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NemesisNXT First Look: Update Full View Photo!

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  • NemesisNXT First Look: Update Full View Photo!

    Update: Click Here For Full View POTW!

    Well.. "officially" first flight has not taken place... yet.. but the official debut of NemesisNXT was today and AAFO contributor Bill Pearce was there for all of us who have been DYING to see this new airplane!

    He's teasing us with partial images until tomorrow.. (saturday) but...

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    Has three partial views of this new, VERY exciting airplane!

    As soon as I return to my desktop, where Bill has submitted his work, I'll get cracking on giving you a full view of this new Air Racer!!!


    NemesisNXT is finally REAL!!!!!

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"

  • #2
    Re: NemesisNXT First Look.... Finally!

    Pimp my ride!
    Rutan Long EZ, N-LONG
    World Speed Record Holder


    • #3
      Re: NemesisNXT,,,what motor?? what class??

      What motor is in that beautiful plane?? And what class will it compete in, is this this an unlimited?


      • #4
        Re: NemesisNXT,,,what motor?? what class??

        Originally posted by tex-fan
        What motor is in that beautiful plane?? And what class will it compete in, is this this an unlimited?
        Bill and I are both working on an article and more pix that'll have a lot more info but.. the engine is the Lycoming TI0-540-NXT

        The airplane will be raced in the Sport class but may well have unlimited speed potential.. (The sports already are pushing as fast or faster than some of the UL's)

        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #5
          Re: NemesisNXT First Look: Update Full View Photo!

          Those sports guys are getting real racey. That 347 mph by Greenameyer last year blew me away. I can't wait to see what Nemesis can pull off.


          • #6
            Re: NemesisNXT First Look: Update Full View Photo!

            I sure am impressed with the Sharp's creation and am sure it will be very very fast. Over the short life of the sport class we have seen the speeds go up very quikly and this is causing some concern for me. NXT has been designed with racing in mind and I'm sure they have taken into acount the stresses that will be put on the airframe during a race but many of these other aircraft that compete in the sport class are really pushing their structural limits and we have seen examples of this when the factory Lancair piloted by Dave Morss started sheding parts a few years back and even worse was the tragic loss of Tommy Rose in 2002 in his questair. The questair is a very short plane and to get enough down force on the horizontal the designers had to make it with a lot of surface area and the speeds they were reaching with that airplane proved to produce more stress on the horizontal than it could take resulting in the loss of Tommy Rose. I just hope we don't see other sport class aircraft being pushed beyond their breaking point structuraly. I would like to hear others opinions of the sport class to see what you all think.


            • #7
              Re: NemesisNXT First Look: Update Full View Photo!

              Maybe they will have to do what they did with the biplanes in the 80's. Make a sport class and a "racing" class. Back then, there was a separate class for all the unique 2-wingers like the Rutan Amsoil racer, which were much quicker than the regular "Pitts-style" bipes.

              The regular sport class will be unmodified stock kitplane models like the Questair with some motor limitation rule (stock motors only?), while the racing class (modified sport?...junior unlimiteds?) will allow kitplanes built to take the higher stresses, and allow them to have modified engines. Of course, there will have to be more planes like the NXT and the Thunder Mustang entered to create such a modified class, and there may not be enough room in the schedule for yet another race class.

              On another slightly different topic, has anyone heard ANYTHING about the NXT kits that were sold to other parties? I've heard nothing at all since they were delivered. All I find are old articles saying that 3 kits were sold.


              • #8
                Re: NemesisNXT First Look: Update Full View Photo!

                Part of my press pack states:

                "In fact, as of May 2004, there are 5 NXT kits under construction, with a possibility of 3 NXT's racing at the 2004 Reno National Air Races in September."

                I don't know who has them of what level of complettion they have attained, but I wish them the best of luck.

                BTW, I completed the photos late last night and sent them to Wayne. I had some things come up and I was unable to get them done faster. The article with pics should be up today and I appologize for the delay.

                Bill Pearce
                Bill Pearce

                Old Machine Press
                Blue Thunder Air Racing (in memoriam)


                • #9
                  Re: NemesisNXT First Look: Update Full View Photo!

                  I have to agree that this is a case of creating a 'racer' to fit in a 'kit' class. And while I don't think that it really fits into the spirit that the Sport Class was created, how can you deny the sex appeal of that airframe?

                  That is the propeller-driven equivellant of an F-104 Starfighter for pure sex!


                  • #10
                    Re: NemesisNXT First Look: Update Full View Photo!

