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Televise the races like they did last year

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  • Televise the races like they did last year

    Is there going to be some live coverage of the Reno races tomorrow?

  • #2
    Re: Televise the races like they did last year

    My understanding is that there will be no live streaming this year. I suspect that would conflict with NBC Sports' coverage of the event to be televised in February.


    • #3
      Re: Televise the races like they did last year

      How will not having live telecast (of any type) help support the cause?

      Severely delayed TV broadcast is also heavily edited.
      And most of us prop heads require the little stuff in between

      Don't most all other motor sports have some form of live broadcasting?

      I can understand if RARA wishes to push for people coming out to the field.

      But realistically
      If IRL has a race in Daytona
      I wouldn't be able to afford to come out to see it live.

      Flame away

      If it encourages further hanger talk on this stuff

      To me
      This is what makes Reno racing tick

      ALL forms of fans

      Not just an airplane nut like us


      • #4
        Re: Televise the races like they did last year

        It's 2015 and live streaming isn't available. Hmmm. The first televised showing will be in February? Sorry, but that sucks. Guess you can't complain, but I would pay "pay per view" rates to watch it live if I couldn't make it.
        My heart starts beating again in September.


        • #5
          Re: Televise the races like they did last year

          Originally posted by DWYER View Post
          It's 2015 and live streaming isn't available. Hmmm. The first televised showing will be in February? Sorry, but that sucks. Guess you can't complain, but I would pay "pay per view" rates to watch it live if I couldn't make it.
          The pay per view model was tested and didn't work; The live coverage provided last year, did not pencil out to justify the expense versus perceived reward.

          I was a part of the live coverage last year and would have loved to be a part of it again this year. But, I think the overall cost/benefit of RARA choosing to do it this way this year is in favor of this way..

          With live streaming, you hook the existing fans who can't make it..

          You probably bring in a few newbies... but you are limited to your already targeted audience.

          With late (months) coverage, via national network TV, you potentially increase your viewer base one hundred fold..

          I'd like to see both flourish, and it is not counterproductive to think that delayed and live could not work together and produce a profitable product.. but it's not my bux going out to make any of it happen! I show up, string optical cable, carry a wireless antenna and do a couple interviews.. fun chit, but.. probably not putting much back into the immediate day to day kitty.
          Wayne Sagar
          "Pusher of Electrons"


          • #6
            Re: Televise the races like they did last year

            Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar View Post
            The pay per view model was tested and didn't work; The live coverage provided last year, did not pencil out to justify the expense versus perceived reward.

            I was a part of the live coverage last year and would have loved to be a part of it again this year. But, I think the overall cost/benefit of RARA choosing to do it this way this year is in favor of this way..

            With live streaming, you hook the existing fans who can't make it..

            You probably bring in a few newbies... but you are limited to your already targeted audience.

            With late (months) coverage, via national network TV, you potentially increase your viewer base one hundred fold..
            And yet this concept is still hard for many to understand. Thanks for laying that out more clearly than I could.



            • #7
              Re: Televise the races like they did last year

              I guess it makes sense. Somebody has to pay the bill at the end of the day.

              It's just sad. Last year's coverage was great. Thought they really had a good thing going.

              It is what it is, and I hope the February show helps put more fans in the seats.
              My heart starts beating again in September.


              • #8
                Re: Televise the races like they did last year

                a one hour show in winter will not bring more butts to the seats, it will be long forgotten come September. I have not been to the races in a few years for various reasons but I will go next year come hell or high water! my co workers, girlfriend, her son loved watching live air show tv last year and are bummed it's not on again.


                • #9
                  Re: Televise the races like they did last year

                  Live air show tv is great for current air race fans that are unable to make it, but having the one hour show will potentially get the intrest of many others who have never even heard of it. People coming to the races is what brings the money in and keeps the races going.
                  I understand why they didnt have live airshow coverage this year especially with a limited budget. Insurance costs alone are insane!


                  • #10
                    Re: Televise the races like they did last year

                    Originally posted by jarrodeu View Post
                    And yet this concept is still hard for many to understand. Thanks for laying that out more clearly than I could.

                    Thank you very much for saying that Jarrod!
                    Wayne Sagar
                    "Pusher of Electrons"


                    • #11
                      Re: Televise the races like they did last year

                      I know not having the live stream sucked for a lot of people who couldn't be there this year; Live Airshow TV did a great job and put together a great show.

                      In my uneducated opinion, I think RARA is on the right track by offering a NBC special for the races. This is national coverage people!!! The races haven't had this type of coverage for some time and this is what's needed to put new butts in the seats.

                      With the Blues coming next year and the possibility of a larger unlimited field with greater competition I can't think of a better year to attend!

                      From what I could tell, attendance seemed way up from the previous year and I think RARA is on the right track to keep this moving forward. With any new leader there is some growing pains and not having a live stream this year showed that. But official network coverage of this sport has the potential to be HUGE for the future of this sport.

                      (In my uneducated opinion)
                      "CHARLIE DON'T SURF!!!"


                      • #12
                        Re: Televise the races like they did last year

                        It's a shame that folks who have worked hard to provide coverage have lost out....but the magnitude of benefit of NBC covering this is huge. It's not just about promoting the event for next year, it's about this year also. Organizations like this PURCHASE the rights to an event, create a program and sell ad space to advertisers. RARA needs every penny it can get for it's bottom line and I would bet this is a huge chuck of change. If a first year effort shows it can make a profit, they'll be in for next year. Plus- to be honest, a 30 second TV ad for their show will reach many millions more people that have never heard about air racing than the recent actual coverage have been able to get to. Everybody wants air racing to get back into the big time....this is actually it.

                        If the show turns out well, then perhaps out LiveAirshow TV friends can get hired as expert roving reporters BY NBC and help increase their popularity too......

                        Sidenote: I saw a great deal more media folks hauling around video gear this year than ever before. There is certainly more high quality footage from out on the pylons out there than has ever been taken before. I spoke to many of the folks and they were contracted to get the footage for a number of reasons. This was a year of forward motion.....


                        • #13
                          Re: Televise the races like they did last year

                          I'm a bit late on this thread, but since LiveAirShow wasn't hired by RARA this year, LASTV didn't in turn hire me like last year and I had another gig last week. Interesting thing is that last year I was hired to develop a business model where sponsorship paid for the live broadcast on the web. This year RARA instead opted to tap sponsors to pay for a one-hour production and buy time to air it on NBCSN.

                          LASTV knows from last year's numbers and research that the live broadcast raises the visibility of the races and sells more tickets. A traditional TV broadcast may work too. It boils down to how many people watch the show on TV and if it sells more tickets or sponsor products.

                          That depends on NBCSU effectively promoting the airtimes, and if RARA bought enough airtimes in different dayparts. A"one-off" highlights show like this would do well to pull a .1 or .2 rating, so with NBCSU in 80M homes that's 80-160K viewers. By comparison, average viewership of NBCSU's Premiere League Soccer coverage was 479,000 last year - for a hugely popular sports league.

                          The February airing is tough. Sooner after the event is always better, but it gives the production company that was hired to make the show more time to post it. HUTs are high but it's sweeps and competition for viewership is fierce. That's exactly the dynamic in traditional TV that's driving so many media companies into digital distribution.

