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What If....2021

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  • #91
    Re: What If....2021

    Regarding the idea of separating the race admission from the airshow admission, it's an interesting idea, but please keep a couple of things in mind:

    Our seats are in the grandstand almost directly on the start/finish line. I would not want to lose this vantage point to the "airshow crowd". Also, there was a mention of offering only general admission for the race side. Please don't do that. I have a problem with crowds. It's a big enough deal that I buy more seats than I actually need, so that I can have some separation from other people. If I could not have reserved seats, that would be enough to end Reno for me.

    Also, it occurs to me that if the "race package" was priced to always include pit access every day, it would greatly increase my cost. Most of my party is interested in taking a walk through the pits on one day. If I had to buy a dozen full access tickets for the entire event, it would probably get pretty expensive. This is not necessarily a show stopper, since I do want to support the races, but it is something to think about.


    • #92
      Re: What If....2021

      Originally posted by wadeh View Post
      Regarding the idea of separating the race admission from the airshow admission, it's an interesting idea, but please keep a couple of things in mind:

      Our seats are in the grandstand almost directly on the start/finish line. I would not want to lose this vantage point to the "airshow crowd". Also, there was a mention of offering only general admission for the race side. Please don't do that. I have a problem with crowds. It's a big enough deal that I buy more seats than I actually need, so that I can have some separation from other people. If I could not have reserved seats, that would be enough to end Reno for me.

      Also, it occurs to me that if the "race package" was priced to always include pit access every day, it would greatly increase my cost. Most of my party is interested in taking a walk through the pits on one day. If I had to buy a dozen full access tickets for the entire event, it would probably get pretty expensive. This is not necessarily a show stopper, since I do want to support the races, but it is something to think about.
      All great points. On the seating and capacity for the race side, I would definitely want that capacity set appropriately to facilitate a great experience for those that make the financial commitment to be on the race side. While I indicated that only open seating might be an option, that is more just me always starting with a blank slate when brainstorming. I would have to believe reserved seating, whether grandstand or box, would ultimately be a part of the equation. Same thing for how the tickets are structured. In the end, my guess is there would need to be a variety of options to maximize the bottom-line but any good design session should start from scratch to be certain you end up in the right place. Ultimately, how tickets are priced and bundled should generate the max margin for RARA.

      As far as the home pylon and seating...I know there are lots of concerns involved - not the least of which is my old employer, the FAA - but using the same “starting from scratch” mentality, what if race center (home pylon) and airshow center are not the same? Just like staging for each part, put the main focal point for each in front of the respective fan base. Lots of parts that would require addressing but if they can be, you really do begin to have the ability to have an event within an event or, maybe more accurately, two interrelated events side by side. Could be the stupidest idea ever but I think it is clear by now, I will throw anything out there for discussion.

      Owen, you can kill me at your leisure for even suggesting the concept...

      And since I will already be dead, I’ll throw another blasphemous thing out there...

      “STIHL National Championship Airshow and Races” - Stays NCAR. Do I prefer it? No. Do I prefer it more than not having the races at all? No brainer. So, if it helps puts butts in the seats on Saturday and Sunday that pay for Wednesday to Sunday, then I am plenty fine with it.



      • #93
        Re: What If....2021

        First and foremost, these are just spitballs thrown at the AAFO wall...a brainstorming session. And to be clear, I have very little say in the admission/ticketing aspect of Reno.

        Don't think a scenario that moves Race ticketholders away from the finish line is gonna fly (sorry...too easy).

        And I agree that for this exercise anyway, it's better to start from scratch. If RARA came to you and said, "Here you go. A blank slate. Based on a shorter week, few racing aircraft and a larger airshow component, design both (a) what happens north of TWY Alpha, and how you'd structure what happens south the TWY Alpha."

        One of the potential downsides of an approach like "Race Pass" and "Airshow Pass" is you'd be drawing a definitive line/distinction/division between your fan base. It already exists frankly and that's not exclusive to Reno. I happens in virtually all aviation events. Fnas show up for certain reasons...jet teams, jet trucks, racing, hyrdroplanes, military, civilian, etc.

