

Posts made past 02:30PM 12/30/24 won't be on the new site!

We are in the final stages of resolving the issues with the forums move to the new location. After talking with tech support, the only solution was to send him a copy of all the images. This will take time - but we know the fix SO it's only a matter of time now.

Thanks again for your patience,

The Admins
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I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

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  • #31
    BACK on TOPIC!



    Your response has been amazing and has brought me to a new plan!

    We've always hosted this site on a NON shared... well, VERY limited shared system. We donate web space and have from the beginning for the Heritage Cup...


    The biggest reason for having a non-shared server is because we don't get hacked... KNOCK ON WOOD... at least at a server level, this board software had an exploit that got … er… exploited a few years back but a removal of door and a wipe to previous day backup had us only losing a few messages..

    Anyway, it's just how I've done it, it leaves a lot of openings.. Like if AirRace.ORG suddenly needed donated web space... guess what, we can handle whatever they would have to throw at us. Not to mention, when the **** hits the fan, this site is not known for going down due to traffic overload!

    In 2011 when we were sequestered out at outer 4, the only way we were able to find out what had happened was by going to this message board..

    We do need to migrate to a new box anyway, both due to base software going EOL and the age of the box we're on... My rethinking is that we can do this annually and save quite a bit..

    Then we would only have to have an annual fund raiser, get it done and I'd quit being a whiner!!

    The account I have has crept from about $125. per month to add a hundred dollar bill to that. NICE dedicated box, separate drive backs up everything daily, automatically!! Saved our butts at least once.. NASTY firewall at the datacenter and because I am root =GOD on server, I can do some "stuff" I've learned to help keep us safe..

    PRETTY DAMN IMPORTANT I have always thought.

    SO... long story short.. that's why we've never been on a "hosted server" platform where it would be a box like this one that had 100's of websites and users on it... BIG OPEN DOOR TO BAD GUYS.

    Anyway, just thought I'd share my justification for keeping us here.
    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #32
      Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.


      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"


      • #33
        Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

        Bumped and donated.

        Long live the air races!

        Long live AAFO!

        Thank you Wayne.
        '71 S.D.1000, '85-'91,'94',95,'97-'99,'02,'04,'06,'08,'10,'13,'14 NCAR.


        • #34
          Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

          Thanks Wayne


          • #35
            Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

            You guys are being great!

            I have to wrap my brain around the tech end of things to set up the server migration to new host or, at least, new, less spendy machine.

            DC where we are now evolved from a "mom and pop" colocation system into full DC then sold eventually to IBM... IBM likes $$ very reliable datacenter but...

            I think we're going to wind up with enough $$ from current drive to pay 12 months in advance... that itself saves $$

            And again, THANKS!
            Keep up the good work!~
            Wayne Sagar
            "Pusher of Electrons"


            • #36
              Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

              During my social-distancing/safer-at-home time thought I'd drop by and take a look see at the goings-on here at the aafo hangar. Keep hanging in there Mr. Wayners!

              Donated - and bump again
              Mark K....


              • #38
                Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                Originally posted by Desertdawg View Post

                Good choice on this ad,

                I've click it several times.

                Makes me want to be healthy

                LOL... I agree the content there is well worth checking into!! That said, other than removing any that I find offensive, they are "contextual" in natrure… whatever that's supposed to mean!! But they are supposed to only show stuff that the content of the site, what we're talking about, determines the "algorithm"...
                Wayne Sagar
                "Pusher of Electrons"


                • #39
                  Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                  Originally posted by Desertdawg View Post

                  Good choice on this ad,

                  I've click it several times.

                  Makes me want to be healthy

                  Three words. God Bless America!!!


                  • #40
                    Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                    Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar View Post
                    I had a pipe dream over twenty years ago.. that you could bring Reno Air Racing to the public in a much different way than had ever been done before.

                    I think we did that.

                    Unfortunately, I think our time of any real relevance is done.

                    I look at my traffic.. lots of visits, no hits on what might keep me from pouring the same amount of money that would buy me a new Prius into this site every month in hope that it eventually would pay off

                    Don't think it's going to happen

                    Nobody gives a **** about the ads that I place on the site..

                    In the past, I've promised to keep this site going forever, I can probably afford something.. but I don't think that many of you really care anymore..

                    Sorry meltdown just what is real
                    Evening Wayne,

                    I think you're right.

                    Shut down the sight and save the money and effort required to keep it up.

                    Scotty "G" closed his down a couple of years ago and I missed it at the time, but no longer.

                    Your sight is like my long nights and even longer days crewing Unlimited racers from 1980 to after the Leeward Accident. But my time pounding the ramp at Reno is over and your time is about over to.

                    It was a good run and an even better ride. Thanks for all you did Wayne.

                    Warbird Willie


                    • #41
                      Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                      Originally posted by Warbird5 View Post
                      Evening Wayne,

                      I think you're right.

                      Shut down the sight and save the money and effort required to keep it up.

                      Scotty "G" closed his down a couple of years ago and I missed it at the time, but no longer.

                      Your sight is like my long nights and even longer days crewing Unlimited racers from 1980 to after the Leeward Accident. But my time pounding the ramp at Reno is over and your time is about over to.

                      It was a good run and an even better ride. Thanks for all you did Wayne.

                      Warbird Willie
                      Ignore this post Wayne! Doubt anyone else that frequents this site feels remotely the same, except for extending much thanks for what you do.


                      • #42
                        Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                        Originally posted by Warbird5 View Post
                        Evening Wayne,

                        I think you're right.

                        Shut down the sight and save the money and effort required to keep it up.

                        Scotty "G" closed his down a couple of years ago and I missed it at the time, but no longer.

                        Your sight is like my long nights and even longer days crewing Unlimited racers from 1980 to after the Leeward Accident. But my time pounding the ramp at Reno is over and your time is about over to.

                        It was a good run and an even better ride. Thanks for all you did Wayne.

                        Warbird Willie
                        Yep, that's how I felt before the funding drive began and interest in the site picked up. Sorry we won't see you on the ramp any more! You are one of the old wise ones...

                        But look, there's a NEW generation happening, look at the interest in IF1 and Sport!

                        Wayne Sagar
                        "Pusher of Electrons"

