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Will Dago Rise Again?

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  • #61
    Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

    And the mystery depends, Ask Brian Williams NBC News, what happens when you put your own spin on a story.

    Last edited by fastpace; 06-20-2015, 12:44 PM. Reason: missed words


    • #62
      Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

      Originally posted by Pylon1_Mark View Post
      You just have to keep in mind the original post.....

      1) just saw on facebook......
      much what is posted there is pure drama... one's "unique perspective" to put it kindly.
      2) Someone posted......
      just to remind everyone - not everything posted on the internet is true.
      3) that they heard......
      as my grandfather was fond of saying... never believe anything you hear and only 1/2 of what you see.
      People like to embellish stories, deliberately or not, and you really only ever see something from one perspective when you see it. If someone else see's the same thing, they may come to a completely different rational.

      From what I've read, there is a lot of conflicting info here - and I'm left with the conclusion that Steve has yet to see what's left of the Dago. The original post doesn't ring true. If so, why would (#4 post by Neal) he's looking for is photos of the INSIDE of the exit from the doghouse? If he would have visited, he could have easily just looked (that is, unless EH didn't want him to take a peek). And that's where it get's a bit sticky.....

      On a related note, I took a lot of pics during the building of September Fury.... with one shot in particular NOT for public disclosure. As M Brown said, "if they want that mod, let them pay an engineer $50+K to come up with the design - this is proprietary to the aircraft." Not a lot of folks know what's goin' on in the aft end of the Dago doghouse exit.... and being an ex-crew member I'm not going to be the one that talks about it. Now, if the current owner of the airframe gives his approval that's a totally different kettle of fish. It's his fuse, his mod now.... I'm sure if he wanted Steve to know about it, he would show him.

      I just thought that I'd share my "unique perspective"... the original premiss to this thread just doesn't ring true so I wouldn't put too much into drawing any conclusions from it.
      I've probably said more than I should - so I'm going back to scanning happy pictures.
      Here is the Quote about Dago. " Dago turning into a TF was a rumor started here. It's all together in one place. And depending on how Reno goes, it'll race again. That, from Steve Hinton Jr who visited it a month ago or so." This comment was made June 17th of this year. The person who made it is a prominent person in the P-51 and racing world. This was a direct answer to my comment. " Last I heard, Dago's pieces are in Fresno. Dago was in Hollister when it got repo'd. It would be a crime to turn a Reno record holder into a TF."

      From this we can assume, Stevo has first hand knowledge of Dago's current state. Also, if Dago were still in pieces, the reply to my comment would likely have said, that it was still in pieces rather than "Its all together" This is the first and only time I've heard anything about Dago possibly being reassembled. If it is back together, its been done on the very down low since still a very popular racer. I don't know the personality of the owner, but why keep the reassembly a secret when its arguably the most missed Unlimited out there? Perhaps the statement was totally false and tossed out there as a "Watch this, these guys will eat this up" statement. I dont' know either way, but that is the quote that got the thread started.



      • #63
        Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

        [B]That is interesting I was lucky enough to contact a person that was with frank Taylor and see the plane at Chino when it got popped by the bank and now I hear it was some place else when it got popped. I guess every body has the wrong information about it all and I guess the owner is the one who knows what the real story is.



        • #64
          Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

          I can confirm that a certain pilot from a purple Mustang was in Fresno a while back, did in fact see Dago in storage, can confirm that it is still in pieces, and covered in a lot of dust. It's not covered in dust because it's going to be converted to a TF. It's covered in dust because the owner has a couple other projects going on and doesn't have the time to commit to putting it back together at the moment.

          But the comments on here and on Facebook are also correct that it's a 'let's wait to make sure Reno gets back on proper footing' before committing to start the reassembly project. It's not going to be here THIS year no matter how much you want to believe. It's not going to be there NEXT year, no matter how much you want to believe.

          Everyone just needs to take a breath and take comfort that where it is right now is safe, dry, and warm.


          • #65
            Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

            ...and it is in good hands. This owner does care.



            • #66
              Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

              We got a lot of mileage out of this thread so you say CL has seen the plane,: I guess that should end the story EH has it and it is dusty and dry. End of story and only the owner knows: thumbsup:


              • #67
                Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

                The purple Mustang is Voodoo.


                • #68
                  Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

                  Originally posted by fastpace View Post
                  [B]That is interesting I was lucky enough to contact a person that was with frank Taylor and see the plane at Chino when it got popped by the bank and now I hear it was some place else when it got popped. I guess every body has the wrong information about it all and I guess the owner is the one who knows what the real story is.

