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Wearing Mask: If it meant "the difference" would you wear one?

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  • Wearing Mask: If it meant "the difference" would you wear one?

    I posted this thread as but truly, it is not.

    Up until four days ago when I was finally able to get to Portland, get tested for CV, I was staying in place in in Astoria, Oregon, while on a trip that was supposed to be about two weeks that turned into almost four and a half months.... Bad writing, I know, really long winded sentence, but it sums up what I feel!!

    I HAD to come back because the love of my life (artists out there, we need a BeerNazi Smilie) was finally able to get surgery that was nearly emergency (CANCER?) approved as not "elective" (ironically, only a day or two before the state opened up surgeries)

    OK, dovetailing back on topic,

    I am one that does not think that we handled the "shut down" properly, I think that we should have masked up, separated and kept on going... My close best friends do not agree with me because of their fear of overwhelming the health care system, which in some areas, we did.

    So, my question is that, now that we have moved past that, into the new era of opening up, I noticed today in Washington State, I was picking up scripts for the BN after she got home from surgery, there were a LOT of people not wearing masks at Walgreens, a place where you would like to think you could be safe while you pick up your medicine.

    I'm all for opening up! As I said above and most of my friends would tell you, I didn't think we should have shut down as we did, in the first place.

    So, given what we know now about how this sucker spreads, WTF is up with people not wearing masks in crowded places?

    I'm trying to buy groceries the night before BN gest home from hospital and this "prolly older than me" unmasked couple are having a frickin argument across several isles of produce.. crap, this was just a couple hours after my word trap mind heard a news story about how far/long a yelled spittle could travel/linger!

    SOOOOOo..cutting to the bottom line

    Is there any way we can talk folks into doing the opening sensibly? I don't like hiding my pretty face with a mask, because I got asthma from birth and COPD from self abuse (smoking grrr) and it makes hit harder for me to breathe, plus, I have to wear glasses to see properly now.


    Let's open, never thought we should have closed...

    But, give me a break.. until we know more about this prick of a disease, can we all just agree to do that one simple thing??

    As much as a PITA as it is and will be, how hard is it to REQUIRE a person to wear a mask when they are in a store occupied by others, most of whom are wearing masks, not to protect themselves, but to protect others in case they might have the bug..


    Most boats that have to navigate the unknowns, have more than one engine.

    If one shuts down, they isolate the broken systems, shut down the broken part and motor on.

    I am made of steel when it comes to this stuff.. I've written words on the Internet and elsewhere for a good deal of my life, flame on if you don't agree.. just be civil!

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"

  • #2
    Re: Wearing Mask: If it meant "the difference" would you wear one?

    Just watched a replay of an earlier Presidential news conference.. Then remembered the WH staffer shuffling around the conference set telling the attendees to remove their masks.. Presumably... well, I'll leave it to your judgment







    There was a pretty simple solution to this, MASK UP, be sensible, get tested.. (if we'd have had that capacity in place)

    Don't walk by people in store isles while talking on your phone or exhaling within three frickin feet!

    I had to be really aware today to stay away from people without protection.

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #3
      I AM on a roll here!

      Why is the guy pushing the hardest, against strong medical advise against it, not even endorsing the idea of just doing the one thing of wearing a stupid ugly mask while in close proximity to others?

      Mask ain't gonna stop badnastybugvirus but it's gonna help slow it down..

      I just can not grasp the utter arrogance of those who walk around in stores without a simple mask..

      ****, in Walgreens, there was a street person ahead of me who had a damn bandanna round his neck but do you think he had it around his face?

      As I got in my car, he was picking his nose! Think he did that before he went into the store...

      This **** makes me crazy!

      People are basically animals who learned to live as a civilization, if you allow people to revert to this basic instinct, people will live like animals!

      OK.. done ranting, I'll delete this thread at request or any MOD can feel free to do so..

      I'm just fed up with stupid.. from BOTH SIDES!
      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"


      • #4
        Re: Wearing Mask: If it meant "the difference" would you wear one?

        I hear ya Wayne!

        You should see it from the law enforcement side...
        "CHARLIE DON'T SURF!!!"


        • #5
          Re: Wearing Mask: If it meant "the difference" would you wear one?

