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Beer Nazi Publishes a Book!

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  • Beer Nazi Publishes a Book!

    I know this is completely but, the United States education system is a wreck and getting worse... this book is IMPORTANT!

    I'm so excited for her! Her book is about teaching little boys, which she did for over 40 years before retiring a few years ago.. If you have boys in school, you're going to want to read this sucker.. it's spendy right now, the hardback is REALLY spendy, paperback, not so much.... but still Publisher sets price.. anyway, bursting with pride for her right now..

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"

  • #2
    Re: Beer Nazi Publishes a Book!

    That's awesome - so happy for both of you guys
    Mark K....


    • #3
      Re: Beer Nazi Publishes a Book!

      Holy Carp!

      It's a sellout!

      Not going to buy the yacht yet lol, don't know how many copies were run in first printing but it's actually sold out!

      She can't even get copies for her family.

      Linda "BN" is really a gifted lady and touched many young lives during her 40 plus years teaching kids.. she never had any of her own!

      But she had thousands!

      Really hope this takes off in a way that allows her to further spread her wisdom on the important subject of how in hell do we stop the degeneration of our kids in this country!

      Our education ratings are just embarrassing!

      Go Linda Gilliam and her book "Seven Steps To Help Boys Love School"!

      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"


      • #4
        Re: Beer Nazi Publishes a Book!

        Great Job.Without getting political(HA) . I hope the book opens up a lot of eyes as to what is happening to a lot of our children of today. Go Linda.
        Lockheed Bob

