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Live Feed for Air Races

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  • #16
    Re: Live Feed for Air Races

    Steve Stavrakakis' embarrassing announcing aside ... I thought the live stream was excellent this year, not perfect, but extremely well done for a free live broadcast of an event that is by no means easy to shoot and capture well. The interviews with race teams and pilots were added bonuses providing excellent insight.

    The live feed broadcast is close to being a truly professional presentation and I believe with continued improvements (and not allowing Steve Stavrakakis to have a microphone) the live feed could become a production that with advertising revenue may even be able to bring some income to the races one day.

    I only have the funds to make it out to Reno every few years and thus have really enjoyed being able to watch the races online the last couple of years. I really hope they keep doing the live stream and continue to make improvements.


    • #17
      Re: Live Feed for Air Races

      Announcer was surprised when the Unlimiteds kept going after lap 6.


      • #18
        Re: Live Feed for Air Races

        They said Miss America is trying all she can to catch Dreadnought,
        And her gear was down landing after announcing on the radio they had a May Day the announcers talked over. Yes it was free but I did have to watch a minute of commercials and missed the start of the race, but there was a nice shot of a guy standing with a hat on....


        • #19
          Re: Live Feed for Air Races

          Its always an 8 lap race

          Not 6

          You’d think they had some basic knowledge of this

          But apparently not


          • #20
            Re: Live Feed for Air Races

            First of all, I’m grateful for the live feed. I used to have to wait months for Air Classics to show up at the bookstore to see what happened. And it’s free, I get that they don’t have the money to cover this like a NASCAR or NFL event. But wow, I really regret listening to the audio, it was worthless and really detracted from the experience. It was painful and embarrassing to hear the announcers fumble around.


            • #21
              Re: Live Feed for Air Races

              Something is broken.
              Yes .


              • #22
                Re: Live Feed for Air Races

                If we want the sport to do better, and have more interest, and fill those empty stands they were taking pictures of, should we just be satisfied with these buffoon’s announcing the race? Or should we let our voices me know for the good of the sport? I think anyone of us here could’ve done better. And get paid for it! I don’t think these guys ( The announcers )
                created any additional revenue for next year ( ticket sales ) they need to shut up during all radio Communications,
                Like all other motorsports do, and have at least one person there that knows what the hell is going on!


                • #23
                  Re: Live Feed for Air Races

                  Originally posted by hg2992 View Post
                  I think anyone of us here could’ve done better. And get paid for it!
                  Truly, not nearly as easy as it looks! I agree with some of the stuff you guys are saying, but, I'd like to see a somewhat more understanding tone to the posts. I've actually met the guys up there, they are very well intentioned!

                  That said, there is probably only one man who ever truly was THE air race announcer and he's retired! Mr. Sandy Sanders!
                  Wayne Sagar
                  "Pusher of Electrons"


                  • #24
                    Re: Live Feed for Air Races

                    I'd like to add to above, I was really sick Sunday, running a fever of 102+ so I relied on the live feed all day while lying on my bed trying to be warm and cozy, based on what I know about how hard it is to accomplish what they are doing, and the amount of $$$ it takes to make it happen, they have done an amazing job of it and I give them a very hearty
                    Wayne Sagar
                    "Pusher of Electrons"


                    • #25
                      Re: Live Feed for Air Races

                      I think they need to do something to bring back the "big guns". it has been said strega would come back if they had someone to race with. with rare bear and voodoo retired,it will be difficult.I hate to say it,but sunday's gold race was alittle boring.

