telegraphs, Auxetophone, heliographs, voicepipes, Monowheels, Diwheels, Schilovski Gyrocar, Gyrocars, Brennan Gyro-Monorail, Steam-Powered Bicycles, Rocket-Powered Bicycles, Unusual Bicycles, Unusual Tricycles, Quadcycles, quadricycles, Steam Lawnmowers, Steam Aeroplanes, Unusual Steam Locomotives, Armoured Narrowboat, Jet-Propelled Paddleboat, Helicogyre, Cyclogyro, Propeller-Driven Car, Propeller-Driven Sleigh, Propellor-Driven Locomotives, Compressed-Air Vehicles, Rotating Steam Boilers, Internal Combustion Boiler, Rotary Steam Engines, Tower Spherical Engine, Disc Engines, Vibratory Steam Engines, Parsons Epicyclic Engine, Rotary Internal Combustion Engines, Axial IC engines, Cam engines, Rotary Valve IC Engines, High-Speed Steam Engines, Uniflow Steam Engines, Still Steam-Diesel Engine, Ammonia Motor, Zeromotor, Boiling Petrol, Alcohol Motor, Carbon Disulphide Engines, Soda Engines, Carbonic Acid Engines, Odd Working Fluids, Ether Engines, Water Engines, Water Motors, Thermomagnetic Motors, Clockwork, Dog Engine, Electromagnetic Engines, Mechanical Rectification, Thermo-Electric Generators, Gearwheels From Hell, Electrostatic Boiler, Aerosteam engine, Square piston engine, Perfect, Tye, Roswell

    Last edited by AirDOGGe; 02-17-2011, 07:37 PM.

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  • Feliks

    New animations half rotate engine:

    And in scale 1:1 350 ccm intake volume: Save file

    or" Twin Feliks "

    or other new idea...

    The cylinder can be made from an aluminum extrude...

    Regards Andrew

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