        An interesting concept...worth noodling.


        • #94
          Re: What If....2021

          It looks/sounds like RARA will have to mesh the Race/Airshow some what evenly with maybe a little more on the Racing side. The Military both static & Flying will draw fans in.Stands for the people in the pits would be great but very challenging with .Race planes moving in & out.Maybe on the West end?
          Lockheed Bob


          • #95
            Re: What If....2021

            I like sitting in Section 1 of the GA seats. A: You get a great view of the finish line. B: you meet all sorts of great people. The issues I had the last -2- years, -2- years ago they put the STOL demo racers in front of the stands which killed the viw of the racers taxing by. Last year, tents were set-up for the vets. I didn't mind the intention but the peaks of the tents blocked out the view of the racers aproaching the home pylon until they were right on top of it. They need to find tents without the giant peak,
            May all your bent wings be F2G Corsairs!


            • #96
              Re: What If....2021

              As far as the home pylon and seating...I know there are lots of concerns involved - not the least of which is my old employer, the FAA - but using the same “starting from scratch” mentality, what if race center (home pylon) and airshow center are not the same? Just like staging for each part, put the main focal point for each in front of the respective fan base. Lots of parts that would require addressing but if they can be, you really do begin to have the ability to have an event within an event or, maybe more accurately, two interrelated events side by side. Could be the stupidest idea ever but I think it is clear by now, I will throw anything out there for discussion.
              I've looked into the offset approach more than once, believe me!

              In crafting the entire Sterile Flying Display Area (SFDA) for the performer side of things, I have a little flexibility...but just a little...not a lot. Developing an SFDA that meets all the FAA, DoD, and RARA requirements is a lengthy, detailed, and at times painful process. I repeat that process annually and would like to attach a slide here to show what goes into that but I regard them as proprietary. Suffice to say, it's complicated.

              For instance: USAF TBirds have a few design requirements that they are "hard over" on. The SFDA I design must meet several requirements regarding distance from crowd, show center, Bomb Burst marker, distance from crowd right to Bomb Burst marker and Show Center (Home Pylon), length of SFDA, etc. For a few of these, the TBirds have graciously worked with us to grant some relief as it is physically impossible to design an SFDA that meets all their requirement. USN Blue Angels have similar requirements as well, though they don't use a Bomb Burst marker, per se. Is it possible to offset Performers Show Center away from Home Pylon? As mentioned, I've looked at that several different times and ways and the answer is yes...but only to the west, not the east. Otherwise, we get into all sorts of road closures, residential areas, uneven terrain, etc. And if we're offsetting to the west, we're moving away from the "Airshow Pass" folks and towards the "Race Pass" folks. And that would also mean an even greater distance from crowd right line to Show Center...not someplace we or the TBirds can go. Good I've spent time on...but likely not workable.

              And for additional fun the TFR for next year has to be 7NM, not the usual 5NM (sites above 4000'MSL have DA issues, thus the additional 2NM radius). Which means, among other things, more fun with the good folks at RNO (and I mean that sincerely, Tower folks at RNO have been awesome). Did it in 2016 for Blues so we don't have to reinvent the wheel but personnel changes can, at times, mean different results.

              Think it's fair to say any significant reconfig or the event on either side of TWY A) would mean some folks may not be pleased. Such is the nature of change. Our challenge is to minimize the pain and maximize the ROI!
              Last edited by Guest; 12-14-2020, 11:24 AM.


              • #97
                Re: What If....2021

                Originally posted by Air Boss View Post
                I've looked into the offset approach more than once, believe me!

                In crafting the entire Sterile Flying Display Area (SFDA) for the performer side of things, I have a little flexibility...but just a little...not a lot. Developing an SFDA that meets all the FAA, DoD, and RARA requirements is a lengthy, detailed, and at times painful process. I repeat that process annually and would like to attach a slide here to show what goes into that but I regard them as proprietary. Suffice to say, it's complicated.

