Re: Hey Wayne...
Again, appreciate the keep it clean advice.. I've been the housekeeper for a while now. It's one of the things that stresses her!
I do the work, she feels guilty and stresses about it...
She's my baby, it's just what you do, right?
You make things right..
Again, Doc says take her to Vegas and so we shall! I've got all the parts primary and secondary Allison 3000 transmission filters, 29 (yes reading that right) quarts of Allison Transmission approved synthetic oil.. @ $50. per gallon... ugh! No wonder Freightliner charges over 700 bux for the service.. in parts alone filters/fluid we're over 4 hun.....
She's staying at her sister and brother in law's house just north of Seattle for a couple days to ensure she's stabilized we don't want to bring her directly here to no critical care land!!
Then as I said... Doctors say get her to Vegas!!!!!!!
Again, appreciate the keep it clean advice.. I've been the housekeeper for a while now. It's one of the things that stresses her!
I do the work, she feels guilty and stresses about it...
She's my baby, it's just what you do, right?
You make things right..
Again, Doc says take her to Vegas and so we shall! I've got all the parts primary and secondary Allison 3000 transmission filters, 29 (yes reading that right) quarts of Allison Transmission approved synthetic oil.. @ $50. per gallon... ugh! No wonder Freightliner charges over 700 bux for the service.. in parts alone filters/fluid we're over 4 hun.....
She's staying at her sister and brother in law's house just north of Seattle for a couple days to ensure she's stabilized we don't want to bring her directly here to no critical care land!!
Then as I said... Doctors say get her to Vegas!!!!!!!