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First timers advice

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  • First timers advice

    Hi All,
    Finally after a lifetime of being an RAR Fan, I'm headed to the races this year. What advice can you lend an newbie regarding the races. I'm going Saturday and Sunday only. Seating? Viewing? Watching from out in the boonies? Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.......... GO TIGER GO!!!!

  • #2
    Re: First timers advice

    Originally posted by sctybdy View Post
    Hi All,
    Finally after a lifetime of being an RAR Fan, I'm headed to the races this year. What advice can you lend an newbie regarding the races. I'm going Saturday and Sunday only. Seating? Viewing? Watching from out in the boonies? Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.......... GO TIGER GO!!!!
    I'd go for reserved seats and pit pass, other than that, just soak it all in!

    Depending on your budget, buying in on a box might be something you'd enjoy.. Usually there are offers here for spaces which wind up not getting used...

    Stay at Circus Circus, some of the best rates in town and very easy to get in and out of (great parking) you're hooked by a walkway to several other casino's also..

    Glad you can make it this year!
    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #3
      Re: First timers advice

      If it's your first time, buy a general admission ticket and a pit pass on Saturday. Roam the pits all day--you can watch the races from the rail. Sunday, get another general admission ticket and watch from the stands. If you want to get the insane intro, go sit in Section 3 of the g.a. stands, but anywhere is good. Dress for weather anywhere between 90+ degree heat, to cold wind and can get it on the same day if you're (un)lucky.

      The key for a first timer is don't try to do too much. You'll probably get 25 people to respond here with 25 different answers of cool things to do, of what their personal 'favorites' are. But don't spoil the experience by trying to stuff 10 lbs of crap into a 5 lb bag. Do the pits one day, sit in the stand the next, and that experience alone should be enough to get you to come back again...and again.


      • #4
        Re: First timers advice

        Second to what Wayne and Brad have said so far...definitely go for the pit pass. It's worth it to see the planes and crews up close. Also be sure to check out the static display at the other end of the ramp. Many beautifully restored/maintained birds in that area.
        Welcome to the races!
        Mark Johnson
        Strega Fan since 1997


        • #5
          Re: First timers advice

          Pit Passes and watching from the rail where all the National Aviation Heritage Invitational planes are can be fun for a race
          Random Air Blog


          • #6
            Re: First timers advice

            Get an aweful aweful while your drunk at 2am in downtown Reno.


            • #7
              Re: First timers advice

              Yer gonna LOVE it. Seriously, the best show on Earth/really reasonable admission rates.. As advised make like your going camping...prepare for any weather. Sunscreen,hat,sunglasses and good shoes. Hit the pits. Great viewing from there. Soak it all in. I can guarantee you'll be back. See what you like and I'm bettin' you'll hit it for 4 days (or more) next year.


              • #8
                Re: First timers advice

                Originally posted by Wild Bill Kelso View Post
                Get an aweful aweful while your drunk at 2am in downtown Reno.
                You talking about that little hole in the wall just south of the arch on the west side of Virginia? I was hungry as hell first night down during PRS and could not find a decent place open.. then stumbled onto that place.. what a hoot! Didn't get the Aweful but next time!
                Wayne Sagar
                "Pusher of Electrons"


                • #9
                  Re: First timers advice

                  I would (and have) followed what Big Jim said... Solid advice... Only other thing I would say is, since you are only there a couple of race days... Don't spend all night in town drinking and gambling and ruining your day at the races.. You can drink and gamble anytime (and I do).. Get to the races early, have a few beers there, and stay late and enjoy the afternoon looking at planes and watching the Reno sun go down... Have a great time..!!!!


                  • #10
                    Re: First timers advice

                    Arrive as early in morning as you can. You can spend time talking with crews about plans and see dawn test flights.


                    • #11
                      Re: First timers advice

                      After hours photo ops. Always something intersting happenning around 6:00 PM, especially on Wednesday night. Some of the professional photographers hire photo-planes for shoots.


                      • #12
                        Re: First timers advice

                        Get in early to see the F-1s fly! Grab a cup of joe, watch the F-1 gold race early Sunday morning, head out the middle gate for the Scout troop pancake breakfast and be back inside in plenty of time to find seats if you choose the stands, or to get the latest ramp rat report in the pits. Early morning is also nice light for pit and ramp photography; something is always being run up.

                        If you camp out at the church you'll get the best wake up call in the world - dawn patrol test flights.

                        A word of caution if you tent camp though - it can get really windy. No-kidding tent stakes are a must.


                        • #13
                          Re: First timers advice

                          All good advice. Reno is a different experience for each person. It is tough to be everywhere you want to be when something is going on. I would recommend being there before 7:00. When it is over, hang around another hour. No sense in rushing out to sit in a traffic jam, and there is always something going on in the pits when the racing is over. Personally, I don't think I could ever sit in the stands again now that I've spent the last ten years in box seats. If you can afford them it is the way to go. The cooler pass saves us a ton of money and time standing in line for food and drink. It is also easier to stay huydrated on hot days when you have an ice chest full of water. As stated before, it can be hot as hell on day, and snowing the next. Plan for the worst of both. Layers are good, as is a hat! Walking shoes are a must, as is lots of sunscreen. Kind of plan your day. Pay attention to the schedule so you aren't in the wrong place to see something you wanted to watch. The airshow acts are pretty much the same every day, so I typically watch each act once in four days and use that time to be in the pits. If you haven't seen the F-22 demonstration you will want to be in your seat for that! Enjoy your fisrt year, and we'll see you again next year.


                          • #14
                            Re: First timers advice

                            I say daylight to WELL past dark!!!!!!
                            Bear..... and now Ghost Fever Forever...... John


                            • #15
                              Re: First timers advice

                              camp on site. Many cool things to be seen and heard after/before hours.