                For instance: USAF TBirds have a few design requirements that they are "hard over" on. The SFDA I design must meet several requirements regarding distance from crowd, show center, Bomb Burst marker, distance from crowd right to Bomb Burst marker and Show Center (Home Pylon), length of SFDA, etc. For a few of these, the TBirds have graciously worked with us to grant some relief as it is physically impossible to design an SFDA that meets all their requirement. USN Blue Angels have similar requirements as well, though they don't use a Bomb Burst marker, per se. Is it possible to offset Performers Show Center away from Home Pylon? As mentioned, I've looked at that several different times and ways and the answer is yes...but only to the west, not the east. Otherwise, we get into all sorts of road closures, residential areas, uneven terrain, etc. And if we're offsetting to the west, we're moving away from the "Airshow Pass" folks and towards the "Race Pass" folks. And that would also mean an even greater distance from crowd right line to Show Center...not someplace we or the TBirds can go. Good I've spent time on...but likely not workable.

                And for additional fun the TFR for next year has to be 7NM, not the usual 5NM (sites above 4000'MSL have DA issues, thus the additional 2NM radius). Which means, among other things, more fun with the good folks at RNO (and I mean that sincerely, Tower folks at RNO have been awesome). Did it in 2016 for Blues so we don't have to reinvent the wheel but personnel changes can, at times, mean different results.

                Think it's fair to say any significant reconfig or the event on either side of TWY A) would mean some folks may not be pleased. Such is the nature of change. Our challenge is to minimize the pain and maximize the ROI!

                Great stuff! Don't mind me as I become a sponge and soak up as much info as possible.

                What if "airshow center" stays where it is at and the Home Pylon moves west by some number of feet (not likely huge?) Looking at Attachment B of the 2019 rules, if you take the direct line between Pylon 9 and Home and you move Home west to a point along that line that is where you want it in terms of "race center" for the race side, you should be able to do so without adversely impacting trajectories on any of the four courses. If true, then from a safety of flight perspective you should not have any new problems on the exit of Pylon 9 (or last pylon depending on the course in use.) In order to keep entries the same to Pylon 1 on the other end, keep a pylon at the existing Home location. This may not actually be needed but if done you should have a net zero impact on the flight tunnels for each course (apologies for the name - not sure what you officially call them.)

                From an experience perspective, it keeps Home centered in front of race fans. It does shorten the run to the finish on the last lap so the potential for an overtake at the line is likely marginally reduced. However, in reality, that is a very small number. You're talking the number of races that have changed hands in the last 100-200 ft. Granted, they are VERY exciting when it happens but 1) they will still be exciting, 2) they may still change hands, and 3) I am looking at the total picture. All other laps would be no different than now. Even timing and scoring for lap times and speeds would remain the same as they are today to avoid the dreaded "Well that was before/after they reconfigured the course" complaint.

                I get that moving "Home" may seem sacrilege but if we are talking blank slate to see if we find a way to put butts in the seats...

                Last edited by Fawkes; 12-14-2020, 01:12 PM.


                • #98
                  Re: What If....2021

                  Don't mind at all James. Always enjoy the back and forth. Generally speaking, we all learn a little something in the process.

                  While relocating may seem like a reasonable approach couple things to keep in mind. First, currently the vast majority of fans are seated within just a few hundred feet east or west of Home. If we were to swap Home for Outer 9 (or some along that line) it would move Home significantly outside of that window and put a majority of the seated crowd quite a ways from the finish line.

                  A second (but perhaps more important and expensive) point: Don't forget that Home Pylon is not just a 72' tall pylon. It has all manner of electronics housed there (UHF repeaters, video, timing, etc.) and has a counterpart...the booth that sits atop the Reserved Granstand is where timing calls home all week. All of their equip is linked (visually and electronically) to Home Pylon. Not only would all electrical have to be relocated for Home, you'd have to do the same for Timing and Scoring equipment. A cost prohibitive endeavor to be sure.

