At about 0600 hours, the server power supply decided to go byebye.. I noticed at 0900 and put in a TT at the data center... previous outages of the server have been rectified within minutes of notification by the DC techs... this time, unfortunately, after several attempts to reboot, the power supply was diagnosed. From the time the DC crew were notified, till we were back on line was less than a half hour.. UNFORTUNATELY, it took the original tech guys several hours to finally notify the guys on the floor..
DC system has been owned by a number of smaller entities and always had EXCELLENT service, actually, better than.. now that IBM owns it... not so sure.. may be looking for new home.
DC system has been owned by a number of smaller entities and always had EXCELLENT service, actually, better than.. now that IBM owns it... not so sure.. may be looking for new home.