          I am working from home, my office is locked up until it is safer. We have had 2 people test positive. I have 3 friends right now spread around the country that are fighting it, luckily none are in danger, just F'ing miserable. My wife lost an Aunt last week to it, though she had other conditions.
          I have diabetes, asthma, and all of the other health failures that come with being overweight most of my life. I DON'T WANT THIS BUG! My wife's biggest fear is the fact that once you go into a facility, if you die, you die alone. IU know that if I get it, chances are it will kill me.
          Having said that, I agreed with the shutdown but I also agree that we have to live with this thing until it can be treated and vaccinated against, so we should not be destroying our economy for what is becoming a false sense of security. I don't go ANYWHERE without my mask and sanitizer, not because they tell me too, but because it is the best way I can protect myself and those around me, and I only leave the relative safety of my house if I have to. We get everything delivered and use the safe practices once it is here. It's called personal responsibility. If we all just followed some simple guidelines on protecting each other and ourselves, we would not need big brother to force us to do it. But alas, that is not how it works. Watching the news you see a lot of people more worried about their "freedom" and "rights" than their responsibilities to their fellow man. It is definately an eye opener to me to see the selfishness of a few championed.
          So I feel opening up is needed and our governor (whom I greatly disliked before this) is doing just that in steps we can pull back from if it runs away again.
          As bad as it sounds, I kind of hope they don't hold the races this year. I think the stigma is too great for the crowds to show and it makes more sense to me to not spend all that overhead for a light crowd and a huge loss in the end. I feel THAT could kill the races, economy not a year off.
          If they have them though I will be there, peddling in my booth and wearing my mask and gloves...because even if Joe blow doesn't care, I do.
          Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


          • #6
            Re: Wearing Mask: If it meant "the difference" would you wear one?

            Some of those not wearing masks are the innocent and addled. My 86 yr. old friend can’t remember 15 min ago.
            But most of these people not wearing masks are just selfish and greedy. Some don't wear them as a political statement. I had hoped, having a single common enemy like Covid 19, that the people of Amerikkka could unite and fight, together to win this war. Sadly, even the fight against this invisible and largely unknow foe has become just another divisive partisan issue.

            In California there are signs on all the doors of all the restaurants and other open businesses that "You must wear a mask to enter". But the poor store employees are getting caught in the crossfire of these conflicting ideologies and are having a rough time being “mask police”.

            We have daily changing mandates, rules, suggestions, guidance, laws, executive orders and proclamations from each of our local city, parish, county, state and federal governments. Resulting in chaos. Truly the inmates are running the asylum.
            '71 S.D.1000, '85-'91,'94',95,'97-'99,'02,'04,'06,'08,'10,'13,'14 NCAR.


            • #7
              Re: Wearing Mask: If it meant "the difference" would you wear one?

              Masking up is the sane thing to do, without question. Wish more folks would do so and to be honest, wish I'd remember to put one on BEFORE I get out of my vehicle to walk into a store! I'm getting tired of walking back and forth! Not second nature yet. And frankly, it would be great if it doesn't become one.

              As to the manner in which states and counties are managing this, it's interesting and confusing to say the least. First, under what authority does an unelected official exercise the power to "force" an elected official to suspend civil liberties. Every elected official took essentially the same oath I did upon entering the military. To support and defend the constitution. And it pains me to watch governors from around the country say things like, "I never gave the Constitution or Bill of Rights a second thought when I order the lock-down. It's above my pay grade." Really? You raised your right hand, didn't you? And a question: Where has the ACLU been during this entire debacle? While "civil liberties" have been suspended by governments, they've been quiet as a church mouse. But let the Fed's change Title IX language for US universities, and all hell breaks loose. I'll give you two guesses as to why...but you're only going to need one.

              And the concept of releasing convicted felons into society due to Wuhan, but threatening arrest (and possible jail time) for those not wearing a mask or going swimming is beyond ludicrous. Not to mention funding millions for illegal alien healthcare while threatening to lay-off first responders if the Fed's don't send billions to offset CA's self-incurred debts like unfunded liabilities, retirement payments, etc. (all with highest state income tax and 2nd highest gas tax in the nation) is also assinine. "Never let a crisis go to waste."

              All that said, second category is there's no question the intial phase of the response was warranted, so as to avoid a wholesale over-population of our hospital systems. Some states took one approach toward protecting the high-risk population (i.e. Florida, Texas) while others took a different approach (i.e. New York, California). The numbers are telling.

              But those days are in the rear view mirror. In fact, many hospital systems are struggling to survive right now. Many are on the verge of bankruptcy. That isn't exactly a good thing.

              It is comforting to hear San Diego County may this week open up restaurants and shopping to in-store operations, not just curbside service. A sign of normalcy. Let's hope it continues in this direction with all safe and possible speed.

              Until then, mask up folks! Be respectful of others space and circumstances. Given where this country was two months ago, that fact that we're where we are is awesome. We can't afford to stumble backwards.