                  I spent a lot of time working with a model where Show Center was not Home Pylon, but a point west of there toward Outer 9. Basically, the SFDA for Birds and Blues has to be 12000'x3000'. Show Center is supposed to be just that...located 6000' along the 1500' line so that there's 1500' from the crowd and 1500' on the "back side" in case there may be a secondary crowd area. Not a factor at Reno as there's nothing out there except desert...and Pylon Judges who are regarded as "Essential Personnel." We could actually go down to 1200' along the backside of the SFDA but it's just easier to keep it SOP.

                  For CAT I performers (bascially jet teams, single ships, etc. @ >245KIAS), there isn't really an aerobatic "box." It's a line that runs down the center of the SFDA, 1500' from the crowd. All aerobatics must be performed along that line. For the slower movers (CAT II @ 156KIAS to @244KIAS and CAT III below 155KIAS), they actually do have a box in which they can performer aerobatics, as is evident when you watch those guys. They can exceed pitch and roll attitudes anywhere inside their aerobatic box. More to it than that, but you see where I'm going. With that kind of territory involved and the requirements of the performers (esp. jet teams and demos), even at a place like Reno, it's a challenge. And we want to avoid having to vacate buildings, closing roads etc. Don't ask what it's like in a major metropolitan area with Class B airspace all around.

                  Remind me again why I signed up for this!
                  Last edited by Guest; 12-14-2020, 01:31 PM.


                  • #99
                    Re: What If....2021

                    Originally posted by Air Boss View Post
                    Don't mind at all James. Always enjoy the back and forth. Generally speaking, we all learn a little something in the process.

                    While relocating may seem like a reasonable approach couple things to keep in mind. First, currently the vast majority of fans are seated within just a few hundred feet east or west of Home. If we were to swap Home for Outer 9 (or some along that line) it would move Home significantly outside of that window and put a majority of the seated crowd quite a ways from the finish line.

                    A second (but perhaps more important and expensive) point: Don't forget that Home Pylon is not just a 72' tall pylon. It has all manner of electronics housed there (UHF repeaters, video, timing, etc.) and has a counterpart...the booth that sits atop the Reserved Granstand is where timing calls home all week. All of their equip is linked (visually and electronically) to Home Pylon. Not only would all electrical have to be relocated for Home, you'd have to do the same for Timing and Scoring equipment. A cost prohibitive endeavor to be sure.

                    I spent a lot of time working with a model where Show Center was not Home Pylon, but a point west of there toward Outer 9. Basically, the SFDA for Birds and Blues has to be 12000'x3000'. Show Center is supposed to be just that...located 6000' along the 1500' line so that there's 1500' from the crowd and 1500' on the "back side" in case there may be a secondary crowd area. Not a factor at Reno as there's nothing out there except desert...and Pylon Judges who are regarded as "Essential Personnel." We could actually go down to 1200' along the backside of the SFDA but it's just easier to keep it SOP.

                    For CAT I performers (bascially jet teams, single ships, etc. @ >245KIAS), there isn't really an aerobatic "box." It's a line that runs down the center of the SFDA, 1500' from the crowd. All aerobatics must be performed along that line. For the slower movers (CAT II @ 156KIAS to @244KIAS and CAT III below 155KIAS), they actually do have a box in which they can performer aerobatics, as is evident when you watch those guys. They can exceed pitch and roll attitudes anywhere inside their aerobatic box. More to it than that, but you see where I'm going. With that kind of territory involved and the requirements of the performers (esp. jet teams and demos), even at a place like Reno, it's a challenge. And we want to avoid having to vacate buildings, closing roads etc. Don't ask what it's like in a major metropolitan area with Class B airspace all around.

                    Remind me again why I signed up for this!
                    My sponge is getting full!

