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1946-1949 Cleveland Air Races

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  • 1946-1949 Cleveland Air Races

    Help! I am looking for information on the 1946-49 Cleveland National Air Races and wondered if anyone could advise if any documentary or news films were made in that era; in particular, the P39-Q air racers that were competing at the time.

    Any information would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks, Kurt

  • #2
    Have a look and see if anything here has info. or a link to what your looking for.

    "Bent Throttles" IPMS Racing & Record Aircraft Special Interest Group
    _#25 – January 2003______ (18 pages):
    * 1946 P-39Q "Cobra II" and "Cobra II" racers – History and drawings review
    Bent Throttless $16 US for a one year subscription; Each issue contains between 16 and 18 pages of kit reviews, scale references, historical data and photos that cover all eras of racing and record breaking aircraft. A number of members-only decal sheets have also been produced.
    contact: Anders Bruun_ -


    • #3
      Maurader 61-Thanks for Your Information!

      Maurader 61, many thanks for your great information! The Society of Air Racing Historians has many Cleveland Air Race video titles in their archives which should be just what we are looking for.

      Again, many thanks!

      Best regards,



      • #4
        The book "Cobra!" by Birch Matthews, which came out about 5 years ago, is the definitive account of the P-39/P-63, and about 1/3 of the book is dedicated to the Cobras that raced at Cleveland and Reno. A very extensive chapter on Cobra I & II. Lots of rare and color photos of virtually every Bell racer to fly at the Post War races.

        It's a big book, and kind of expensive...but the investment was worth it.


        • #5
          I was the fortunate recipient of a program from the 1948 Cleveland Air Races. This gift was from Mr. Chuck Breno.

          It is a treasure.



          • #6
            1946-1949 Cleveland Air Races

            What info are you looking for.
            I have quite a bit on 1946-49 Cleveland Air Races.


            • #7
              Cleveland Air Races - 1946-1949

              Don, I am looking for films or newsreel footage of the Cleveland Air Races 1946 through 1949. Any information would be more than appreciated.


              Regards, Kurt


              • #8
                Check discovery wings tonight

                Tonight (2/17) they are running a show on air racing and following it up with one on the 24th......I have direct TV Sat, so I would imagine you all ought 2 b able 2 C it.
                Randy Rheinschild


                • #9
                  Re: 1946-1949 Cleveland Air Races


                  Historic Aviation 1-800-225-5575 has -2- videos from the 1946-1949 Cleveland Races

                  1947 & 1948 Kendall Oil films.


                  Tape Librarian
                  Society of Air Racing Historians
                  May all your bent wings be F2G Corsairs!


                  • #10
                    Re: 1946-1949 Cleveland Air Races

                    Thanks Marauder 61,

                    I was really fascinated by the links. In 2003 Yak 11 Check Mate speed was so high that it would have been second in in 1998 !

                    Since the course has been altered...are those speeds comparable anymore ?


                    Juke T


                    • #11
                      Re: 1946-1949 Cleveland Air Races



                      • #12
                        Re: 1946-1949 Cleveland Air Races

                        I see thanks Chris. The speeds have gone up..10-15 mph / per lap or more ?




                        • #13
                          Re: 1946-1949 Cleveland Air Races

                          Originally posted by Juke
                          I see thanks Chris. The speeds have gone up..10-15 mph / per lap or more ?



                          Juke, you could read back (using the search feature on this board) and you'd find ample explnation of what was done regarding the measurment of the course.

                          But I'll try to bring you, "up to speed," so to speak

                          Previously, race course speeds had been measured, largely, by surveying a straight line between each pylon and tallyng up the distance for a total, then calculating time per lap versus distance flown to come up with a race speed.

                          Last year, they decided to factor in the actual racing line that the raceplanes fly during a given race. This would obviously be a longer distance than the straight line between pylons. When factoring a distance versus time equation to calculate speed in Miles Per Hour, this would yeild a higher speed per lap than was previously calculated for a lap that was flown in the same amount of time as it was with the old method of measurement/calculation..

                          So, this throws the old records off kilter in that, someone may actually have had a faster time around the course as previously calculated, yet be shown on the record books as having flown at a slower speed than say, someone who actually flew it slower than the previous record holder...

                          Am I making sense?

                          We're talking times versus speeds here... if the records were kept strictly on the time flown during a race, then none of this would matter.

                          This is why many of us, myself included, think of this as a bad decision. There was no need for it, and it threw off the records keeping of the sport and IMHO, made the entire venture less valid as a true sport and more of an exhibition, in that the speeds are not uniformily recorded for history.

                          Wayne Sagar
                          "Pusher of Electrons"


                          • #14
                            Re: 1946-1949 Cleveland Air Races

                            In Tex Johnson's book he gives a great account of the "Cobra" racers.

                            Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                            • #15
                              Re: 1946-1949 Cleveland Air Races

                              Originally posted by kennsmithf2g

                              Historic Aviation 1-800-225-5575 has -2- videos from the 1946-1949 Cleveland Races

                              1947 & 1948 Kendall Oil films.


                              Tape Librarian
                              Society of Air Racing Historians

                              As matter of fact, the Kendall Oil films are pretty dang good. Fed X Bob gave me those two for my birthday, (Thanks Bob), and the silent movies from 1932-1938 air races which are pretty interesting in their own right. They are from the series of Pylon Duster videos. Get them and you won't be disappointed.
                              Bill aka:Air Race Addict
                              Never mind. Maybe next year

