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Today's Announcement from RARA

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  • #16
    Re: Today's Announcement from RARA

    What I meant..........was.............hopefully everyone will be behind you as you lead the pack, so you'll only need a camera facing to the rear.



    • #17
      Re: Today's Announcement from RARA

      Originally posted by supercub View Post
      What I meant..........was.............hopefully everyone will be behind you as you lead the pack, so you'll only need a camera facing to the rear.

      Oh I got ya! I'm just saying if our underdog asses win this thing people are going to digg'n!


      • #18
        Re: Today's Announcement from RARA

        Originally posted by Wild Bill Kelso View Post
        ....I'm just saying if our underdog asses win this thing.....
        Ya'know.. I don't give a crap if there are 16 or 26 airplanes, you guys alone would make the trip worth it! PM goes up every other day or so and tries to beat her last speed.... I'm buyin'!

        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #19
          Re: Today's Announcement from RARA

          Thanks Wayno! In light of all the bad ****vthat has happened since 2011 someone has to drive home one thing... hope!


          • #20
            Re: Today's Announcement from RARA

            Originally posted by Wild Bill Kelso View Post
            Thanks Wayno! In light of all the bad ****that has happened since 2011 someone has to drive home one thing... hope!
            Your response made me think.. I'm pretty sure that not many of us are really thinking about how tenuous the position of the sport is at this time! I really do get where JCP is coming from, and I'd wager there are other owners who are feeling the same trepidation about committing to RENO...

            We did successfully pull off RENO 2012.. A lot of us were pretty surprised that this even happened. We're going to have a RENO 2013 but whether we have a RENO 2014 and beyond is going to depend on how well RENO 2013 does...

            Pretty easy for me to sit here and type about spending someone else's dollars! But I sure hope everyone's questions get answered and we all get to see each other this year.. Like Kerch has always said. "Reno is about the people"..

            Thanks for keeping it fun guys!
            Wayne Sagar
            "Pusher of Electrons"


            • #21
              Re: Today's Announcement from RARA

              Yep I understand too. In air racing and all other forms of racing I have dove it has happened before and it will happen again. In my world don't let it get in the way of the job. Getting the driver, rider, pilot home safe after Sundy.


              • #22
                Re: Today's Announcement from RARA

                Originally posted by johnnyrace View Post
                16 Unlimited Entries with "more to come"...Hope so.

                I hate to focus on my own selfishness as a fan and crew member , but the last two years have been the most stressful, complex, confusing, and vague regarding this event in history...Of course after the tragedy at 2011 it is a miracle it's still happening at all and I totally understood why 2012 was up in the air (no pun intended) , but I am amazed at the constant politicking and games that are still being played at this late date for 2013...With this being the 50th Anniversary I would expect it to be a very special event with the field to be LARGER than ever before... I would think many who maybe have not participated in recent years or ever before would want to come, and some others would also put aside personal issues and want to take part as well.

                Its very apparent that the safety issue is severe enough to make many unwilling to bend as their lives are obviously more important than the success of the Reno Air Races...I was under the impression there was a compromise in the "new rules" to alleviate some of those concerns and to help insure a full field...It obviously was not quite the fix that was needed (serious question...has anyone seen the"new rules" yet?)...I understand there are many agency's and people that have had to come together on agreements to make the "new rules" acceptable to as many as possible, but I hate to say that it all has the feel of a slow death for this event.

                Yes I have read all of RARA's announcements and they are certainly doing their best to keep the excitement alive, but what else can they do?...Of course they are pumping up the rhetoric to get the fans asses in the seats, and I would expect the fans to respond by showing up...But if the fans do show up and RARA provides them with a half assed event with races consisting of 4 or 5 airplanes per race (I am referring to Unlimiteds here though the Jets and Sport classes are also certainly affected) or fewer classes due to an anemic entry turn out, how many of those fans will show up the next year?...How many will use their only vacation for the year to see a shadow of what this event once was?...2012 was already very light regarding crowd turn out and it certainly must put stress on RARA to keep it going...Most loyal fans will always show up, but the majority of fans are still one offs or occasional attendees so if you provide them with less than what would even be a normal National Championship Air Races on the 50th Anniversary, I fear the repercussions will be devastating...Now I know this event is more than just "Unlimiteds" , but we all know that they bring in a significant portion of the fan base...I am holding out hope that the field increases significantly from the 16 that are currently entered...Or have I missed a big point regarding the new UWRC ?...Do other warbirds that would race in a Medallion or Bronze class constitute a different group of racers?...Are the 16 entries so far racing only for Gold so the Silver and Bronze would still be full with the others?

                I am sure I am likely over reacting so I apologize in advance...I am sure come September I will be there with a big ole smile on my face as usual...But I am certainly getting weary of feeling concern due to the smattering of actual information and reading the obvious discontentment from guys Like JCP of whom we would ALL love to see on the ramp...Many fans are basing their decisions to attend on the info they get here on AAFO and from RARA...With two months to go time is getting short and more questions need answering...Thanks for reading my hopefully needless head was about to explode.
                Unfortunately, the fact remains, the last few years we have seen the "Golden Age" generation of pilots and planes dwindle significantly, the number of potential pilots and planes just aren't available any longer, regardless of safety, rules and the purse.

                Dont get me wrong, 16 UNL's is still a strong enough number for me to quit my job and get my ass to Mecca!

                See you on the ramp
                "dont believe ANYTHING you hear and about HALF of what you see"...................J. Mott 1994


                • #23
                  Re: Today's Announcement from RARA

                  RARA keeps saying they have a record amount of aircraft...and I'll bet you the unlimited field ends up way over 16.


                  • #24
                    Re: Today's Announcement from RARA

                    Originally posted by sierra fox View Post
                    Unfortunately, the fact remains, the last few years we have seen the "Golden Age" generation of pilots and planes dwindle significantly, the number of potential pilots and planes just aren't available any longer, regardless of safety, rules and the purse.

                    Dont get me wrong, 16 UNL's is still a strong enough number for me to quit my job and get my ass to Mecca!

                    See you on the ramp
                    You betcha! I was outside mowin' the lawn and someone was just flyin laps in their garden-variety Piper. Just the sound of a prop cuttin' the air gave me goose-bumps. It's like a siren-song. Irresistable. Even if it was the aeronautic equivalent of Ali-Forman and it was just a knock-down/drag-out fight between Strega and know where I'll be. Yup, I'll see you on the ramp


                    • #25
                      Re: Today's Announcement from RARA

                      Originally posted by ChrisMX105 View Post
                      I wonder if anything will change once the rules and purse are published......
                      I will be quite surprised if everyone stays in after this happens. The information I have only looks good for a looks real bleak for the rest. I think it's going to depend on the individual and their rational for bringing their Warbird there. We no longer have a group to represent or advocate for us (under 400mph) and are basically on our own.

                      I'd like to say more about some things I've learned, but I learned them in a private conversation.

                      We will all know the same things when we finally see what is published by RARA.



                      • #26
                        Re: Today's Announcement from RARA

                        Originally posted by JCP View Post
                        I will be quite surprised if everyone stays in after this happens. The information I have only looks good for a looks real bleak for the rest. I think it's going to depend on the individual and their rational for bringing their Warbird there. We no longer have a group to represent or advocate for us (under 400mph) and are basically on our own.

                        I'd like to say more about some things I've learned, but I learned them in a private conversation.

                        We will all know the same things when we finally see what is published by RARA.

                        Unlimited & Warbird class doesn't represent warbirds?

