

Posts made past 02:30PM 12/30/24 won't be on the new site!

We are in the final stages of resolving the issues with the forums move to the new location. After talking with tech support, the only solution was to send him a copy of all the images. This will take time - but we know the fix SO it's only a matter of time now.

Thanks again for your patience,

The Admins
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  • #16
    It is good to see ya Mark using your stuff...

    I am glad you have started putting some pics up from that old hard drive of yours...hope to see more as things get better around the "landstang" home.
    Randy Rheinschild


    • #17
      Re: It is good to see ya Mark using your stuff...

      Originally posted by rwflyboy
      I am glad you have started putting some pics up from that old hard drive of yours...hope to see more as things get better around the "landstang" home.
      I agree Markers!

      Thanks for this looksee at "Shockwave"!!!

      Feel free to upload any time.. New version of this board, when they get it out of Beta and into Gold release, will have image thumbnails built in.

      This'll make it a lot more modem friendly when images are posted and I hope to be able to utilize the feature more when this happens..

      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"


      • #18
        now that I have high speed at home...

        cool will be awesome to see that come online....Just did a wireless from my father in laws house on a T-1 line to my house 750+ feet away and man....time to dump the dial up.....big time...

        It's great living on a 40 acre farm with relatives who have a t-1 line...
        Randy Rheinschild


        • #19
          Re: now that I have high speed at home...

          Originally posted by rwflyboy
          It's great living on a 40 acre farm with relatives who have a t-1 line...
          My apartment complex uses a shared T-1 system that's only about 100 yds from my place. Goes from the T-1 to twisted pair but, with only about 13 users, and only one other "power user" I generally see about 7-8/10's of the entire capacity of the line. Sweet for $50. per month.

          Cable would be quite a bit cheaper and is now available... the big BUT in that is, download speeds are often faster than the T-1 but uploads, (very important to me) are capped at about 128kbps... which really sucks.

          Fairly often, I check the site via Beer Nazi's dialup, also use a dialup when I travel. Some of the more graphics loaded posts really crawl downloading them. The thumbnail feature, coming in V3 of this board, will really be a welcome feature!

          Wayne Sagar
          "Pusher of Electrons"


          • #20
            Last edited by Scotty G; 01-27-2004, 07:57 PM.
            Scotty G


            • #21
              Originally posted by Scotty G
              BULL****. Remove my photos from this board - and your computer hard drive, Mark. I took them on a visit to Darryl's hangar near San Diego many years ago; not three. They're even published in Air Classics. They are copyright material.


              Scotty G
              Scott, since you quoted the original post, thereby adding the images to your own post, would you care to edit your own to remove the disputed images?

              Thank You,
              Wayne Sagar
              Wayne Sagar
              "Pusher of Electrons"


              • #22
                Last edited by Scotty G; 01-27-2004, 07:57 PM.
                Scotty G


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Scotty G

                  Not picking a fight with you; you're blameless here. But this isn't my responsibility. It is partly yours, however. You've been notified that copyright images are in use without permission on your web site. Please remove the images. By doing so, you remove yourself from the problem *and* honor my reasonable demand.

                  When the photos are removed from your site, then they are also removed from my post.

                  Thank you.
                  I disagree, you are, indeed, picking a fight.

                  The images are *NOT* located on my site, they are *linked* on my site and are visible on my site and, I removed the link from the original, disputed post.

                  I've now asked *you* to edit your *own* post that is linking the images...

                  In short you put them there, so I asked you to remove them but, just to make you happy, I'll edit *your* post for you Scotty.

                  Wayne Sagar
                  "Pusher of Electrons"


                  • #24
                    Last edited by Scotty G; 01-27-2004, 07:58 PM.
                    Scotty G


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Scotty G

                      Done. Are the photos still on your server?

                      Thank you.
                      Scott, as I mentioned in the above message, the images were *never* on my server, they were linked in a message to another server.

