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Will Dago Rise Again?

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  • Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

    I was told as of 2013 it was stored in alaska somewhere.after that,who knows?


    • Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

      Alaska.......hmmm.......someone needs to come up with a reality show about the comeback of a great Reno racer?


      • Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

        Originally posted by aerojock View Post
        Maybe Steve O wasn't being rude.

        See the emoji I put there- sarcasm isn't your thing I take it? Eric Hoffman is in Fresno, Stevo was broken down and didn't want to burn the airplane up.


        • Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

          ah hah! look at the wikipedia page for dago red.I knew it was in alaska once.


          • Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

            someone needs to come up with a reality show about the comeback of a great Reno racer?
            "Thunder Over Reno 2"?
            DeCapprio as Stevo, DeNiro as Tiger. Could be fun.
            Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


            • Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

              Originally posted by Mustang1957 View Post
              ah hah! look at the wikipedia page for dago red.I knew it was in alaska once.

              Ok here's a little Warbird 101 business education for you. The airplane is registered under an LLC in Alaska, but that has nothing to do with where the airplane is in Fresno and has been for 6 years or so. Many airplanes are under corporate LLCs and are often times listed as being in Delaware- but they are nowhere near that state. There's a whole bunch of complicated business and tax reasons this is done. Hope this helps clear up the confusion - Thanks!
              Last edited by John H; 09-21-2017, 10:48 AM.


              • Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

                thnx for clearing that up john.


                • Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

                  are there any plans on getting it back in the air?hope so.


                  • Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

                    Originally posted by John H View Post
                    See the emoji I put there- sarcasm isn't your thing I take it? Eric Hoffman is in Fresno, Stevo was broken down and didn't want to burn the airplane up.
                    WOW! Great video! Stevo parks his ride, finds chocks in the rocks for the wheels,sends text to wife/gf then waits for the
                    Normally fast safety crew to get there.proud Dad cruises by. Announcer ' Jay wins Yay! And Stevo is a sore loser
                    Ha Ha Ha!


                    • Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

                      Originally posted by John H View Post
                      See the emoji I put there- sarcasm isn't your thing I take it? Eric Hoffman is in Fresno, Stevo was broken down and didn't want to burn the airplane up.
                      Moji's didn't really show up, even so, given the content of a few other earlier ignorant posts suggesting sore loser in explanation to why StevO didn't make it to podium.. WHICH, I believe sincerely hurt the man's feelings! Some people have an extremely high level of pride in their integrity and sportsmanship.

                      I would think this issue might likely, be a touchy spot with Steve... sure would be with me! Regardless clarification later, the sting of the initial inaccurate/ignorant posts does not wipe off so easily. I've personally experienced this, someone says something ill of you on line.. someone else clears the air with the truth in another message SOME, who read part one of "fake news" post do not read the following posts/messages... s h I t that gets thrown on ya don't wipe off so well these days.

                      I think that explains the reaction to your post.. I almost jumped off my chair when I first read it.. That, and emoji's don't do a good job of replacing a face and voice saying the words! I get that you were not dissing Steve..

                      Careful how you say things with your fingers.. I *think* I can wrap my mind around the abstract of your sarcasm but I'm pretty sure a lot of folks probably picked up the wrong vibe on first read.

                      Sorry Stevo if we gave you any heartburn!!!!!!!!
                      Wayne Sagar
                      "Pusher of Electrons"


                      • Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

                        Originally posted by Leo View Post
                        "Thunder Over Reno 2"?
                        DeCapprio as Stevo, DeNiro as Tiger. Could be fun.
                        OMG, would that it were!

                        I'm pretty sure, had the money been there for Thunder over Reno to hire some name brand "market sure" talent.. even in minor background roles where part of their pay for the filming was one hell of a good time at RENO a few times!.. THAT kind of budget wasn't there.

                        I wasn't in Robert Odegaard's head, but I'm pretty sure he and Mitch Carly thought that the sheer beauty of the airplanes in action would carry the show.. unfortunately movie industry doesn't work that way and at the time, digital distribution was in its infancy.

                        Sorry for long winded response...
                        Wayne Sagar
                        "Pusher of Electrons"


                        • Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

                          Originally posted by lowpasskid View Post
                          WOW! Great video! Stevo parks his ride, finds chocks in the rocks for the wheels,sends text to wife/gf then waits for the
                          Normally fast safety crew to get there.proud Dad cruises by. Announcer ' Jay wins Yay! And Stevo is a sore loser
                          Ha Ha Ha!
                          This is another one where, lacking the inflection in your voice, your intent is entirely unclear!
                          Wayne Sagar
                          "Pusher of Electrons"


                          • Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

                            I get the sarcasm in those couple of posts, but then I have a warped sense of both humor and sarcasm and get mis-interpreted regularly. In text or post it doesn't work too well unless you build to it, or the receiver knows you quite well.
                            We were down on that end and saw what was happening to him so the whole "sore loser" scenario never even crossed our minds. I think the only collective thought in my group was "get the equipment to him before it starts burning!"
                            I think the ability (and for some, need) to post prior to any real knowledge of a given situation (and usually by someone who wasn't even there) can be very damaging and is one of the main reason some stay away from these places nowadays.

                            As for TOR Wayne, the acting they could afford was painful, but the aerial scenes were simply beautiful! I'll always make fun of the product they ended up with but I certainly applaud the effort that created it.
                            Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                            • Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

                              From the stands my initial thought was sore loser because of the traffic rather than the inside pass. I think Skip or Dan in Dago didn't come to the podium once because of the sore loser mentality...? But after I saw that Voodoo didn't even make it past the hangars at the far side of the field I immediately went from sore loser to the plane is broken. Never went back since, that's not Steven's attitude whatsoever.
                              Reno from '99 to '23


                              • Re: Will Dago Rise Again?

                                The problem with this whole "sore loser" thing is, enough people will hear just that, and that's all. This will gain momentum among the uninformed and they will form opinions based only on that. The curse of social media.