              As for Reno, I'm torn, for sure. But I'm confident in RARA leadership to make the right call. My partner in Seattle has lost all the airshows he was to work this year. I'm down to my last four. And Leo's point is a good one...the stigma of holding the event under such circumstances may be detrimental to the long-term health of the event. But again, I know RARA if weighing all those factors. More to come...


              • #8
                Re: Wearing Mask: If it meant "the difference" would you wear one?

                Wayne and Air Boss, I think both your comments are right on. The only thing I have to add is in the defense or the ACLU. Not a place I normally find myself. Our governor announced when the restaurants reopened in tight restrictions, customers would be required to provide their name, email, and phone number. Based on previous comments, this was to set up required
                "contact tracing" for further activities. The ACLU was right at the front of the protest (along with the restaurant owners who had to keep the logs). Program now voluntary.

                I guess we won't hear "show me your papers" to walk alone.


                • #9
                  Re: Wearing Mask: If it meant "the difference" would you wear one?

                  Originally posted by miker98038 View Post

                  I guess we won't hear "show me your papers" to walk alone.
                  I could tell you many stories from my teen into twenties years... Back then, I was a foot loose, long haired musician without a care in the world.. I lived in Reno in those days, we had a police chief named Elmer Brisco, he had publicly stated that he basically had a "war on those hippies".. I had long hair, I played music, I was not a "hippie"...

                  Anyway, long story short, it was not at all uncommon to spend the night in juvie just for being on the street walking somewhere..

                  Very much a police state in that town for some folks in the late 60's early 70's.
                  Wayne Sagar
                  "Pusher of Electrons"


                  • #10
                    Re: Wearing Mask: If it meant &quot;the difference&quot; would you wear one?

                    I have studied and studied the virus (I am a retired Fire Sprinkler Fitter 47 years so I know no medical experience) over the last months. We missed the blood problem with the disease for the first month or so.
                    This probably helped kill 40% or so during March and April of those that caught the disease. That is why shutting down was probably not a bad idea early on, but opening should have begun May 1 at least.

                    The virus is a cold virus and finding a cure for this or the common cold, well you get it. Vaccine?, maybe but I am afraid herd immunity is going to be the best cure.

                    The mask thing helps keep the wearer from spreading it, that said the mask is more of a feel good thing then prevention. I had to dress in full suits to go in radiological facilities and coming out, it was easy to make mistakes undressing. The mask can come into contact and then how do you remove it and clean or how do you throw it away? Thanks KC, I say: OPEN BACK UP!!


                    • #11
                      Re: Wearing Mask: If it meant &quot;the difference&quot; would you wear one?

                      I have studied and studied the virus (I am a retired Fire Sprinkler Fitter 47 years so I have no medical experience) over the last months. We missed the blood problem with the disease for the first month or so.
                      This probably helped kill 40% or so during March and April of those that caught the disease. That is why shutting down was probably not a bad idea early on, but opening should have begun May 1 at least.

                      The virus is a cold virus and finding a cure for this or the common cold, well you get it. Vaccine?, maybe but I am afraid herd immunity is going to be the best cure.

                      The mask thing helps keep the wearer from spreading it, that said the mask is more of a feel good thing then prevention. I had to dress in full suits to go in radiological facilities and coming out, it was easy to make mistakes undressing. The mask can come into contact and then how do you remove it and clean or how do you throw it away? Thanks KC, I say: OPEN BACK UP!!


                      • #12
                        Re: Wearing Mask: If it meant &quot;the difference&quot; would you wear one?

                        Frankly, this is BS. Open this bad bear up...NOW! Fact is, Dem's want this to last as long as possible for two reasons.

                        First, the longer Biden is secluded in his basement, the better. Watching this slow-motion train wreck is kind of a

                        Second, the longer the economy is in the tank, the greater the chance Biden long as he can keep his mouth shut. Good luck with that.

                        Soap box under the desk now....


                        • #13
                          Re: Wearing Mask: If it meant &quot;the difference&quot; would you wear one?

                          yeah...…..this sucks. I can see BOTH sides of this issue. But.....and this is just MY opinion......we gotta stand united to fight/get rid of this virus. Me? I mask up: decades in the semiconductor industry has me conditioned to wearing a mask.
                          I realize that a mask won't STOP the virus; but if it INHIBITS/SLOWS/CURTAILS transmission....then I'm all for it.
                          Bottom line: I'll do whatever it takes so that I can stand with my bros. on the ramp and watch airplanes.

