

Posts made past 02:30PM 12/30/24 won't be on the new site!

We are in the final stages of resolving the issues with the forums move to the new location. After talking with tech support, the only solution was to send him a copy of all the images. This will take time - but we know the fix SO it's only a matter of time now.

Thanks again for your patience,

The Admins
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I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

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  • I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

    I had a pipe dream over twenty years ago.. that you could bring Reno Air Racing to the public in a much different way than had ever been done before.

    I think we did that.

    Unfortunately, I think our time of any real relevance is done.

    I look at my traffic.. lots of visits, no hits on what might keep me from pouring the same amount of money that would buy me a new Prius into this site every month in hope that it eventually would pay off

    Don't think it's going to happen

    Nobody gives a **** about the ads that I place on the site..

    In the past, I've promised to keep this site going forever, I can probably afford something.. but I don't think that many of you really care anymore..

    Sorry meltdown just what is real
    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"

  • #2
    Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

    I've got an addendum to this. It is just is what it is... the software that runs this server has to be migrated in less than a year, I can't just sit back and let my autopay take care of this.


    I have to figure out how to keep this place afloat.

    And you guys, bless your hearts, need to help, or.. it really breaks my heart but.

    My retirement tanked,

    I can not afford to keep this place going on my own..

    It's been good run damn a lot of years without a break..

    I'm going to get emotional.. but it's got to happen!

    I just can't afford it guys!
    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #3
      Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

      One of the reasons I wanted to keep this place going was because of the data breach problem. A lot of message systems are corrupted with messages from bogus members from wherever!

      I've fought to keep that crap out, to the point of pretty much having to shut the message board down to new members.

      The interactive sign up system for the message board software goes into overload with automatic signups from Russia as soon as I turn it on!

      So, pretty much,

      Seems between that and everyone who's left..

      We're not a viable message board website anymore..

      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"


      • #4
        Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

        Sorry for the whine... I should probably get some sleep

        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #5
          Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

          Sorry to hear this. I haven't always agreed with everything that goes down on this board, but also always knew I could come here and see the "door" open. I appreciate whenever team members chime in - you don't get that on any other site that I know of. People come and go, but for the off-season, there has been a fair amount of traffic compared to the past few years. I'm sure traffic doesn't equal income, but it's not like the site is dead (there have been times when I thought it was). I'd hate to see it go. At one time, 3 or 4 good sites existed. 2 are left. WIX is great, but not much air racing news. Thinking about this just conjured up Pylon1 - my discovery of air racing and single biggest motivation for attending RAR was originated from this site. Lots of great memories.


          • #6
            Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

            Have you thought about doing a yearly fund raiser to help offset the cost of running this website. I’m willing to pay to help keep this website going and I’m sure others will follow.


            • #7
              Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

              Hang in there Wayne. I've slept in my car more than once to watch the Reno Air Races & a lot of it was because of what I followed on your site. I think the idea of a fundraiser with maybe some Air Race Items contributed for cash would help. We still have a couple of cold ones to drink while watching the Reno Air Races.
              Lockheed Bob


              • #8
                Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                I'd be willing to donate a piston and wrist pin from one of the less fortunate Rare Bear engines to keep this place going. I think I still have one of those "The Unlimited" posters of the painting of the Bearcat and Strega signed by Lyle and Tiger that I'd be willing to part with to keep this place afloat. I also have one of the rocker arms from one of those engines but I'll hang onto it, it's perfect when you need to "tap" something around the house but a hammer is excessive. There's some other stuff around here if things get desperate. Let me know.
                Last edited by knot4u; 04-14-2020, 10:27 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                  This site is on the top of my "Favorites List" It's the first site I click on in the morning. I have no idea what it costs to keep a website online. I'm retired and on a fixed income, but I'm open to what was posted above or perhaps a yearly membership, as long as it's within my budget. I certainly hope this place doesn't go away, there's a lot of Air Racing knowledge that has been shared here, and I hope it will continue.


                  • #10
                    Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                    I have tons of Critical Mass pieces and parts I’d donate. We can’t loose this place. It’s the only one.
                    You'll get your chance, smart guy!


                    • #11
                      Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                      Wayne, this site is one of the arteries of Reno Air Racing! I am thankful you facilitated creating this wonderful place for all things air racing, and I hope it continues! I like the idea of selling things as a fund raiser!
                      Random Air Blog


                      • #12
                        Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                        Just made a donation, Wayne. I hope it helps.


                        • #13
                          Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                          I know its not ideal, but how about a paid membership? I pay for a few other message boards and your paid membership gives you more perks. But for this website, I would be willing to pay a yearly fee in order to keep it running, and I don't care if I don't get any extra perks. I just wanna see this place stay open!
                          "CHARLIE DON'T SURF!!!"


                          • #14
                            Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                            Yes, a paid membership (yearly fee) is the way to go. The info on this site is invaluable and it needs to continue. Let us know how we can participate. Thanks for what you do for the aviation community.


                            • #15
                              Re: I Might Have To Shut Her Down.

                              Paid membership is the way to go.

