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Aviation Nation 2003 Nellis AFB Las Vegas Air Show

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  • #31
    "The Look"

    If looks could kill...

    This Corporal was assigned to keep out the folks along the air race pit fence, between the pit and flightline.

    This young man was DEAD serious about his work! I asked him how his day was going and he sort of growled a "arrummnfinearrsirgrrarrum" back at me.. I answered "you'rd dong a great job" to which his answer, complete with a double lip curl, seen in the photo... "grrummnnarrruummbbulle" (I'm serious... he growled at me!)....

    I then asked, if I could take a photo of him with the racers in the background...


    This fellow is, in my mind, the epitomy of a DEADLY serious flight line security person. If I were a commander, I'd look for guys JUST like him..

    However, if I was looking for a buddy to go out for a few with... I'd make damn sure I bought all the rounds and did not step on his toes in any way shape or form!

    And just in case you're wondering, that strap around his shoulder is holding a loaded M-16 slung down and pointed at the crowd (via the ramp )

    If you see this fellow ANYWHERE.. DO NOT MESS WITH HIM! But do thank him for what he's doing along with all his brothers and sisters in arms!

    Attached Files
    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #32
      But If I Had a Son...

      You are correct on the intimmidation level these guys bring...but if I had a son, I would hope he would enlist and be like one of these guys, proud and confident of who they are and what they support and believe in....To me it's like seeing the Blue's or the Thunderbirds. Everytime I see them fly I think...."It's nice to know who is up watching while I sleep at night."

      Great job again on bringing it home for us.
      Randy Rheinschild


      • #33
        Re: grrrrrr....

        Originally posted by tvrphoto
        Another shot of security, albeit a different guy...he was a little nicer!
        Ahh.. I believe I met that one a day or three before and yes, he and the others I met that day were quite nice...

        I also agree with Randy. The fellow in my shot WAS intimidating! Indeed!

        NO WAY anyone would cross that fellow... just check the difference in their gear (note the extra ammo clip holder on my shot) and the way he's holding his weapon at the ready.

        He was guarding the flight line, and the Thunderbirds! So he was, indeed, "STRACK" on it and sharp as a tack! The epitomy of a SECURITY GUARD!

        I'm sure he makes his folks proud! (hope he can turn it off when he goes home... )

        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #34

          Good thing this guy was not at Reno when Houghton caught me out on the little photo platform without a press band on Tuesday!!


          • #35
            Re: Security

            Originally posted by T. Adams
            Good thing this guy was not at Reno when Houghton caught me out on the little photo platform without a press band on Tuesday!!
            LOL.. Tim, I think those of us who "complain" sometimes about "jeep nazi's" would have a real nightmare if we were dealing with SERIOUS security such as this fellow!!

            Bet that photo platform would be waaaaaay less crowded

            Wayne Sagar
            "Pusher of Electrons"


            • #36

              You caught it just right
              He was very SERIOUS and not to be distracted by anyone or anything! But then that's what we want for someone with his job.
              Attached Files


              • #37
                Nellis Air Show


                I think I'm about to catch my breath. What a week!

                I was about to post my pic of Dago taking off on Monday morning, but I can't compete with you "long lens" guys. (You know that usually means you're compensating for something)

                Monday came early, but not as early as the rest of the week, and I drove out to the line just as Dago pulled off. I stood there with Terry and a couple of the crew and snapped a digital pic, but I don't think it ranks up there with you guys.

                I'll stick to my video stuff, and just be happy with that.

                Great working with you again, and I hope to see you soon.

                Jeff Lee
                World of Wings Media Productions


                • #38
                  Hey Jeff, as always, a pleasure...

                  Speaking of your video stuff, the big screen production was absolutely TOP NOTCH all weekend long. Including the stuff at the T-Bird Hangar Party!

                  I'd LOVE to see some of the vid from the weekend, is there any way??

                  One Take Wayne
                  Wayne Sagar
                  "Pusher of Electrons"


                  • #39
                    Ridge Runner

                    I just posted some photos in the image forum. Thought I put a couple of the racers here. Dan Martin in Ridge Runner


                    • #40
                      Precious Metal

                      Precious Metal, low and fast!


                      • #41
                        Re: How precious!

                        Originally posted by tvrphoto
                        Precious Metal...just love that prop!
                        OK, how do you pros get the props where you want them? Luck skill, or a motorized film camera? Oh, and how do you hit the focus seemingly every time? The Dago shot beam-on is stunning. Peas
                        Rutan Long EZ, N-LONG
                        World Speed Record Holder


                        • #42
                          Re: Prop-stopping

                          Originally posted by tvrphoto
                          Although, the most common method used...and my favorite, is luck!
                          Hah! I was wondering when you'd get to that...

                          Course, there's also the method of "if 100 photos is good, certainly, 1000 is better" and so on and so on untill you wear out the shutter on your spendy digicam...

                          Wayne Sagar
                          "Pusher of Electrons"


                          • #43
                            Finally got resgistered on the forum.
                            Ditto on Aviation Nation. Still recovering, but a great week!
                            Everyone all pulled together, worked hard and did it! It was great meeting and driving some of the Aviation Legends as well as other journalists and photogs!
                            Great account from John Parker. Loved your photos


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Race 29
                              That IS a great shot! If no one has said it yet, THANK YOU for sharing such great pictures!

                              It's nice to see Dan Martin going is around the pylons again. If you get the chance, let us know who all showed up. And also, if you get the chance, get some sleep!!

                              Race 29
                              Hey there,
                              RE: IF-1's. For sure I know Scotty C, Gary Dalleske, Birch, Jay Jones, Dave R and Ed D were there. Both Gary and Scotty had their planes on display on Fremont St the week before.
                              It was a great show. Although I didn't really get to "hang out" in the pits until Sunday. We worked all week setting the show up. It was an awesume show. As Wayne said the racers had more chances to "relax" and visit. I am a writer, not a photog and I hesitate to put some of my pics up (even if I could figure out how to do it!). You all need to try and make it down to LAS next year.
                              Connie Pardew