                    I may have misspoke or not been clear enough. I would not move Home to 9 (or even remotely close to it.) More like hopping across Charlie. Still a significant undertaking and one that has more expense than I am certain I am envisioning. The goal would be to slide it just west enough to keep it centered in front of "race" seating which I would envision is just west of the current "fence" between the pits and GA sides. Think roughly where the VIP tent has been lately. I would say that I envision race seating to straddle the S/F line but then extend to the west if needed. Remember, this seating will be some fraction of what currently exists while the rest (and possibly more) will be on the airshow side (straddling and extending east from the current Home location.)

                    And to be clear, I am looking to leave the SFDA as is. It is a challenge to modify airshow parameters in any way and the whole point of this exercise is to allow for as much of a financially-successful airshow as possible. As such, is there anything housed at the home pylon that impacts the SFDA? Of course, if there is and we leave a pylon there, that might mitigate.

                    Even with solving for the experience and safety pieces (which I think this might do,) it doesn't address the main issue you raise: expense. Depending on how things are laid out on the "new" ramp, you could leave the in-ground infrastructure on that side where it is and block some cable runs from public access to get the feeds to the new T&S location. That should help at least some. On the course side, you'd have to tunnel under Charlie from the current location. The other good news is it would be a one-time cost to move anything that did have to physically change locations. The bad news is the coffers are beyond empty in the first place. Which gets us full circle back to 2021. While there is real risk to not "racing" in 2021, if it puts money in the bank (or simply allows time for more to be secured,) that is your immediate answer. Something like this is for the return to "real" racing year.

                    Clearly we need a construction company to sign on as a sponsor to do the work in this little fairy tale. I have a friend doing some work for Clyde over in UT...time to make a phone call...



                    • Re: What If....2021

                      Just skimmed through this, gonna re-read with intent tomorrow and add some more constructive thoughts, but for the time being I will say that in my opinion this is too much talk about different ways to sell a product, and not enough talk about the fact that the product cant be produced anymore. The organization (RARA still?) and us die hard fans have been chasing something that came together as the perfect intersection of innovation, ingenuity, competition and excitement.

                      Cheap warbirds dont exist anymore. Getting to 400mph was attainable for many. cruising at 475 is attainable only through cubic dollars to the factor of X and the knowledge contained in less than 100 peoples brains. There is no more serious innovation in this class because there cant be. Duels and parades are the best we can ever get now.

                      Jet and Sport could absolutely become the unlimited racing experience of 85-95, but people and the FAA will likely not stomach what comes along with that.

                      I think the answer is somewhere in the realm of changing what is being sold. Are gate tickets sales really the only way to make money off of this amazing spectacle? Formula 1 is the most popular sport in the world after soccer, and I would wager that the vast majority of those fans have never set foot at an actual race.

                      -Someone who has spent 5 days (sleeping on site) at every* event since 1980 (*except 2)
                      Last edited by flyingjibus; 12-16-2020, 07:15 PM.


                      • Re: What If....2021

                        Originally posted by flyingjibus View Post
                        Just skimmed through this, gonna re-read with intent tomorrow and add some more constructive thoughts, but for the time being I will say that in my opinion this is too much talk about different ways to sell a product, and not enough talk about the fact that the product cant be produced anymore.
                        This is why I think it's important to note that the fans are not the real customers. The real customers are the teams.
                        If you change this part of the business model, a lot of the concerns regarding the unlimited class immediately disappear.
                        "young" Thomas



                        • Re: What If....2021

                          Originally posted by flyingjibus View Post
                          Just skimmed through this, gonna re-read with intent tomorrow and add some more constructive thoughts, but for the time being I will say that in my opinion this is too much talk about different ways to sell a product, and not enough talk about the fact that the product cant be produced anymore. The organization (RARA still?) and us die hard fans have been chasing something that came together as the perfect intersection of innovation, ingenuity, competition and excitement.

                          Cheap warbirds dont exist anymore. Getting to 400mph was attainable for many. cruising at 475 is attainable only through cubic dollars to the factor of X and the knowledge contained in less than 100 peoples brains. There is no more serious innovation in this class because there cant be. Duels and parades are the best we can ever get now.

