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Props & Spinners

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  • #16
    Re: Props & Spinners

    Originally posted by Peashooter
    My contribution to P&S. Oh, and a Bear P-3 prop retrospective. Peas
    Ah, the ol' 3-blade days. Side by side in your photos it's obvious what a huge change it was to go with a 4-blade prop. Speaking of which, did somebody sew up a new set of covers for the Bear's 4-blader? Those blades lost a lot of weight and needed a whole new set of clothes.


    • #17
      Re: Props & Spinners

      lol hey matt it looks just like you lol they got your good side how do i get a job on a unlimited???? Great photos every one


      • #18
        Re: Props & Spinners

        This one's more about Nose Art, Props & Spinners, but it's worth it!
        Attached Files
        Rutan Long EZ, N-LONG
        World Speed Record Holder


        • #19
          Re: Props & Spinners

          Originally posted by rpzo
          Wow, all great stuff!
          Here is a couple more.
          Rick: Did you take your Bear shot on Friday AM after the test flight? We were just to your left if so on "the dark side." Peas
          Rutan Long EZ, N-LONG
          World Speed Record Holder


          • #20
            Re: Props & Spinners

            How about a Seafire with counter rotating,
            Attached Files


            • #21
              Re: Props & Spinners

              im all for making the bear go faster, but the 3 blade prop looked mean, sounded better too
              Todd Smith


              • #22
                Re: Props & Spinners

                Originally posted by tex-fan
                How about a Seafire with counter rotating,
                WOW! Where on earth is that little gem?


                • #23
                  Re: Props & Spinners

                  Click here for about 2 dozen pics.

                  Nelson Ezell restored it. [ground up] I have seen it in different stages of restoration. So I thought these photos and this thread was pretty cool.
                  P.S. you just can't beleive how prefect this plane is from the inside out unless you saw it.


                  • #24
                    Re: Props & Spinners

                    Rick: Did you take your Bear shot on Friday AM after the test flight? We were just to your left if so on "the dark side."

                    Yep, that shot was on Friday morning just after he taxied back in. If I had know you were there I would have said hello.

                    This one's more about Nose Art, Props & Spinners, but it's worth it!
                    Nose art? Do I sense the next photo theme coming up?



                    • #25
                      Re: Props & Spinners

                      Wow guys.. keep it coming, kewl stuff! I haven't had time to check this thread since it first started... geez! Great idea Rick!


                      (humn... I think I need to change my avitar... anybody got any funny <no copyright> bald guy things???? )
                      Wayne Sagar
                      "Pusher of Electrons"


                      • #26
                        Re: Props &amp; Spinners

                        One more for the road...

                        I think I have exhausted my of prop shots from this years event.

                        Hey tex-fan.

                        Where is Nelson Ezell based out of? I've got a trip to Texas coming up in a couple of weeks and am thinking a little side trip might be in order.

                        Attached Files


                        • #27
                          Re: Props &amp; Spinners

                          Nelson's shop is at the Breckenridge, Tx airport {north central tx}. He is open most week days. I have been there many times and even though I don't know him personally, he has never ran me off, or not answered any of my questions. I try not to hang around too long because he and his crew are always very busy. But he seems to be a very nice guy. Howard Pardue has his muesum there also, but I have never caught it open or been able to meet Howard. I have a bussiness in Graham [very near there] if you come through there stop by I'll buy buy you a cup of coffee. Have a good trip.


                          • #28
                            Re: Props &amp; Spinners

                            Exhaust stacks anyone? BTW, who painted Sept. Fury. MB & Race 232 win the Concoure award in my book. Peas
                            Attached Files
                            Rutan Long EZ, N-LONG
                            World Speed Record Holder


                            • #29
                              Re: Props &amp; Spinners

                              Originally posted by thunderstangfan
                              im all for making the bear go faster, but the 3 blade prop looked mean, sounded better too
                              Yes, I missed the C-130-type rumble form the Bear's P-3 prop. I know on smaller planes that more blades mean better takeoff and climb performance, while fewer yield better cruise. In older posts they've said that with the 4-bladed prop, the Bear gets better handling and more pull through the nearly constant, g-loaded turn of the shorter course, while giving up some straight-line speed. In his Air Classics article about racing the Bear with the P-3 prop, John Penney talked about massive rudder forces required in the turns -- like 80-90 pounds!

                              Step on it, Newt!
                              Rutan Long EZ, N-LONG
                              World Speed Record Holder


                              • #30
                                Re: Props &amp; Spinners

                                Exhaust stacks?? Peas., that's not fair you posted your September Fury close up before I could process mine.
                                Attached Files

