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Thanks again for your patience,

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I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

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  • #16
    Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

    As I mentioned in a PM to you earlier, I agree that a paid membership to view and comment is the way to go. You simply can't leave it to us knuckleheads to remember to donate or click on ad banners to support this sandbox!

    That said, I plan on clicking the ad banners everytime I log on and you'll find $50 in your donation box this AM. I challenge everyone who enjoys AAFO to match that if you can .. And if you can't, every little bit helps folks. I'll plead guilty for not doing so on a more regular basis!

    Perhaps something like $5/month or $50/yr if paid annually? Might be some up front costs to set this up but worth it in the long run. And perhaps an added benefit of controlling troll and bots to some degree? Dunno...

    Remember Folks: Click the banners every time you log in or out to AAFO!


    • #17
      Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

      Happily matched, and I would also be pleased with an annual subscription. I do that for other sites I value, and there are few that I value more than this one.


      • #18
        Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

        Originally posted by Coug86 View Post
        Happily matched, and I would also be pleased with an annual subscription. I do that for other sites I value, and there are few that I value more than this one.


        • #19
          Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

          What you guys are doing right now, by exploring the commercial content that is displayed on the site seems to be working quite well!
          Wayne Sagar
          "Pusher of Electrons"


          • #20
            Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

            Just donated, hope it helps.


            • #21
              Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

              Matched here as well....and I also agree, a yearly membership fee is worth it! And Ive got an odd question...I don't see any of the ads, do I have something shut off?
              Last edited by arcticrail; 04-16-2020, 05:48 PM.


              • #22
                Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                Would a Patreon account help the site?

                Does the Patreon thing work that way?


                • #23
                  Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                  YOU, THE FAITHFUL!

                  Unfortunately.. mostly due to the fact that I let the magazine side of the site go stagnate, frankly after Jimmy, I've just not had the ability to really do what I used to do here!

                  What I'm trying to say is that the lack of traffic to this site, thus traffic related income drops. It's my frickin fault!

                  I betcha if I still had the energy that I had back in '97 when I was 46 when I started this... LOL..

                  Funny thing.. Today I was moving some of my old crap out of a garage and onto a storage rack I have available in a hangar, I found a bunch of stuff we used to use back in the whaaaaay back to get internet access to our operation at RENO..

                  I gotta write some memoirs about those days!!

                  I remember one night in the old press shack crap, gotta be '96-'97 bout three in the morning uploading stuff via.. almost forgot.. COMPUSERVE.. that I'd managed to get developed in Reno during the day, as well as whatever news I managed. The guard from Iran loaned me his truck to go get coffee...

                  Boy, a lot has changed.. Is any of the crap that I posted back in the late 90's and into the 2000's even on the site any more?

                  I used to install a DSL line at John Parker's American Air Racing hangar before they had high speed in the office.. and... what brings me back to what started me into all of this in the first place... isss……

                  Moving stuff around today, I found the 25' network cables that I purchased to run high speed out from John's office to my little space in the hangar... I STILL have all that stuff

                  OK OK OK..

                  I'll go back to promising that I will NOT ever **** this place down..

                  I truly do not like the idea that I've had to limit new members due to the frickin Russian fake membership application robots that are out there.

                  In the past, amazing people have found this site and joined.. used to be really easy as most of you remember. Now, as soon as I turn on automated membership function on the board, within minutes, I'm besieged with robot applications.


                  If I keep it closed as it is now, where you really have to want to join to get on here.. and then, I make you pay to play...

                  "The Future Of Aviation Is The Kid At The AirPort Fence"

                  Y'all probably know that's my company name.

                  Think we're going to get that kid to go further if I charge them to participate..

                  Probably not!

                  Wayne Sagar
                  "Pusher of Electrons"


                  • #24
                    Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                    There is another important point to consider, it is not entirely certain that our beloved sport will actually be able to pull off the event this year. As we go forward, ours is becoming one of an increasingly small list of events that have not cancelled.

                    IF, we do not manage to stage the event, it's going to be up to us to keep the interest at a high level.. HIGHER THAN EVER!

                    I do need help to keep this place going, very hard for me to admit, I am bi-polar... not severe but...

                    I know I have to keep this place going! There are ways to make it cheaper.. we have the problem that we host the Heritage Cup website here.. have since its inception.. anyway, long story short.. it's sort of on "us" when you guys donate or visit our commercial partners..


                    Thank You!

                    I promised a long time ago that I'd put this place in my will and keep it going..

                    Right now, it costs me a new Prius lease payment every month.. LOL

                    After spending two days under my '97 Silverado replacing the fuel pump... twice... I realize that someday before I croak, I may have to replace my beloved truck just cause I can't keep up with doing the chit it needs by myself..

                    RANTING HERE but.. not enough people read this to keep this place afloat on its own anyway.. maybe I should start a BIPOLAR rant site..

                    OH ****..