                          Jet and Sport could absolutely become the unlimited racing experience of 85-95, but people and the FAA will likely not stomach what comes along with that.

                          I think the answer is somewhere in the realm of changing what is being sold. Are gate tickets sales really the only way to make money off of this amazing spectacle? Formula 1 is the most popular sport in the world after soccer, and I would wager that the vast majority of those fans have never set foot at an actual race.

                          -Someone who has spent 5 days (sleeping on site) at every* event since 1980 (*except 2)
                          Some good thoughts here. Thanks for your input.

                          To your point, the "product" is the act of racing aircraft (we'll set aside the airshow component). The elephant in the room is which aircraft and will fans show up in sufficient numbers, buy t-shirts, beers, and dogs to support the event if, say, the UNL class essentially becomes what the Jet class once was...exhibitions. Can STOL, Sports, Jets, et al, fill the void?

                          Curious as to your thought regarding "but people and the FAA will likely not stomach what comes along with that." In what way?

                          Gates sales are not the only way Reno survives. Sponsorships, donations, concessions, entry fees, etc. all contribute to the revenue stream. That said, if you're not putting butts in the bleachers, sponsors will say so long, donations dwindle, and concessions will cave. We all know where that road leads...

                          There are multiple surveys on this subject but based on 2019 numbers, Formula 1 attendance is almost outpaced by Professional Cricket and is almost doubled by Australian Rules Football. Who knew. And if we're talking just viewership F1 lags behind Rugby, Tennis, Cricket and others. Point being, wildly popular motorsports like F1 which are enjoyed by millions of fans cannot come close to measuring up to sports played by humans against other humans. We're in a small corner of a niche market and must continue to make the best of it, as best we can.

                          Are there those who feel Reno should be all about racing and only about racing, and if that's can't happen then it should just shut down...sure. Just as there are those that feel Reno should do whatever it takes to keep the event alive and if that means fewer, smaller classes and more aviation event-themed acts and/or other forms of entertainment or fan-based interactions, so be it.

                          One thing is matter what RARA does in the future not everyone will be happy. Such is the nature of change...


                          • Re: What If....2021

                            Originally posted by CubersWrist View Post
                            This is why I think it's important to note that the fans are not the real customers. The real customers are the teams.
                            If you change this part of the business model, a lot of the concerns regarding the unlimited class immediately disappear.
                            Not sure I track where you're headed here. Not sure how Reno could survive with a racer-focused concept at the exclusion of building a fan base.

                            Are you suggesting that a trimmed down event that features only racing (paid for mostly by racers) is the way forward?


                            • Re: What If....2021

                              Originally posted by flyingjibus View Post
                              Just skimmed through this, gonna re-read with intent tomorrow and add some more constructive thoughts, but for the time being I will say that in my opinion this is too much talk about different ways to sell a product, and not enough talk about the fact that the product cant be produced anymore. The organization (RARA still?) and us die hard fans have been chasing something that came together as the perfect intersection of innovation, ingenuity, competition and excitement.

                              Cheap warbirds dont exist anymore. Getting to 400mph was attainable for many. cruising at 475 is attainable only through cubic dollars to the factor of X and the knowledge contained in less than 100 peoples brains. There is no more serious innovation in this class because there cant be. Duels and parades are the best we can ever get now.

                              Jet and Sport could absolutely become the unlimited racing experience of 85-95, but people and the FAA will likely not stomach what comes along with that.

                              I think the answer is somewhere in the realm of changing what is being sold. Are gate tickets sales really the only way to make money off of this amazing spectacle? Formula 1 is the most popular sport in the world after soccer, and I would wager that the vast majority of those fans have never set foot at an actual race.

