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Air & Space magazine

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  • Air & Space magazine

    Thank you for the compliment.. I wish I could take full credit, but alas, I can't. If it weren't for Mark Daniels putting in the time and the extra effort to help me out, I certainly wouldn't be doing this today. This has been a great time for me. NOW, if only I could get paid for all my hard there, Mark???????? Mark....hello...

  • #2
    Re: Air & Space magazine

    Originally posted by racersedge
    NOW, if only I could get paid for all my hard there, Mark???????? Mark....hello...
    This one was one of the "gimmies" that we all do Mike, but it should look good in your portfolio

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #3
      Hi Mark,,

      Nah, I don't have a big head today. It exploded late last nite. Also, I wasn't going to talk about going over to the "DARK SIDE"
      But, since YOU mentioned it.... Maybe I can get new mustang out of it,, What do you think????????


      • #4
        Hey Mark

        Boy, you are getting brutal today, what with the talk about the "Dark Side" and rats, and mustangs. Not THAT kind of mustang. The other kind, with 4 wheels. But it sure is funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, someday I'll ride up and give you a lift in a new truck, or maybe take you to our cabin at the lake...............MG


        • #5
          4 wheel mustangs?

          I have allways wanted a picture of my 4 wheeled mustang and Dago Red together on the tarmac, that would bring tears to my eyes.
          now don't even say a thing about my picture taking capabilities. I must be crazy to post a picture to the likes of you crazy photo buffs. but here I go, my 1973 Mustang Mach 1 351 Cleveland.
          The truck in the background is my other vehicle, a vehicle that gets me in trouble just south east of Lemon Valley.
          Attached Files
          E Clampus Vitus SST #1827, #1850
          Reno Fan since around "82"


          • #6
            You got it.

            I can't imagine it but I will give ya a buzz. now I have to figure out how to get her up there. I hual my trailer up there with the truck so I'll have to plan a way to get her there.
            My mind is going to race daily about this, and I know it may not happen, I know them pits during them two weeks in Sept. are busy.
            E Clampus Vitus SST #1827, #1850
            Reno Fan since around "82"


            • #7

              Ok, I will watch for the arrival dates of the birds and make sure I have my butt ready and then a reminder and then...PRAY baby PRAY.
              E Clampus Vitus SST #1827, #1850
              Reno Fan since around "82"