                  I was under the impression that it was in Hollister. I'm mistaken.

                  I can confirm that a certain pilot from a purple Mustang was in Fresno a while back, did in fact see Dago in storage, can confirm that it is still in pieces, and covered in a lot of dust. It's not covered in dust because it's going to be converted to a TF. It's covered in dust because the owner has a couple other projects going on and doesn't have the time to commit to putting it back together at the moment.

                  But the comments on here and on Facebook are also correct that it's a 'let's wait to make sure Reno gets back on proper footing' before committing to start the reassembly project. It's not going to be here THIS year no matter how much you want to believe. It's not going to be there NEXT year, no matter how much you want to believe.

                  Everyone just needs to take a breath and take comfort that where it is right now is safe, dry, and warm.
                  That makes more sense. Thanks for the clarification. Good to hear. Yes, Dago is still in pieces. Details are important. A statement of "Its all together" can mean its pieces are all together in one place, or its all together as one reassembled potentially flyable racer. Some of us don't have key people just a phone call away. I'll admit, I was having some fun with it, but as a wishful what if. I also admitted as much. I wasn't trying to start any rumors.

                  I really hope the owner of Dago decides to invest in the project. It would be really good to have Dago back, and another Unlimited on the ramp. Racers on the ramp is the important thing.



                  • #69
                    Missing Posts

                    I hate to have open gaps in conversations, like when someone is being an a$$hole and gets their posting privileges and posts pulled...

                    As great an artist as he is with a camera and a computer, "T. Adams" lacks, shall we say, the subtleties of normal conversation at times. For this reason, the administrator has decided that T. needs a time out.

                    Thanks for understanding...

                    Wayne Sagar
                    "Pusher of Electrons"


                    • #70
                      Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

                      lacks, shall we say, the subtleties of normal conversation at times
                      Don't we all Wayne?
                      Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                      • #71
                        Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

                        Originally posted by wingman View Post
                        ...and it is in good hands. This owner does care.

                        well said

                        and thanks Brad - you I can trust
                        Last edited by Mark K; 06-21-2015, 02:37 PM.
                        Mark K....


                        • #72
                          Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

                          Originally posted by Leo View Post
                          Don't we all Wayne?
                          Very true. I've be kicked out of many forums, all of them boat related though. This is the only forum I still visit. Thanks Wayne. Sometimes it's hard not to speak your mind.

                          Back on topic, the whole DM piloting Dago idea would be a very potent combo. If the current owner wants to jump into the SuperStang fray, this would be a brilliant setup. Fingers crossed.
                          Last edited by Fence Sence; 06-22-2015, 12:52 PM.
                          You'll get your chance, smart guy!


                          • #73
                            Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

                            Originally posted by Fence Sence View Post
                            Very true. I've be kicked out of many forums, all of them boat related though. This is the only forum I still visit. Thanks Wayne. Sometimes it's hard not to speak your mind.

                            Back on topic, the whole DM piloting Dago idea would be a very potent combo. If the current owner wants to jump into the SuperStang fray, this would be a brilliant setup. Fingers crossed.
                            Speaking your mind is one thing, just being hurtful is completely another and I will never tolerate the insults that were being thrown at both the people in this forum "there is so much stupid here"... and "If you're going to depend on this site for your race information, you're in a world of hurt" second quote not quite word for word but.. VERY close..

                            Not to mention, T. Adams got his first press pass at RENO on MY request to the administration...

                            I would never call anyone an ungrateful arsehole on an open forum, however....

                            Wayne Sagar
                            "Pusher of Electrons"


                            • #74
                              Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

                              Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar View Post
                              Speaking your mind is one thing, just being hurtful is completely another and I will never tolerate the insults that were being thrown at both the people in this forum "there is so much stupid here"... and "If you're going to depend on this site for your race information, you're in a world of hurt" second quote not quite word for word but.. VERY close..

                              Not to mention, T. Adams got his first press pass at RENO on MY request to the administration...

                              I would never call anyone an ungrateful arsehole on an open forum, however....

                              Good point. I missed those. They got deleted before I saw them. I'll agree direct insults are over the line. Hmmm, deadline that is.

                              Sorry I missed you at PRS. I was gonna track you down but, I was dragging the two little ones along with me and it was tough enough keeping them in line, let alone walking around and BSing with other race heads.
                              You'll get your chance, smart guy!


                              • #75
                                Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

                                Wayne The man: Your never at a loss for words , how great is that
                                Last edited by fastpace; 06-22-2015, 07:22 PM.

