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  • #91

    Well, maybe but the full electric version:
    These eight electric motors:

    Now just: 8 electric motors, ie 2, 3 / 4 Lbs each battery X 8 pieces = 22Lbs (~ 10 kg) and can fly for 5 minutes. That is 132 lbs ( 66kg ) meringue can fly 30 minutes at full load... Weight of motors is 132 16 = 148 lbs (74 kg) fuel + engines.

    Weight of the traditional system of propulsion engine of CRE MZ202 is 38 kg, the transmission of about 15 kg, 5 gallons of fuel to the tank about 20 kg, the total weight of 72 kg and the propulsion flight time 1 hour..
    When you subtract the tail rotor 20 kg to obtain also a similar range..

    Until you can control the direction of these one additional electric motors, administer, only a little smaller.

    And this looks like a traditional electric version of the aircraft

    Bumblebee Andrew

    I have no problems with leaking oil...


    • #92

      The BMW M12/13 motor as used in the brabham had a BMEP of over 1000psi.


      • #93

        I think that also the propeller airplanes can replenish the idea of ​​Heron's Jet Propeller. The latest toy modelers have superior features, and you may use them for "big air ".
        Well let us take a small aircraft engine Rotax 447 to 44 Nm of torque. On the axis of the propeller must gear, have twice as large, ie ~ ~ 100 Nm (10 kgm ). Przytakim driving the propeller with a diameter of 1700 mm will be to spin it properly and give the appropriate string.
        So at the end of a single turbine on the arm of Heron 's say a length of 500 mm have a string 200N (20 kg), and two shoulders at 100 N (10 kg). Then we were given the same torque on the propeller, which gives the Rotax engine.

        After putting two turbines, modeling of over 10 kg (100 N), we get a replacement Rotax engine.
        They even have the parameters several times larger than we need for this example.
        Well, the weight of the drive unit will be cheaper too many times, what in aviation is crucial

        It turns out that we already have a fairly large selection of gas turbine engines such

        AMT Netherlands (Advanced Micro Turbines) designs, develops and manufactures small gas turbines for the propulsion of radio-controlled flying aircraft. Study's are also undertaken to put our turbines in other aplications like auxiliary power units, and remote heat and power generators. AMT is totally committed to the continual development of the efficiency and safety of the miniature gas turbine motors, and associated equipment, that we supply. Quality control is strictly maintained, and every turbine is assembled, by hand, by our skilled engineers and stringently tested before despatch to ensure that it meets design specifications. Prospective and existing customers are welcome to visit either of our offices by prior arrangement.

        And of course we have also quite a large number of electric motors to drive the turbines of jet aircraft models, whose parameters are such that we can use them in Heron's propeller well. Their parameters and parameters of the battery used in development Propeller Heron, causes them to become competitive with conventional engines

        They can be used in this exemplary model propeller Heron

        After viewing a few videos of models turbuny aircraft, I saw that these turbines do not have to be at the end of the model, and may be in the middle, and the aid of additional exhaust pipes just flies out of the model.

        Jetcat turbine kerozene start-up. This is a new engine... second start with sucess!!!

        From this reason, and my solution also applied this collective pipe, which is separated into 4 and changes the direction of exhaust gas.
        Thanks to this, quite seriously improves the design Propellers Heron....

        And weight in relation to the Rotax is 10 times less...
        So that is similar in other much larger propeller propulsion system also...

        Regards Andrew


        • #94

          This is the first contemporary working model turbines Heron.
          * This photo accessories in my Low Budget Institute:

          And this movie works as a turbine

          Regards Andrew


          • #95
            Re: ROLLS-ROYCE CRECY

            Yes, but even here motorcycle without an the traditional engine.......



            • #96
              Re: ROLLS-ROYCE CRECY

              Here, the view from the other side



              • #97
                Re: ROLLS-ROYCE CRECY

                I published once the South African forum.

