Re: 2013 Rules Of Competition
I know what Toldjaso said was sarcasm, I get that, and him.
I was just quoting The FAR's in RARA's new rules. In case you missed that part of the new rules;
"Any prospective Experimental race aircraft that has undergone
one or more major modifications (FAR21 Section 21.93{a}) or major alterations (FAR 1.1), or any new
Experimental race aircraft must comply with the following requirements
No later than March 1 of each year (May1 for race year 2013), an owner/operator
desiring to participate in that year’s NCAR must notify its appropriate Race Class that
his/her aircraft is a new race aircraft or a prior race aircraft with one or more
modification(s)/alteration(s). The Race Class will immediately notify RARA Operations
of the new aircraft’s performance, or the specifics of the
major modification(s)/alteration(s)made to a returning aircraft.
The notification will include the name, telephone number and email address of the FSDO who will be
overseeing the flight test, data analysis, and certification of a new or modified race aircraft.
RARA Operations will notify the RARA Maintenance Coordinator who will advise the Reno
FSDO that a new race aircraft or an aircraft with a major modification/alteration has
requested authorization to compete in an upcoming NCAR. This notification will
include a copy of the data package provided by the owner/operator and/or the Race Class.
The Reno FSDO will establish contact with the geographically responsible
FSDO where flight testing will be performed.
Together, the FSDO personnel shall ensure the proposed engineering evaluation, including flight demonstrations and analysis within the anticipated flight envelope for the aircraft, will meet the RARA eligibility requirements. If RARA and the Reno FSDO do not agree that the presented
material is adequate for race approval, the owner/operator may be given an
opportunity to provide additional justification.
All race aircraft seeking authorization to participate in a NCAR must be designed to
acceptable structural design criteria to meet the limiting load factors as specified by
the appropriate Race Class.
A flight flutter analysis, test plan, and test results will be submitted to verify that the
aircraft will safely operate within the structural limits and not be in the flutter region at
anticipated race speeds and load factors within the anticipated race flight envelope."
I don't see where "How many "stock" warbirds are true to the type cert?" is relative.
What is relative is what the FAR's say in a minor or major mod, and what testing RARA says
now must be done under the new rules.
Unless you think RARA added this just for fun and it doesn't apply to warbirds, stock or not.
Originally posted by Wild Bill Kelso
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I know what Toldjaso said was sarcasm, I get that, and him.
I was just quoting The FAR's in RARA's new rules. In case you missed that part of the new rules;
"Any prospective Experimental race aircraft that has undergone
one or more major modifications (FAR21 Section 21.93{a}) or major alterations (FAR 1.1), or any new
Experimental race aircraft must comply with the following requirements
No later than March 1 of each year (May1 for race year 2013), an owner/operator
desiring to participate in that year’s NCAR must notify its appropriate Race Class that
his/her aircraft is a new race aircraft or a prior race aircraft with one or more
modification(s)/alteration(s). The Race Class will immediately notify RARA Operations
of the new aircraft’s performance, or the specifics of the
major modification(s)/alteration(s)made to a returning aircraft.
The notification will include the name, telephone number and email address of the FSDO who will be
overseeing the flight test, data analysis, and certification of a new or modified race aircraft.
RARA Operations will notify the RARA Maintenance Coordinator who will advise the Reno
FSDO that a new race aircraft or an aircraft with a major modification/alteration has
requested authorization to compete in an upcoming NCAR. This notification will
include a copy of the data package provided by the owner/operator and/or the Race Class.
The Reno FSDO will establish contact with the geographically responsible
FSDO where flight testing will be performed.
Together, the FSDO personnel shall ensure the proposed engineering evaluation, including flight demonstrations and analysis within the anticipated flight envelope for the aircraft, will meet the RARA eligibility requirements. If RARA and the Reno FSDO do not agree that the presented
material is adequate for race approval, the owner/operator may be given an
opportunity to provide additional justification.
All race aircraft seeking authorization to participate in a NCAR must be designed to
acceptable structural design criteria to meet the limiting load factors as specified by
the appropriate Race Class.
A flight flutter analysis, test plan, and test results will be submitted to verify that the
aircraft will safely operate within the structural limits and not be in the flutter region at
anticipated race speeds and load factors within the anticipated race flight envelope."
I don't see where "How many "stock" warbirds are true to the type cert?" is relative.
What is relative is what the FAR's say in a minor or major mod, and what testing RARA says
now must be done under the new rules.
Unless you think RARA added this just for fun and it doesn't apply to warbirds, stock or not.