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Race 7 before Reno

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  • Race 7 before Reno

    Reno 79 was not Dan's first race. He started by coming to Mojave 78 as a total stocker -- not even spray bars. By Mojave 79 he was moving along pretty good.

    I don't know if Dan has a print of this hung on the hangar wall in Hollister, but he should...

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Re: Race 7 before Reno

    1982 during qualifying

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    • #3
      Re: Race 7 before Reno

      Hi Shawn. You need to use your new Photoshop to make your horizons level. That's a nice shot. I hope it's OK that I straightened it out and did a couple other things...

      It's not Dan before Reno, though. It should go into a future thread for 1980 on.

      Do you have any Ridge Runner from Mojave? Your Dad at least was there.

      Attached Files


      • #4
        Re: Race 7 before Reno

        It's interesting to watch your photo editing technique over the years. When I first met you, we only had digital copies of film scans. I'm not sure you were doing any digital editing then, don't remember what you were doing with what can only be called magic with film pre scanned.

        Anyway point being, I used to be pretty good at PS, mostly light adjustments, "browsersizing" for best web display, branding and such. I had so many images to process, I learned hot to batch process them where sizing, adjusting, a little unsharp mask brand added save for web and done..

        Mark Kallio was really good at post processing and graphic art as was/is Victor Archer..

        It's interesting to see how good you are with PS today... I "think" I knew you when you did not own it??? What were you using for post processing back in the late 90's when we first met???

        Do you remember when Mark Daniels used to make processing runs into town, return in a few hours and we'd scan and scan and scan...
        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #5
          Re: Race 7 before Reno

          I actually had a point I was trying to get to... I often forget what to hell I was going to say in the next sentence...

          I wonder what you could do with a few of my earliest shots??

          I am HOPING to finally achieve HOME since I've truly been between various "homes" since 2000! I had "stuff" stored here there and everywhere! I now am partner in a large HOUSE, no more condo living!! I really want to gather together all of the at one time delicately stored archival media from my early days... I find these little "micro disc" things everywhere, not sure what I stored on them but finding enough media space was ALWAYS an issue from the very start! I had a really nice 5 drive RAID array in a housing that I could plug into a "Scuzzy" port adapter that fit in a slot in my laptop that went swimming with the fishes in Illwaco harbor in 2008...

          They don't make laptops that have those slots any more!

          Anyway, to find the shots for Eric Tegler's story, I had to individually remove each drive and put an adaptor to USB, search and find the images..

          Not as easy as it was when I could use the SCSI stuff like it should be used... my flatbed and transparency scanner are both SCSI as well..
          Wayne Sagar
          "Pusher of Electrons"


          • #6
            Re: Race 7 before Reno

            Cool picture of RR and RB Neal.


            • #7
              Re: Race 7 before Reno

              Originally posted by wingman View Post
              Hi Shawn. You need to use your new Photoshop to make your horizons level. That's a nice shot. I hope it's OK that I straightened it out and did a couple other things...

              It's not Dan before Reno, though. It should go into a future thread for 1980 on.

              Do you have any Ridge Runner from Mojave? Your Dad at least was there.

              you mean like this
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Re: Race 7 before Reno

                during race week in 1982 Nag hosted a ramp party here is Dan Martin and Jimmy Leeward

                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Re: Race 7 before Reno

                  Nice to see that. Dan and Jimmy were friends -- I've heard them reminisce about things they tried and engines blown the same way. They coordinated a lot in Dan's early years racing.

                  That black and white is much better but the horizon is still tilted. An easy way to figure this out when working with an image is to open a crop tool, and then just bring the upper crop line down to the horizon. You can then rotate the image til the horizon is pretty level. You then cancel the crop and continue your work with the picture.

                  A very nice job of cleaning up the dust spots, by the way. The picture looks better this way.

                  Last edited by wingman; 10-17-2021, 06:46 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Race 7 before Reno

                    Originally posted by Shawn Aro View Post
                    during race week in 1982 Nag hosted a ramp party here is Dan Martin and Jimmy Leeward

                    I was just a fan in the stands in those days but, "those were the days"

                    Thanks for sharing Shawn!
                    Wayne Sagar
                    "Pusher of Electrons"

