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Aviation Photography: Air to Air

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  • #46
    Re: Aviation Photography: Air to Air

    ...just playin' Neal...


    Click image for larger version

Name:	SFW-cropO-JUL4970.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	444.7 KB
ID:	231865
    Click image for larger version

Name:	SFW-01-.v4.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	217.9 KB
ID:	231866


    • #47
      Re: Aviation Photography: Air to Air

      I like that first crop a lot -- makes for a different picture. I'd done my crop wanting to preserve the feeling of low, but your crop has me reconsidering. Unfortunately to me there's really not enough room ahead of the Mustang in the second crop.



      • #48
        Re: Aviation Photography: Air to Air

        There is this one, however. And a shot of the beginning of the landing break.

        Not my favourite angle on a Mustang, but it was not my formation -- I was just along for the ride.

        Attached Files


        • #49
          Re: Aviation Photography: Air to Air


          What method did you use to enlarge the crop ?



          • #50
            Re: Aviation Photography: Air to Air

            Just watched the Air Warriors episode on the Mustang.. Can you imagine what that airplane looked like to the men flying her and against her?

            OMG, so slick and modern compared to anything prior... P-38 in my mind is a reasonably close second but the P-51 with the bubble canopy has to be the most beautiful piston engine airplane ever built!
            Wayne Sagar
            "Pusher of Electrons"


            • #51
              Re: Aviation Photography: Air to Air

              Originally posted by sledge39 View Post

              What method did you use to enlarge the crop ?

              This is from a slightly different image. Don't forget that I'm working from a RAW image originally, rather than you working with a degraded jpeg. It's even worse as I generally set the jpeg values quite low. With a good sized original the usual Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop enlarging and cropping tools work great.



              • #52
                Re: Aviation Photography: Air to Air

                A fine airshow group of the time called "Team America" over Marin County California. Brian Sanders was #3 -- sometimes his Dad sat in instead. The occasion was Press day before a Warbird airshow in 1987. I was shooting occasionally for a West coast airplane rag called "Pacific Flyer". Earnings were something less than a pittance and hard to extract at best, but the name got me all kinds of access and occasional flights. For this shot I was in a Marchetti just like the airshow birds (except paint, of course), and was with a pilot who was trusted by the team. The flight was not long, but was productive.

                It was great to have airshows (and a race) 20 minutes from my house. And Marin was a lovely place to fly over that day...

                Attached Files


                • #53
                  Re: Aviation Photography: Air to Air

                  The only Air to Air shots I've had the chance to shoot. There was a Globe Swift fly in at Schellville in 2019. Two of the 3 Swifts based there went up after. I was lucky enough to fly in a really beautiful 210hp Super Swift with a bubble canopy mod. I only had my old 24-85 lens so I had to crop the heck out of the shots. We were out over SF bay.

                  I'd really really like to do another shoot with these guys, only get all three Swifts based there up for the shoot. I've talked to all three owners, but it hasn't progressed from there.

