No music, uncut, start to finish. I added GPS groundspeed data as recorded by the GPS in my camera. Pretty sweet! Wish I had more instruments that logged more data. I couldn't figure out a way to display the small amount of engine data that I have.
It took me a few laps, but I found a way around Race #91. That was everything the airplane had, and all the pilot s#@t I know how to do.
After the first lap I knew I was in for a battle, one that the oil temperature wasn't going to like. So, after the first lap I pulled 100 RPM off and just used some energy management to try some things. Once I knew where he was good, and where I was good, I made my move. I wicked it back up to make my move and it eventually worked. Peaked the oil temp at 237 so it was a good thing I held it off for a bit.
It took me a few laps, but I found a way around Race #91. That was everything the airplane had, and all the pilot s#@t I know how to do.
After the first lap I knew I was in for a battle, one that the oil temperature wasn't going to like. So, after the first lap I pulled 100 RPM off and just used some energy management to try some things. Once I knew where he was good, and where I was good, I made my move. I wicked it back up to make my move and it eventually worked. Peaked the oil temp at 237 so it was a good thing I held it off for a bit.