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1946-1949 Cleveland Air Races

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  • #16
    Re: 1946-1949 Cleveland Air Races

    I have a couple of Pen and Ink Drawings of Cobra 11 that I've done.
    They look very nice, one in flight and the other on the ramp.

    Mark G. Ehlers
    Mark G. Ehlers


    • #17

      Geez, those videos sound like something I'd like to have in the "web store" once I get that implimented, up and running... (likely, sometime this winter)

      Would being able to just jump in and get them via online ordering be an incentive to get them? (I'm trying to research the viability of actually going through the trouble of having a webstore.)

      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"


      • #18
        Re: 1946-1949 Cleveland Air Races

        I was wondering if anyone ever heard or has photos of a P-40 named "the City of Denver"?


        • #19
          Re: 1946-1949 Cleveland Air Races


          The only P-40 that raced in the 1946-1949 races was the P-40Q, which waxs not "The City of Denver"

          have you tried posting on ?

          May all your bent wings be F2G Corsairs!


          • #20
            Re: 1946-1949 Cleveland Air Races

            The P40Q was flown by Joe Ziegle who bailed out of it & broke a leg after engine failure. One of a kind. Good picture of it in Reed Kinert book on Racing PLanes & air races Vol IV Series #1. I was there associated with Jimmy De Santo who also crashed his Curtis P60E & survived. The race was won by Cook Cleland in his 4360 powered F2G Corsair.
            Lockheed Bob Gollwitzer
            Lockheed Bob


            • #21
              Re: 1946-1949 Cleveland Air Races

              Hi Lockheed Bob,
              Did Curtiss make a mistake with the attach bolts during the overhaul for Jimmy DeSantos,and did this cause the horizontal to come off as has been written?
              Did you witness this and would you give us your observations?


              • #22
                Re: 1946-1949 Cleveland Air Races

                Yes the Curtis Factory had put the wrong size bolts in the tail section at the Curtis Plant in Columbus,Ohio prior to departing for Cleveland Air Races. I at 15 years old was holding the stop watch awaiting his turn to get on the course for his time trial {his mechanic was with me] and as he increased power to 80 inches & was doing about 427MPH the plane seemed to flutter,then the whole tail came off at about 3500 ft. & split-essed for the ground. Inverted he tried to get the canopy released but that didn't work so he had to roll it back by hand & it only opened enough to get out.Cut his neck & chute opened at about 150ft almost landing on the wreck After taking him to the hospital I had to stay & tell his wife Connie,who was flying in,that Jimmy was in the hospital.Prior to racing he never flew anything over 150mph & had less than 1 hr in the P38 he raced in 1946.
                Lockheed Bob
                Lockheed Bob

