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PERSPECTIVE - Aberle Vs Senegal

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  • PERSPECTIVE - Aberle Vs Senegal

    So..New records this year for both the Formula 1 class, and also the in the Biplane.

    Phantom and Aberle

    Endeavor and Senegal.

    Now, these aircraft race on the same course. But did you know the 'distance' used to measure each is different? Did you know that if the Biplane method was used on Senegal, that his qualifying lap speed would have been 280.219mph

    Also... put Aberle on the Formula method... and is 274 becomes...261.443

    Just for PERSPECTIVE...
    Again... they are the same course.

    Guys... the Formula 1's are still faster...


    - Joseph

  • #2
    Re: PERSPECTIVE - Aberle Vs Senegal

    Why would there be a different "Formula" if they run the same course??? do they factor the extra drag of the second wing????

    this is interesting

    inquiring minds....


    • #3
      Re: PERSPECTIVE - Aberle Vs Senegal

      I say we come up with a $1000, I would throw in a $100 and run a race to see which one is quickest. Thanks, KC


      • #4
        Re: PERSPECTIVE - Aberle Vs Senegal

        They calculate the supposed top speeds of said class, and G-Load, and figure an 'optimum' course path.

        The mileage (course distance posted), is not actual distance, put a theoretical figure.

        This has been in place for each class, since 2003.

        The actual distance of the course is right now (Both Biplane/F1) is 3.1193 miles.
        The actual distance was used Pre-2003.

        So if you are comparing speeds, to pre-'03 (Nemesis, for example)

        2014 Qualifying
        Endeavor: 261.570mph
        Phantom: 255.849mph

        You ask... why?
        It was a media ploy by RARA to put speeds over 500 in the papers.. Dago did... well...kinda.

        We still haven't really seen an official true 500
        But I'm waiting!

        - Joseph


        • #5
          Re: PERSPECTIVE - Aberle Vs Senegal

          Thank You for that Explanation......

          Very Good description


