Can you do me a favor? If you check your email you'll find this info a duplicate.
On Thursday 11/13/03, John Penny in 77 and John Parker in 351 will depart Reno for Nellis. The plan is fly in form to Nellis and I THINK do some fly-bys upon arrival.
Your mission, if you chose to accept, is to get some shots of them. This is of course weather and other unplanned difficulties dependent. But give it a shot will ya...
dun dun da da dun dun da da ....
On Thursday 11/13/03, John Penny in 77 and John Parker in 351 will depart Reno for Nellis. The plan is fly in form to Nellis and I THINK do some fly-bys upon arrival.
Your mission, if you chose to accept, is to get some shots of them. This is of course weather and other unplanned difficulties dependent. But give it a shot will ya...
dun dun da da dun dun da da ....