                Perhaps, someone saw it.
                Here it is made and the working prototype engine half rotate. Only this power way and grinding cylindrer....
                But it is works....

                Regards Andrew


                • #98
                  Re: ROLLS-ROYCE CRECY

                  Tt looks exactly like the good ,old vane pump



                  • #99
                    Re: ROLLS-ROYCE CRECY

                    Next Percival - it is too Heron
                    But all helicopters this typy such defects were....

                    Seems to me that the project Herons Apache version "FEL -X" will not have these disadvantages, and will be missing heavy and very unreliable gear....



                    • Re: ROLLS-ROYCE CRECY

                      Here are a few solutions that can some of the problems to solve..

                      Surely you will need to test them in practice, before se makes the right decisions as to the shape of the structure of the drive.
                      Perhaps such a solution with a single tube might be the most efficient, because it will most laminar flow

                      Or a Cutter Heron

                      Of course, a whole can be properly enclosed guard areodynamic...

                      Well, here an example, if the electric drive can also adapt to the helicopter. Turbine itself would be inside the helicopter, but it would not be permanently linked to the rotor, so that no torque moved...

                      It is air- gear drive



                      • Re: ROLLS-ROYCE CRECY



                        • Re: ROLLS-ROYCE CRECY

                          A very delicate matter:



                          • Re: ROLLS-ROYCE CRECY

                            Ok, ok , but why write " is invented by a German scientist."????

                            And you do not need to share the head of the block, because the valves go up and not down.

                            Regards Andrew


                            • Re: ROLLS-ROYCE CRECY

                              I was with my friends in the Museum of aviation again. "I'd like him to show this demo in which the effect of the vacuum State at the top of the wings, which blows the wind from the fan, the ball is sucked in by a transparent tube

                              provided in the middle of the wings and a peg that pops up on the wing.

                              Doing this experience again, so your friend can see it, I am surprised that the ball a is NOT sucked in tube!!

                              It is that this experience has been vandalized, and the ball is sucked on

                              Vandalized based on this, with a transparent tube to the bottom was several times the seeds.

                              But this was not the reason for the lack of vacuum in the tube.
                              After arrives home, thoroughly by looking at the about the well running the show.

                              Background The Red Baron WindmillAntygravity :)by Feliks

                              I noticed that the tube on the film extends over the upper surface of the wings have 70 mm
                              The vandalizet show the tube was brought down to equality with the upper surface of the wing.
                              And this was the main reason for the lack of vacuum in the tube !
                              Simply air her upper surface of the wing, when it encounters a simple hole in the wing, just get it and seeking to keep the pipes, eliminates any vacuum in it.!!

                              That is, that the ball could be the suck by the vacuum arising at the top of the wings, in this case the pipe must extend over the upper surface of the wing by about 70 mm !!!

                              When this tube does not extend, this does not transmit its down this vacuum, even in the smallest degree.

                              Why is this, explain the following drawings:

                              Yes so we are one of the one cases where due to vandalism, we fully the specificities of of the Red Baron Windmill...

                              According to estimates, the surface of the wing of a 100 m square, with a wind speed of 30 km\/h can produce approximately 750 KG lift.
                              To get 100 KG of thrust of the propeller to the ultralight trike, the engine must have a power of about 50 KW
                              You can take also denied that the 100 KG over da US 50 KW electrical Dynamo.
                              Which had managed to seize the entire lift such 100 m ^ 2 wings which is 750 KG, a power Dynamo would be 300 KW.

                              The Windmill of the Red Baron 100 m x 30 m = 3000 m ^ 2 and this will give us the 9000 KW.

                              Now you can build 10 such wings one above with which 30000 m ^ 2 = 90 MW.

                              No and now depends on how many% of this theoretical power we capture this lift and exchange it into electrical current.

                              Regards Andrew


                              • Re: ROLLS-ROYCE CRECY

                                A can so ...


