Wow... I opened up membships last night and within 2 minutes, we were flooded with over 100 fake membership applicaions came in... most from RUSSIA!
I am trying to block the entire country IP ranges so we might have a little peace here! Every minute of every day, the server firewall is barraged with 1000's of fake login attempts to fake usernames... I believe they just do it to F**K with us!
I'm not going to give up, I've gotten my energy back to work the web again!
I've made a bunch of directives for the firewall If you happen to see anything unusual on the site, let me know!
I am trying to block the entire country IP ranges so we might have a little peace here! Every minute of every day, the server firewall is barraged with 1000's of fake login attempts to fake usernames... I believe they just do it to F**K with us!
I'm not going to give up, I've gotten my energy back to work the web again!
I've made a bunch of directives for the firewall If you happen to see anything unusual on the site, let me know!