Affable, genial, soft-spoken, Ron Buccarelli...husband, father, son, and pilot of one of the fastest racing planes in the entire world - Precious Metal - # 38:
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Pre Race Images x 2
Pre Race Images
The Flying Dutchman, Race 6, is out of Hollister, California. Dan Martin is flying the aircraft this year. Do note that this is the former race number of the late John Crocker, and his Race 6, the North American P-51D Mustang hybrid, "Sumthin' Else" (is Ms. 'O'), which the 1979 National Champion named for his wife Olivia:
Pre Race Images
Curt Brown and Lee Behel converse before climbing aboard their L-39 Albatros jets for a practice run before the races. Brown flies Race 5, "American Spirt," while Behel flies Race 7, "L-39." You know, those Sport Class guys sure have a hard time coming up with names for their planes! :