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Are Griffon engined racers the answer?

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  • #31
    Re: Are Griffon engined racers the answer?

    Go here matt


    • #32
      Re: Are Griffon engined racers the answer?

      ah ok, thanks dude
      heh heh alriiiight


      • #33
        Re: Are Griffon engined racers the answer?

        Originally posted by matt
        lol speed, you and mojave dude...

        I'm tellin' ya, elbarto....Mojave is the future.


        • #34
          Re: Are Griffon engined racers the answer?

          See matt, Im not so stupid after all, slow I may be


          • #35
            Re: Are Griffon engined racers the answer?

            Speeddemon "if you build it they will come" Problem is there are not enough airplanes or money to support 2 races a year.


            • #36
              Re: Are Griffon engined racers the answer?

              The future unfortunatly I think is in Las Vegas. IF Aviation Nation can give prizes it will wipe out reno. They have so many sponsors in vegas. thats the good thing about small little reno, few people/crowds.


              • #37
                Re: Are Griffon engined racers the answer?

                Originally posted by jarrodeu
                Speeddemon "if you build it they will come" Problem is there are not enough airplanes or money to support 2 races a year.

                Sorry Jarred...I was once 'young and impressionable' like you. I smile at your enthusiasm. It's something I could use. Somehow it's just not as fun as it used to be in the good old days.

                I wish it was 1974 again. Oh, the possibilities.....


                • #38
                  Re: Are Griffon engined racers the answer?

                  Cheer up grumpy
                  your right though, I missed the good times, Tsunami, Red Barron, Pond Racer, and planes like that.


                  • #39
                    Re: Are Griffon engined racers the answer?

                    lol he means jarrod the mojave air races held from 1974-76, or am i wrong speed?

                    don't be too down about missing some of the racers, there's alot of really interesting ones on the way.
                    heh heh alriiiight


                    • #40
                      Re: Are Griffon engined racers the answer?

                      such as.....


                      • #41
                        Re: Are Griffon engined racers the answer?

                        Mojave racing;
                        1970-1972 1000 mile races. ( Well, '72 was 1000K)
                        1973-1979 Reno like event. Usually all classes. Jet (T-33 and F-86 class) racing in '73 and '74.


                        • #42
                          Re: Are Griffon engined racers the answer?


                          Are those Tu-95s still in use ? Pretty impressive power to weight ratio with ca. 60 000 hps and 200 000 lbs ( up to => 400 000+ lbs ) weight.



                          • #43
                            Re: Are Griffon engined racers the answer?

                            I don't think so but if they are they they're on their way out.
                            I don't know much about Russian aircraft.


                            • #44
                              Re: Are Griffon engined racers the answer?

                              jarrod, in regards to new planes coming down the pike, yes wildfire is one, but even that team says they won't be gold competition, what i meant was planes more on the order of renegade and hopefully my designs >;^)>
                              heh heh alriiiight


                              • #45
                                Re: Are Griffon engined racers the answer?

                                Originally posted by jarrodeu
                                Cheer up grumpy

                                Grumpy? That's a new one....

                                The thing that was different about Mojave was the attitude surrounding it. It was put on by Air Race Management....a group made up of race pilots and owners (mainly Lyle Shelton and Clay Lacy), and there was none of the crap that RARA has been notorious for over the last 40 years.

                                It wasn't perfect, by any means...but it was an event run by the pilots FOR the pilots...and the fans were the winners. And in the mid-70's, it saw some of the best championship races ever run...MUCH better than anything that happened at Reno. Towards the end, a different group of people took over, who wanted to do it 'their way', and coupled with the gas crunch and a few other factors, the event died out by the turn of the decade.

                                It was just more of a fun event. If you could put up with the wind, the sand, and the fact that it was out in the middle of nowhere.

