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  • #16
    Re: Airshows?

    Originally posted by speeddemon that's a MAN'S airplane in that poster. And no, I'm not referring to the dirgible in the background.

    Wouldn't you agree, Bill?

    Why YES I would Brad. Of course, we HAVE been over this with your brother in the past No need to go there again.
    Attached Files
    Never mind. Maybe next year


    • #17
      Re: Airshows?

      Originally posted by Air Race Addict
      We HAVE been over this with your brother in the past. No need to go there again.


      Kids. They just never learn, do they.


      • #18
        Re: Airshows?

        Originally posted by speeddemon
        Funding for the shows were usually part of the Commanding Officers "general fund" budget every year. So accordingly, the shows at a lot of bases were the first things to go as the budget cuts and downsizing occurred. Lots were reduced to 'open houses' with static displays, as opposed to full-fleged airshows.

        Too bad. They were fun to put on.
        Speed.. this is how it is done still, unless I'm mistaken.... What I've learned from my involvement with World of Wings is, that the base can let an outside resource help bring in funding to help pay for, or entirely pay for the show...

        I'm not 100% sure if this is/has been the norm or, (more likely) that the Nellis show is *somewhat* of an experiment of sorts to see how far this sort of "outsourcing" can go...

        One thing I have learned about airshows on military bases, man, it's difficult to get everything turned around from an active base to a closed base putting on an airshow, all within the space of two days.... especially for a civilian or civilian group!!!

        While we're on the subject, from what I can see so far, it looks like the Nellis show is going to be huge this year (again) some neat stuff in the pipe that, hopefully, all comes together!

        Off to work for me!

        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #19
          Re: Airshows?

          Interesting event at Moffett Saturday afternoon.

          I was watching the Thunderbirds from my driveway Saturday (I went to the show Sunday), and halfway through their performance all six planes climbed to 10,000-15,000 feet, and then split into 3 pairs of 2 planes each, two groups circling slowly over the east end of the field, and 2 over my house on the west side. The ones over my head were the solos, I believe.

          After what seemed a half-hour or so, they began performing again, but I only saw 5 planes from then on. Did one of the solo F-16s have trouble and land early, or did I just miss seeing #6 from my distant location? (2-3 miles from the runways). My view was obstructed at times, and I don't remember those trees across the street being so big LAST year...


          • #20
            Re: Airshows?


            During #6's Wing Walk pass, where he puts his gear down and rocks from side to side, the nose gear failed to come down. The Lead Solo, #5, went up to check it out and followed him in. After #6 was safely down they resumed the show.

            I think they were having another maintenance issue as well. One of the regular planes never made it so they used the two seat media plane in it's place. Notice the slot plane in the attached. I also noticed in the pictures that Tyson posted that there were only three planes in the formation.

            Attached Files


            • #21
              Re: Airshows?

              Where are the images TYson posted located at?? I looked on his site and did not see anything there or attached to this posting. Can you provide more info. Thanx.


              • #22
                Re: Airshows?

                There a bit further down on the Main page for this message board in the Photography Gallery Forum under the discussion of Moffet 04 Practice Session

                Registered members may upload and share images. PLEASE note copyright rules must be followed.


                • #23
                  Re: Airshows?

                  Bob Hoover flew the Sabreliner at Reno in the mid-1990s- incredible act. Had to have a co-pilot to satify the Feds. Wish I could have volunteered!

                  Ron Henning
                  Ron Henning

