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  • !

    Pretty exciting afternoon down in the Heritage pit area!!

    First of all, my brother, Allen Sprague, Big Al, who almost never posts here, brought his "new" 1965 V-tail nanza down for the show.

    He got in quite well, delivered his "cargo".. (later post!) and we drove him onto his next step in arrival, fill out the damn paperwork.. meanwhile, a T-28 with a smoke system had made a pass before Allen's arrival, smoke fully on.. (do we really need to make haze for photographers for no real reason other than we think the audience thinks it's necessary for a thrill?) then taxied in for positioning..

    Engine shut down, followed by immediate cowl fire.. QUICKLY building to a BIG F U C K I N G FIRE! Your's truly became one of a few who could not just watch and went on a seemingly futile search for a godamn fire bottle!

    As this drama unfolded, the Heritage Trophy Staff instructed the pilot to restart his engine to snuff out the fire.

    It sort of worked..

    After completely destroying my voice in an unsuccsful search for a fargin fire bottle, I jumped on my cart and headed for the nearest place I knew would have one...Alby Reddick's Air Classics.. as soon as I got to the gate, one of Alby's employees came into view running, carrying a heavy bottle on his shoulder we got him on the cart, sped him on scene and waited to see if the restart process would save the day..

    It did

    Farked my night to be sure!

    I do not have photos, as I was in the middle of it.. I will probably not sleep again tonight from this... Anyone know a legal way to quash anxiety attacks??
    Attached Files
    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"

  • #2
    Re: !

    Breathe, Wayner, just breathe.
    Kudos for your quick thinking and cool head.:thumbsup
    Last edited by ShermB; 09-11-2014, 05:03 AM.

