Just a note to let anyone who's interested know that I just did an article with Tom on his exploits flying A-1E Skyaiders in Vietnam and in particular, a mission he flew on November 20, 1965 for which he won the Distinguished Flying Cross.
Long before rounding the pylons behind the Rare Bear-like 3350 in Critical Mass (and T-6s Tinkertoy, Yankee Air Pirate), Tom flew behind unmodified 3350s in Skyraiders. The story is in the January/February issue of Flight Journal Magazine - out now.
Long before rounding the pylons behind the Rare Bear-like 3350 in Critical Mass (and T-6s Tinkertoy, Yankee Air Pirate), Tom flew behind unmodified 3350s in Skyraiders. The story is in the January/February issue of Flight Journal Magazine - out now.