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  • Exposure

    To further the discussion on "what needs to be done". I am sitting here watching the U.S. Open Polo Championships on NBC. Now I like polo but you talk about a small target market and tight knit community!

    They are on a national network! What is it going to take to get our sport on track?

  • #2
    Re: Exposure

    Originally posted by wyhdah View Post
    To further the discussion on "what needs to be done". I am sitting here watching the U.S. Open Polo Championships on NBC. Now I like polo but you talk about a small target market and tight knit community!

    They are on a national network! What is it going to take to get our sport on track?
    "What's it going to take" Someone or some people with vision. You can't run any operation or business trying not to move forward or backward, just trying to staying the same. As far as I'm concerned RARA lives in a world all their own. In the past they haven't seen the health of the racers, owners and pilots as a concern of theirs.


    • #3
      Re: Exposure

      Holding more than one race, or hitting the air show circuit like Big_Jim suggested. Big money won't be thrown at an airplane that only spends one week outside its hangar in the eye of the public
      Last edited by Samuel; 06-22-2014, 11:29 AM.
      Random Air Blog


      • #4
        Re: Exposure

        Where is the marketing? They talk about paying people to do this. Where is it?! Besides our ads for Breitling that they pay for; where are the ads in flying magazines, posters in FBO's, and ads in mens magazines?


        • #5
          Re: Exposure

          "Tiger" tried to get a circuit going years ago but it didn't work out. Money Money Money. He has always promoted air racing & has taken "Strega" to many airshows up & down the Western States & then some.
          Lockheed Bob


          • #6
            Re: Exposure

            Lockheed Bob, you are right. Tiger, the Sanders, and even the Rare Bear back in the day, have done a good job of making it to a few of the West Coast airshows.

            Wild Bill, just to play devils advocate, is a national campaign really the right direction? I mean who in Florida is going to see an ad and then bring their airplane all the way to Reno to go racing? It is just to far to travel for most people. Seriously, I would guess the majority of the Reno attendees are from the West Coast. I agree that the promotion and marketing in this area is greatly lacking.
            Random Air Blog


            • #7
              Re: Exposure

              I'm talking about butts in seats not aircraft owners.


              • #8
                Re: Exposure

                Originally posted by Wild Bill Kelso View Post
                I'm talking about butts in seats not aircraft owners.
                I was being facetious about the aircraft owners. But realistically how many people will travel across the country for one weekend? I am just suggesting (and I have no idea if I am right) that the advertising, promotion, and marketing dollars might be better spent closer to home?
                Random Air Blog


                • #9
                  Re: Exposure

                  People come from all over the world for this thing! Ok I'll humor you a bit here. How many ads/have I seen in Northern Nevada and or California... Zero!


                  • #10
                    Re: Exposure

                    Originally posted by Samuel View Post
                    I was being facetious about the aircraft owners. But realistically how many people will travel across the country for one weekend? I am just suggesting (and I have no idea if I am right) that the advertising, promotion, and marketing dollars might be better spent closer to home?
                    In that light, how many people are going to travel from half way around the world to go to a children's park based on a cartoon mouse....? It's all in the marketing. The reason things have reached the point they are at now is the on-going insistence to advertise locally instead of nationally. In fact, if the focus was national, local would pretty much take care of itself.


                    • #11
                      Re: Exposure

                      I've seen half-page ads (with a nice Air-to-Air of Voodoo from last year) in the UK aviation magazines over the past couple of months.


                      • #12
                        Re: Exposure

                        Not really mainstream but here's a nice ad in EAA's eHotline.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	ad.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	121.5 KB
ID:	227676


                        • #13
                          Re: Exposure

                          Looking at Precious Metal's facebook, They posted a picture of Breitling's new billboard featuring PM and it didn't mention anything about Reno. A few people commented that it would be nice if they put Reno's dates since apparently there are a handful of these billboards on high traffic roads. Some of those commenters on that picture were probably you guys but just thought I would bring it up.
                          Reno from '99 to '23


                          • #14
                            Re: Exposure

                            Originally posted by GRNDP51 View Post
                            Looking at Precious Metal's facebook, They posted a picture of Breitling's new billboard featuring PM and it didn't mention anything about Reno. A few people commented that it would be nice if they put Reno's dates since apparently there are a handful of these billboards on high traffic roads. Some of those commenters on that picture were probably you guys but just thought I would bring it up.
                            Breitling's "World" isn't Reno, it's Aviation. Their website features a number of aircraft/ pilots......


                            • #15
                              Re: Exposure

                              Originally posted by LoveOldPlanes View Post
                              Breitling's "World" isn't Reno, it's Aviation. Their website features a number of aircraft/ pilots......
                              Well no if course it's not just Reno but a little detail about when the races are would probably be pretty helpful in advertising not only the races but also Breitling as they have that tent set up and probably sell a handful of watches over the weekend and if not they sure spark some interest maybe as a Christmas present about 3 month after the races. I know people who have bought Breitling watches because of the tent at Reno it would just be nice if Breitling made a small note on that huge billboard. Maybe even like "check out this aircraft Precious Metal at the Reno National Championship Air Races and pick up a watch while you're there" I don't know just thinking out loud but hey it's Breitling's choice
                              Reno from '99 to '23