                    Hello All,
                    Thanks to Wayne, and Mr. Pearce for the wonderful coverage of the NXT unvieling. W.J., don't feel bad about being fooled in the hanger "openig, we fooled people that been in there 100's of times... So anyway, Tricia and I along with all the other teammates have been working very hard on this project, and as you could expect, we are PROUD parents. It continues to get lost in the "wow factor" that the NXT is about a 60% A to B airplane. Now A to B could be from one end of the runway to the other, L.A to Oshkosh or, yes around the pylons faster than your friends... The other 40% is a race plane. It is easy to switch those two percentages around though. The NXT for Tricia and I is our go every where plane/race plane. It's the only one we have...It has lots of gas, 3+ hours at full power, 3 baggage areas, small but yet baggage. So you don't have to do as one of our builders has said; "Why would you want or need baggage, just carry your plastic, you get there so fast, you'll have time to go shop for what you need". So Tricia and I are looking very forward to zipping all over the planet in our new NXT, and giving lots of rides. Also, today there are 5 NXT kits being built, The one you see before you, 1 about 50 yards from where all the pictures were taken, one more in CA, 1 in Texas, and 1 in New Mexico, totaling 5. Of the inital lot of 5, 3 or4 will probably race. From then on, we'll see. I could never imagine there being as many NXT's racing in the Sport Class as there are Glasairs. We chose to join in on the fun in the Sport Class as there is so much technology happenin there. New planes, new airframe development, new sponsors, outstanding pilots, new engine development, just WOW!!! It's the only air race venue you can "run what you brung from your garage". Again THANKS to all for supporting Air Racing!


                    • #11
                      Re: NemesisNXT First Look: Update Full View Photo!

                      Originally posted by speeddemon
                      I have to agree that this is a case of creating a 'racer' to fit in a 'kit' class. And while I don't think that it really fits into the spirit that the Sport Class was created, how can you deny the sex appeal of that airframe?

                      That is the propeller-driven equivellant of an F-104 Starfighter for pure sex!
                      I'm gonna answer both Speed and Jon in my post... In my opinion, for what it's worth, I think NXT falls exactly into the spirit of the Sport Class (I like to call all of the racing groups "Divisions" actually)

                      Of course, I was not there when the division was formed but, it would seem, at first blush that it was set up the way it was to promote growth and innovation in kit built airplanes. By not allowing one-off airplanes to be raced, it ensures that there will be "kits" with great innovation sold to more than one person. This only serves to grow the capibility of personal airplanes, as we see with this new type rolling off the "line" at Mojave...

                      Jon, Trish, my hat (even though I rarely wear one ) is off to you very brave people for attempting to bring a new airplane to life! Any new business is a tough go, a new airplane business is a REALLY tough go! You guys have the "kajonies" to give it a go and wow... what you brought to life sure looks fine!

                      Congratulations and we look forward to seeing you both soon!!

                      Wayne Sagar
                      "Pusher of Electrons"


                      • #12
                        Re: NemesisNXT First Look: Update Full View Photo!

                        It is ovious that NXT is an extremely clean airframe as is Greenamyer's Legacy, but is the NXT 540 as advanced as Greenamyers 550? It seems Greenamyer's engine puts out a lot more power than the other Legacys in the sport class which really puts him in his own class. His engine is equiped with twin turbos, intercoolers and an ADI system. Will the NXT 540 be a simular set up? Even if NXT does not have as much power I'm sure it makes up for that in weight and more advanced design for going really fast. NXT's wing looks a lot thinner than the Legacy's wing as well. i also noticed that the custom Harzel semitar prop seems a little short, what kind of RPMs are they going run?


                        • #13
                          Re: NemesisNXT First Look: Update Full View Photo!

                          Hello Jon,

                          I don't feel bad about being fooled and besides, once I saw NXT, I don't remember feeling anything but awe.

                          My sincerest thanks to you and Tricia for hosting such a wonderful event.

                          I think that NXT is exactly what the sport class (I too prefer division) is all about. Taking 100% new technology and applying it to air racing. This is how the sport class will grow and gain interest, which will in turn make more people aware of air racing.

                          Bill Pearce
                          Bill Pearce

                          Old Machine Press
                          Blue Thunder Air Racing (in memoriam)


                          • #14
                            Re: NemesisNXT First Look: Update Full View Photo!

                            Thank You Bill for attending. We're glad that you were there, GREAT pics! The NXT is powered by a Lycoming TIO540-NXT twin turbo, twin intercooled fire breather. And yes Darryl and company have done wonderful things in propulsion development. I have to say, I like our chances with the power Lycoming Engineering on the side of the NXT. We are looking very forward to racing with Darryl, he's top drawer all the way. Imagine us coming down the chute, 19 (I think) national titles between the 2 of us. Throw in John Parker with a couple, and Dave Morss with some himself. All of which are AWESOME pilots, with AWESOME planes. That says something about the Sport Class. You can't see that caliber anywhere but in the Sport Class at Reno, WOW!!! Gives me goose bumps!


                            • #15
                              Re: Goose Bumps!

                              Yes!!! Particularly remembering the mix of sounds that the different engine/prop combos in the Sport Division throw out!

                              Jon, you just described a dream race also, You, Darryl, Parker, Morss, throw in also, Lee, as he did well for himself last year if I remember correctly and you've got one hell of a race going!

                              I really can't remember a year when there could be more excitement available in this division.... goose bumps... YES!

                              Jon, PS.. I've got to call you guys about something... will try you asap...
                              Wayne Sagar
                              "Pusher of Electrons"

