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test post after database update it worked!

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  • test post after database update it worked!

    Took all day but looks like the update to the software fixed the strange post error messages the board has been throwing.. Found out two days ago that I'd been suffering from pneumonia for several weeks.. misdiagnosed as "flu" no ab's for 10 days after I'd started coughing blood!

    Tell ya what, when your friends both older and some, unfortunately, start dropping around you..

    Fortunate side of story is strong antibiotics had me feeling way better in a matter of hours, fever went away, blood stopped.. now, to get rid of all that built up old oil in my breather!

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"

  • #2
    Re: test post after database update it worked!

    Glad to hear you are doing better Wayne.


    • #3
      Re: test post after database update it worked!

      Originally posted by Reever View Post
      Glad to hear you are doing better Wayne.
      Thanks Reev! feels really good to not have to be in bed!

      I looked further and looking back at the logs, someone other than me borked the heritage site a long time ago... anyone visited there in the past year or so notice that if you click on a gallery image, you don't get the enlarged version, it pitches a bunch of can't do this because of that gobblygoop!

      Never did like databases LOL... seems a awful waste of code lines! I changed out a bunch of meds the docs have been giving me since I had cancer in '04, seems they were convinced I needed antidepressants... all they did was make me unable to work on websites.. .could not focus long enough to get anything done... There may be hope!!
      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"