                              -Someone who has spent 5 days (sleeping on site) at every* event since 1980 (*except 2)

                              My first Reno was as a kid in 1966 and I've missed very few since that time. Darryl Greenamyer was my pilot hero at the time followed by Lyle Shelton etc. I went to Reno many years only to see the unlimiteds and wasn't interested in much else mainly because of the noise, the speeds, and the competition. Over the years as I got older and wised up I became a big fan of the F-1's and then the biplanes started to inquire me. I was not at all excited about the jet class when it came along since many races were slower than the unlimiteds. As the jets got more innovative and speeds increased and the approached 500 mph and then went well over my interested went way up and I enjoy them. The sport class, to me, could be the savior of the races. When all the sudden you had these aircraft going as fast as the slower unlimiteds and when my boy hood hero Darryl Greenamyer showed up to seriously race in the sport class I got extremely excited about the potential. Early on when he would take race 33 up in the afternoon's to do testing during qualification week and he would do those high circuits around the airport and to hear the howl that Continental engine was putting out it sent shivers up and down my spine. No, it was no where close to Rarebear with the 3-blade prop on it but it made it all even more exciting. As the sport class chased 400 mph there was lots of speculation about who would/could do 400. It's been exciting and the innovation has been exciting as well. When Andy Findlay on the Hanger Hags episode in his hanger mentioned that the current airframes were probably about maxed out as far as how fast they could go and it would probably take new airframes to take the sport speeds higher--the thoughts of that really excited me. They aren't going to do it without more prize money however. For all intents and purposes the unlimited are all done and I can't believe I'm saying that! No one is going to put money into modifying any of them to be as fast as what we've seen in the past, let alone bring what's already modified and race them hard. AS much as we would love to see that--it isn't happening. Since racing is all about speed, I'd love to see enough money sent to the sport class and see where it goes. You get that kind of competition going and I believe you would have a class that would replace the high end unlimited speeds in time with innovation like we haven't seen yet or even knew existed--and it probably doesn't--yet! Having been around in the heyday of the unlimiteds--what we're seeing now doesn't do a whole lot for me. Sure I go to see them but I'm spending more and more time around the sport class racers during qualifications week. I even think that the sport class should now be the feature last race of the day on Sundays. Don't get me wrong, I love Dreadnaught, but when you know right after it's won the gold race at a greatly reduced power setting that it will probably do the same thing the next year--not a lot of excitement there for me. That's not the way it is with the sport class--there's still anticipation and excitement of the unknown. That's what I like about racing--in the F-1's--lots of anticipation with that class. Not so much in the biplanes but it sounds like that time could be coming for them very soon. I'm still trying to figure out the jets as there seems to be different pilots flying the same jet the next year a lot and I'm getting too old I guess to keep up with all that--but they're getting more exciting. Sorry T-6's--never been a fan--whoever comes down the shoot on the pole wins almost always--do appreciate the class being there on race weekend so I can get a potty break and not miss other stuff I want to see. OK I'm rambling now. Just my 1 cent worth...


                              • Re: What If....2021

                                Disclaimer this is me thinking out loud but. Yes. More or less.

                                I’ve mentioned in another thread that Reno is more like a track day than a professional(paid) racing event.

                                At a track day people pay to race their cars in ways that would normally be illegal. The track has a relatively simple task of getting participants to cover the costs. The big unknown of spectator attendance doesn’t enter the equation. This also sets us at a purse of zero.

                                Now the fans are customers too but considering most teams would show up without any spectators that shows (to me) who the bigger customer is.

                                I initially would like to say all ticket sales go toward the new purse. This puts the onus on teams to attract fans and sponsors (kinda like what Trent Palmer is doing now). But RARA would naturally be better suited to foot the cost of logistics and porta potties and organizing the grand stands etc etc. so I think some kind of split of the attendance/vendor money would be reasonable between RARA and the racers. Just so RARA could cover the cost of people attending the event. This would incorporate any costs associated with additional airshow acts.

                                You end up doing most of the same stuff. But I think the potential end result is that RARA could become more stable with more racing rather than having to settle for less.
                                "young" Thomas