                      If you would have right clicked them, then clicked properties, you would have seen where they were located.

                      Thank You,
                      Wayne Sagar
                      Wayne Sagar
                      "Pusher of Electrons"


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Scotty G

                        Calm down, dude... I saw that and changed it. Breathe...
                        LOL... are you done now? I have to go back to work...

                        Thanks Again,

                        Wayne Sagar
                        Wayne Sagar
                        "Pusher of Electrons"


                        • #27
                          How would ya know..

                          As an honest bystander looking at the way this is going...the proffessionallism is surely lacking...( so is my writting ability---no author here!!!)
                          A) I wouldn't be able to tell that these were copyrighted ...did you see a copyright on them.
                          B) Since all of us who are interested in Air Racing enjoy seeing the pictures of works or worked in progress in this case, aren't we supposed to share the wealth of information to make the intrest grow in the sport? Instead we show how we could cry about someone using your pictures. ( that should be making you feel honored in the fact that your pictures were nice enough to be used to promote the sport.)

                          Wayne, I think you know who I am so ya know....I think that the way you bend to please those who think their site is the only one out there with info on air racing! Kudo's to ya man.


                          • #28
                            Well Wayners - I recieved the images from another person who said they were his and had proven himself to be trustworthy. We can only trust our sources to be honest and upright with what they claim to be their stuff - and I would have never posted them if I didn't belive the guy.

                            Sorry to have caused any grief for you Wayne. I had no idea ownership would be disputed.

                            Why don't you post a followup Scotty - attach a link to a much larger detailed scan (1600x1200) of the images with a full coverage WAP emblazened accross it. I mean, I would be happy to delete anything off my computer as long as I can feel confident who is telling the truth. It would be nice to see some proof of ownership - since you made the ownership issue a public one here.

                            My appologies in advance - but as I said - We can only trust our sources to be honest and upright with what they claim to be their stuff.... and it's a good idea to get the facts established so we act reasonably and responsibly.

                            All the best,
                            Mark K....


                            • #29
                              Ahhh, the reason I check AAFO daily and WAP very seldom, it does not seem clear to me but here is yet another kernel of interaction.

                              I miss Pylon1, but appreciate everything Mark has done and respect the character surrounding his accomplishments. THANK YOU!

                              Sometimes things make me embarrased to tell others I am an airline pilot.

                              Lastly, Thanks Wayne for this site. As appreciation let me know if you need "passes", I may be able to help.

                              Back to lurking, daily.

                              Herb Sohn
                              Relentless air race fan since '88


                              • #30
                                Until Disputed Ownership Can Be Resolved


                                Understanding that years between when we take pictures and similarities to those that we take to those that others take, sometimes can lead us to believe that we're seeing our shots out there with credit given to others, or with no credit at all; personally, I'd like to see some proof that these are actually your shots.

                                I know I certainly have seen shots that were taken at almost the exact moment, from almost exactly the same location, by another shooter and I had to drag out the original to ensure myself that it was, indeed, not my shot. And this is after only a month or two. Sometimes, the moment was so closely captured, the only way to really tell is detailed inspection.

                                As you have indicated, these were shot many years ago. Memories fade, exact details blur.

                                You have made an ownership claim to these shots, others have also made a claim that disputes this. I think the ball is in your court to produce confirmation and I'd appreciate it, as would, I'm sure, everyone else who got to see the shots.

                                If they, indeed, are yours, sharing them with a race fan base hungry for information about this airplane would also seem to be something good.

                                Of course, it's your call, I don't have copies of the images, someone else was nice enough to search their archives and provide the look. I appreciate being given the chance to see them, if only for the short time allowed by this dispute.

                                If they are yours, I look forward to seeing them again, perhaps elsewhere. If there has been some sort of mistake, then I'd like to see them where they originally were in the first place.


                                Wayne Sagar
                                Wayne Sagar
                                "Pusher of Electrons"

