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Some of My Images for a change

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  • Some of My Images for a change

    Couldn't upload much at Motel 6 due to worse than dialup connection speeds but I'm going to try to get some of my stuff up right away as I'm in a motel with excellent connection on my way home. I'll add by edit as I get some done.. probably only two or three tonight so I can get an early start tomorrow for home trip part II. Second and third shots are same image cropped and uncropped.

    More coming later got to get to sleep~
    Attached Files
    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"

  • #2
    Re: Some of My Images for a change

    Those are nice.



    • #3
      Re: Some of My Images for a change

      Originally posted by RAD2LTR View Post
      Those are nice.

      Thanks Will, I'm noticing that when I upload the photos and ignore the size limits, the board software resizes the image down for display but, *might* be leaving the actual uploaded image size available by clicking directly on the image after it opens in the viewer.

      They look a bit "hinky" from the board "browsersizing" them when viewed in the player size.

      Thanks again, more later!
      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"


      • #4
        Re: Some of My Images for a change

        That Shoestring shot is spectacular, and expands quite nicely when I click on the image a couple of times.



        • #5
          Re: Some of My Images for a change

          Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar View Post
          Thanks Will, I'm noticing that when I upload the photos and ignore the size limits, the board software resizes the image down for display but, *might* be leaving the actual uploaded image size available by clicking directly on the image after it opens in the viewer.

          They look a bit "hinky" from the board "browsersizing" them when viewed in the player size.

          Thanks again, more later!

          Very nice shots, you still have a steady hand.

          Thanks for sharing young man.


          • #6
            Re: Some of My Images for a change

            Originally posted by wingman View Post
            That Shoestring shot is spectacular, and expands quite nicely when I click on the image a couple of times.

            "Please Sir... May I have another???

            You remember Soopie, of course! A most unusual, quite lovely person with a GREAT history at the races and a very accomplished photographer.. She once said to me in response to my dropped jaw when I saw her shot of Del Smith's Tri-Motor with Mt Hood in the background, shot from one of Evergreen's Hueys flying sideways in front of it.....

            "99% of Air to Air is Being There"

            I won't kid you, I have pulled muscles in my ribs behind where I was using my elbow as a brace into my abdomen/chest to support that beast 200-400 and it is truly is work... Right now, other than being on the Columbia River on our little boat, getting the really hard to do shots with that bazooka is just something I want to do... If I get some really good shots, that'll be cool!

            With the frame rate and buffer that sucker has, coupled with dual 64gb SUPERFASTCARDS and one of the best lenses that Nikon has ever produced... If I can't get five or six REALLY good images...


            I think as I'm figuring out this beast of a camera, I'll get better.

            I don't see how anybody can ever produce a camera beyond this that would make me decide to spend the money on it!

            Amazing VERY HIGH REZ photos, HD Video! Stuff I've yet to even begin to think about!

            Still gonna take me forever to pay this sucker off but at this stage in my life, I'm going to reference one of my favorite sayings...

            It ranks right behind:

            "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me
            than a frontal lobotomy"

            "He who can die a million dollars in debt
            has truly beat the system"

            Ok Ok.. I know the second one rankles some folks but..

            Wayne Sagar
            "Pusher of Electrons"


            • #7
              Re: Some of My Images for a change

              Love the shot of Knotty Girl and No Strings Attached!


              • #8
                Re: Some of My Images for a change

                Originally posted by wingman View Post
                That Shoestring shot is spectacular,


                I must agree... And it wasn't easy to shoot. That color combo was just terrible in day-light. The Camera had no idea what to use for metering or focus.

                - Joseph


                • #9
                  Re: Some of My Images for a change

                  Originally posted by Idaho_cowpony View Post
                  I must agree... And it wasn't easy to shoot. That color combo was just terrible in day-light. The Camera had no idea what to use for metering or focus.

                  - Joseph
                  Thanks Joseph, but I'll go back to what Soopie said.. Opportunity is a lot of it... And, I found a much better AF setting combo than what I *thought* I had running. The D2's had their focus function AFS/AFC as a manual switch... I dropped a function check out of my preflight and wound up getting a LOT of out of focus shots. The camera focus settings can also get very confusing in that it just won't shoot under some settings if it thinks what you want as the subject is out of focus.. LOL... CLEARLY a case of NOT doing much RTFM!

                  So, as I think it must be for a lot of really fast action shots, there's a certain amount of luck involved...

                  Then there's zen, I am absolutely out of gas today having to work two days in a row and only 4 hrs sleep last night (early parts run) but I found some stuff I shot from the pits that absolutely surprised me. I remember the split second moment of some of the shots, that darn pipper just held still for a split second at the same time the shutter opened..

                  Again, opportunity is absolutely everything in getting a good shot. There are some photographers who have not had the chance that, given it, could produce STUNNING images and I think we've seen that.

                  I'm not kissing ass here but I just want to thank RARA and our "cat herders" the RARA Media Ops folks for once again, making it happen..

                  **by edit** I grabbed the first decent shot I found... (not perfect but better than I've ever done in the past!)

                  Full size was resized to 25% the cropped version I just resized to my screen resolution, not sure what the board software will do to it.

                  this is FUN!

                  CM shot with 200-400 @300 1/60 VR on hand held from the area of Voodoo pit at the k rail (bracing elbow against chest, have bruise and sore ribs to prove it!)
                  Attached Files
                  Wayne Sagar
                  "Pusher of Electrons"


                  • #10
                    Re: Some of My Images for a change

                    It's almost like I was standing by you because they look like mine. Oh were.

                    Nice shots!


                    • #11
                      Re: Some of My Images for a change

                      Originally posted by wingman View Post
                      That Shoestring shot is spectacular, and expands quite nicely when I click on the image a couple of times.

                      What I like about the Shoestring is that it is painted like Jimmy Clark's 1965 Lotus that won Indianapolis. It's a great paint job!


                      • #12
                        Re: Some of My Images for a change

                        Originally posted by Big_Jim View Post
                        It's almost like I was standing by you because they look like mine. Oh were.

                        Nice shots!
                        In your shadow my brotha' in your shadow!

                        Wayne Sagar
                        "Pusher of Electrons"


                        • #13
                          Re: Some of My Images for a change

                          Oh wait, after that Luau with the Hawaii ANG guys, let's make that Brudda!
                          Wayne Sagar
                          "Pusher of Electrons"


                          • #14
                            Re: Some of My Images for a change

                            I should probably get all my shots organized and post all at once but I'm adding to previous posts as I find them right now.. for once, I'm having FUN chimping my shots! Very happy to have finally successfully mated my lens to the new body! I love the moment when everything comes together for that split second where the pipper is motionless on the subject and finger press come together!

                            **by edit*

                            The run-up shot is the result of me playing with Nikon Capture 2 which accomplishes the same things in ways I'm completely unfamiliar with from previous versions of Capture. I was playing with histograms and curves and the day after, it looks way overly processed to my eye today in daylight. **end edit**
                            Attached Files
                            Wayne Sagar
                            "Pusher of Electrons"


                            • #15
                              Re: Some of My Images for a change

                              The reflection in Czech Mate is just incredible -awesome work!! I didn't catch; what new body do you have?

