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"The Flight of The Phoenix"

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  • #16
    A few years back I pickup a bunch of antique airplane association magazines and in one of them I found several newspaper clipping of the original accident.


    • #17
      Why? How do they hope to improve on a classic?


      • #18
        <<Why? How do they hope to improve on a classic?>>

        Improvement not required. It's all business. Folks won't line up for the original but they will for this one. Watch.

        Besides, Hollywood probably saw they didn't use enough pyrotechnics in the original. ) What IS it with that??



        • #19
          Im looking forward to this remake. "the greatest pilot you ever saw" will play Jimmy Stewart, Dennis Quaid is also a pilot in real life.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Skyracer
            Why? How do they hope to improve on a classic?
            I doubt it will be an "improvement," but I guess viewers today will enjoy seeing the actors of their generation in the roles.

            Some friends of mine that are about 10-15 years younger than me were telling me how great the movie "Rat Race" was, and I agreed that it was funny. I told them that if they REALLY wanted to see a funny version, they should rent "Its a Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad World" because "Rat Race" was basically just a remake. They rented it, and told me they couldn't even finish it because it was "so boring." I was appalled, but when I started asking them about how it could possibly be boring, it was mostly that they weren't familiar with the actors or the style of humor, and they certainly didn't "get" all the cameos and social references of the time.

            Steve L.


            • #21
              Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

              Yeah....but how can you compete with Frank Tallman flying that Beach 18 through the billboard, and the Three Stooges as the airport crash crew?

              I still laugh so hard after all these years that I almost pee my pants over that.


              • #22

                And don't forget the pass thru the hanger and driving that beech thru the glass restaurant front.
                There used to be a display at the Movieland of the air museum showing how the stunts were done and it was quite an undertaking. As I remember the Beech was pretty beat up by the foam sign, and it had to be hit dead center.

                Always wanted to use the radio call " Hey down there on the ground! This is us up here in the air!"

                Sure hope "Pheonix" does'nt turn a real classic story into Hollywood shlick.

                "I sign mine"
                Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                • #23
                  I'll be very surprised if the new one doesn't have a chick in it. Or a gay guy (the model maker savior of the group, just watch)

                  I just watched the original last night...I just can't see how it can be improved upon.

                  Go Bear!


                  • #24
                    a chick

                    I sure hope not.
                    The original is such a great study of human nature that just happens to have an aviation setting, a love interest would spoil the whole setting.
                    But without a half naked girl and sex in the desert (nothing against girls naked, just not in THIS movie) it won't sell and there wont be any skin in the trailers.

                    Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by hattend
                      I just watched the original last night...I just can't see how it can be improved upon.
                      How can you improve on a Jimmy Stewart movie!?

                      Probably not the point with "remakes"... outside of the "art" intent of making them, as with anything, the intent is to sell tickets and make money.. not a bad thing..

                      The biggest advantage of movies that are either remakes of TV series, or classic movies is the introduction of a new audience to them.

                      It's hard to imagine for those of us past 40 (or in my case, err.. 40, or .... so... ) but many kids never even saw the original "Charlie's Angels"... so that movie introduced a new generation to the theme..

                      So it goes with remakes.. and I don't think it's a bad thing at all.. I can only guess but if a kid, (for the record, that's anyone under 30 ) has not seen the original "FOTP" movie, they might just get curious and want to see the original.. That "kid" might not even be aware of what a great talent Stewart was (as well as the others in the cast) ..

                      I don't think that ANY aviation movie being made is a bad thing! No matter what the theme, or how badly they butcher the original, at least, it's an AVIATION MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Quaid is pretty cool, I hope he has his fingers in the post production and can keep control over what's seen.. I'd wager, we're going to be pleasantly suprised by this one...


                      PS (via edit) Here's a LINK to a pretty in-depth script review.. looks pretty good.. Not following the orignal *exactly*... Have a feeling, this is gonna be another goodie! Of course, again, nothing can touch the original for, well, just what it is and especially, for those of us who SO admired Jimmy Stewart.... but. New legends are in the making???

                      PPS.. the domain is registered to FOX... so watch that link for a website as production gets rolling along.. should be some good stuff there... (trailers etc) eventually
                      Wayne Sagar
                      "Pusher of Electrons"


                      • #26
                        Re: mad,mad,mad

                        Originally posted by Leo

                        Always wanted to use the radio call " Hey down there on the ground! This is us up here in the air!"

                        And I always wanted to run over a police chief's hat with a '62 Imperial :-) (that was Jerry Lewis' cameo shot... the maniacal look on his face when he sees the hat fly into the street is priceless!)

                        Steve L.


                        • #27
                          Speaking of Remakes.......don't forget a Guy Named Joe..........and basically the remake "Always" Same character names were used in both too........personally......I liked Always better........but I'm not sure how they can improve on Flight of the Phoenix......Jimmy Stewart was great......great actor, great airman, great person....nothing against Dennis Quaid.......I relaly enjoy some of his movies.......especially the Rookie.


                          • #28
                            Went to the link and:

                            I KNEW IT!!!

                            "Obviously, Frank's mission immediately puts him at odds with the oil workers, including geologist Kelly Johnson (the original film had no female protagonists)"


                            Yeah, I'll probably still go see it

                            Go Bear!


                            • #29
                              ....Here's the H&P C-119 takin' off from Greybull, WY......
                              Attached Files


                              • #30
                                ......and another pic from the Africa set.....
                                Attached Files

