I'll start by begging forgivness from Wayne for starting this thread; however, Wayne raised what I regarded as a serious question in the middle of another thread and I felt it deserved to have it's own voice...so, here we go. Again, this is me talking...and I don't wish to put any words in his or anyone else's mouth.
And Wayne, forgive me for speaking about you in this context, as if you wouldn't be reading this. It is meant solely as a kudo to you for all you've done for all of us over the years. All respect...none withheld.
From what I can gather, over the last few years it's become increasingly apparent that the traffic on AAFO continues to decline. Visits are down, comments are down, and from what I gather from Wayne's recent post it is now a question as to whether or not the return on Wayne's investment in time, effort, energy and money is worth it. Especially given Wayne's recent health issues. I'd suspect keeping this forum up and running smoothly is challenge under the best of circumstances. Cannot imagine doing so at less than 100%.
I don't suppose to know all the in's and out's about this forum. Many of you on here have been around for a long, long time (some of you longer than you care to remember I suspect!). I'm a relative new-comer in that regard. But I do wonder how those of you who are "longer in the AAFO tooth" feel about this forum. I don't have all the numbers (Wayne certain does) but it does seem to me that based on comments Wayne has made over the last few years and the traffic and interest is fading.
I would certainly hate to see this forum go dark...I enjoy the stories, images, annecdotes, and back and forth about the history of this sport as well as the current state of things. It's a good place to express, vent, offer opinions, debate, and just generally stay in touch. And yes, from time to time, even now, there are threads that get a bit testy. Human nature I suppose. Hopefully nobody's feelings were scarred beyond repair.
I must say however, I also hope Wayne is not burning the candle at both ends just to keep us alive on this forum.
At some point, Wayne, you have to do what is best for YOU...not us AAFO'ers. If maintaining this site is becoming more of a burden than a blessing, let it go. Take care of yourself. Do what you have to do make sure you are enjoying life after 70, my friend! No doubt you've earned it!
Will I miss this site if/when it's full stop...you bet. And I suspect many others will as well. And while that may be a factor in keeping AAFO alive, it should NOT be the driving force for Wayne.
Wayne, you certainly don't need my or anyone else's blessing, permission, green-light, or thumbs-up to call it a day. And this post is not meant to do so...I'd never suppose to do that. Just voicing my thoughts about the future of AAFO and my thanks for many, many years of keeping us ducks in some semblence of a row.
Whatever you decide and whenever that may be, you've got my support, my friend.
And Wayne, forgive me for speaking about you in this context, as if you wouldn't be reading this. It is meant solely as a kudo to you for all you've done for all of us over the years. All respect...none withheld.
From what I can gather, over the last few years it's become increasingly apparent that the traffic on AAFO continues to decline. Visits are down, comments are down, and from what I gather from Wayne's recent post it is now a question as to whether or not the return on Wayne's investment in time, effort, energy and money is worth it. Especially given Wayne's recent health issues. I'd suspect keeping this forum up and running smoothly is challenge under the best of circumstances. Cannot imagine doing so at less than 100%.
I don't suppose to know all the in's and out's about this forum. Many of you on here have been around for a long, long time (some of you longer than you care to remember I suspect!). I'm a relative new-comer in that regard. But I do wonder how those of you who are "longer in the AAFO tooth" feel about this forum. I don't have all the numbers (Wayne certain does) but it does seem to me that based on comments Wayne has made over the last few years and the traffic and interest is fading.
I would certainly hate to see this forum go dark...I enjoy the stories, images, annecdotes, and back and forth about the history of this sport as well as the current state of things. It's a good place to express, vent, offer opinions, debate, and just generally stay in touch. And yes, from time to time, even now, there are threads that get a bit testy. Human nature I suppose. Hopefully nobody's feelings were scarred beyond repair.
I must say however, I also hope Wayne is not burning the candle at both ends just to keep us alive on this forum.
At some point, Wayne, you have to do what is best for YOU...not us AAFO'ers. If maintaining this site is becoming more of a burden than a blessing, let it go. Take care of yourself. Do what you have to do make sure you are enjoying life after 70, my friend! No doubt you've earned it!
Will I miss this site if/when it's full stop...you bet. And I suspect many others will as well. And while that may be a factor in keeping AAFO alive, it should NOT be the driving force for Wayne.
Wayne, you certainly don't need my or anyone else's blessing, permission, green-light, or thumbs-up to call it a day. And this post is not meant to do so...I'd never suppose to do that. Just voicing my thoughts about the future of AAFO and my thanks for many, many years of keeping us ducks in some semblence of a row.
Whatever you decide and whenever that may be, you've got my support, my friend.