                    We used to have one of those guys here.. LOL
                    Wayne Sagar
                    "Pusher of Electrons"


                    • #25
                      Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                      To articrail, turn off your adblocker for this site. I did and I am clicking. Wayne there is a shortcut to change that fuel pump.


                      • #26
                        Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                        Originally posted by Plane Nuts View Post
                        ...Wayne there is a shortcut to change that fuel pump.
                        LOL... now you tell me!! Believe me, I researched a lot of ways to do it, one involved cutting a hole in the bottom of the bed over the tank, another advocated lifting the bed... in the end, we drained the last 7-8 gallons via the old suck and spit syphon method... (God, unleaded with alcohol tastes so much better than the old stuff!) LOL!!

                        What screwed us up was, I let my buddy actually do the install and he neglected to take off the little "rubber" boot that was covering the outlet side of the pump, now it was embedded in the rubber outlet coupler between the pump and upper housing.. Could hear it running, but truck would not start.. with the old pump, if I kicked the bottom of the tank, it would start pumping and the truck would run... Now, we had a running pump (could hear it) and no fuel to the injectors...

                        OK.. drain the gas again, still tasted good even though we'd added 7 more gallons of non alcohol boat fuel.. went to the parts store told them what a POS their pump was, got into an argument, went to a different store, bought a different pump.... installed it and THIS TIME I INSISTED ON TESTING IT FIRST BEFORE PUTTING IT IN THE TANK... it did the same thing the "defective" new pump did... it ran, and spurted fuel out of an outlet in the body of the pump... turns out, the bypass was just doing its job …. we started looking for obstructions on the pressure side and didn't have to go far to find the culprit... No, I will not let my buddy who shall go unnamed at this time ever forget it... but... not too hard to figure out who I share hangar with.... LOL!!! Oh yea.. he owns a Bonanza that we had in the Heritage a few years ago after we unloaded the 10 cases of beer that we'd flown in with it.... whaaa HOO! was that year fun!!

                        LOL... so... what's that shortcut??? I'm all ears cause there's a lot of "handywork" necessary to get into that sucker and it sure is easier with the tank sitting on my tailgate and not under the truck bed.. LOL!!

                        ALL ears here!!
                        Wayne Sagar
                        "Pusher of Electrons"


                        • #27
                          Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                          Pulling the tank out sucks. 2 ways: if you have 3 helpers lift the bed off, set the front on the rear tires, the rear on a saw horse or trash can. Or remove the bed bolts, put the RF & RR bolts back in a few threads, get out the scissor jack that came with the truck, lift the bed enough to put the jack between the frame and bed and jack it up as far as it will tilt and put a jackstand or block of wood between the frame and bed for safety. Oh and don't forget to disconnect any wires, grounds bolted to the frame. Replace the fuel filter, a plugged filter kills fuel pumps. Put gas in before 1/4 tank as running low on gas kills fuel pumps too. I am a retired GM dealer tech, I did hundreds of fuel pumps using the second method.


                          • #28
                            Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                            Originally posted by Plane Nuts View Post
                            Pulling the tank out sucks. 2 ways: if you have 3 helpers lift the bed off, set the front on the rear tires, the rear on a saw horse or trash can. Or remove the bed bolts, put the RF & RR bolts back in a few threads, get out the scissor jack that came with the truck, lift the bed enough to put the jack between the frame and bed and jack it up as far as it will tilt and put a jackstand or block of wood between the frame and bed for safety. Oh and don't forget to disconnect any wires, grounds bolted to the frame. Replace the fuel filter, a plugged filter kills fuel pumps. Put gas in before 1/4 tank as running low on gas kills fuel pumps too. I am a retired GM dealer tech, I did hundreds of fuel pumps using the second method.
                            Pulling it really was pretty easy the second time around LOL! Bent the **** out of the front hangar strap though so it now does not fully tighten against the frame like it should....

                            I only replaced the pump, not the sender, sender had started a wiggle a few years ago after it comes off full for a while, it's stable (when completely full) then as there is some slosh in the tank the needle wiggles... Still does it, so... if I get really anal and decide to replace it (probably) I will use the lift bed method for sure! Does complicate things a bit that I've got a canopy on there that probably weighs 2-3 hundred pounds but moving it back and putting it on jackstands or... your second method sounds doable!! THANKS!
                            Wayne Sagar
                            "Pusher of Electrons"


                            • #29
                              Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                              The last thing I thought I would be reading about is replacing the fuel pump on a Chevy pickup. I have to do this on my 90 Chevy one ton. I think I will go with lifting the bed. Fun times.


                              • #30
                                Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                                Wayne, you are welcome. Method 2 works well with a camper shell as you only need to lift it about 6" to slide the jack in. If you need to replace it again replace the sender as failing fuel pumps draw a lot of current and burn up the terminals in the connector under the top of the sender. To MRE, have fun!

