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  • Furias

    Any updates from the Furry-ass camp?

    I heard some rumblings at Reno that there might be more to the story than was let on? Plane up for sale? Being reworked for a 'smaller' engine?

    Any truth to the rumors? I haven't been up Paine Field way in a while....

  • #2
    Re: Furias

    Speed, I never really know if Bill's telling me the whole story when I speak with him but... they are reworking the tail completely, having not been happy with it from day one, and, he's adding a small rear seat so that folks can be given rides and the like... It was also a decision between he and his sponsor to sit out a year.

    Up for sale? You never know. Bill Rogers and Dale Stolzer are not a "deep pockets" guys, far from it. If his sponsorship went away, selling the airplane would likely be the only option.

    That would be a shame because Bill is truly, TRULY a racer from his toes to the top of his head. If he were ever to leave the sport, it'd leave a hole that would be hard to refill.

    Dat's what I know, or was told just prior to Reno, I doubt there was any BS in it but things could have changed between then and now...

    Hopefully not.

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #3
      Re: Furias

      Originally posted by speeddemon
      I heard some rumblings at Reno that there might be more to the story than was let on? Any truth to the rumors?
      Oh yea, I left this part... and what's different about this when *anyone* does not show up... imagine if I'd have just kept my trap shut about why I personally didn't show this year what the "inside" story of my true reasons would have been....

      You been round Reno long enough to know that absence makes the stories grow larger..

      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"


      • #4
        Re: Furias

        Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
        You been round Reno long enough to know that absence makes the stories grow larger..


        Yes, but don't you see the magnitude of this? FIRST, a couple weeks ago I actually admitted that I 'could' (theoretically) have been wrong once or twice. Now, I'm admitting that I actually don't know something, and am asking if anyone out there might actually know MORE than "I" do.

        That's progress, isn't it? :-) A sign of maturity, perhaps?


        • #5
          Re: Furias

          Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
          imagine if I'd have just kept my trap shut about why I personally didn't show this year what the "inside" story of my true reasons would have been....

          There is YOUR mistake, pal. You should have left it like that, but sort of leaked the rumor of something like 'covert ops in a third world region'....sort of the 'Burn Before Reading' classification stuff.

          Wayne Sagar...secret agent man.

          Or, as Axel Foley said in Beverly Hills Cop: "The Super-Cop story? He was buying it, man...."


          • #6
            Re: Furias

            Originally posted by speeddemon
            Wayne Sagar...secret agent man
            LOL... would that it were! Right now, I'd give my left... er.... lug nut for the ability to eat a Pizza or a cheeseburger, or steak or a bowl of stupid soup.... ANYTHING!

            I'm absolutely obsessed with food now..... I actually managed two very carefully eaten (have to be real careful or food will wind up in my lungs) teaspoons of apple sauce last night... tasted about like slightly sweet (guess I can tell if something is sweet) mush... no apple taste present...

            Hummn... wonder if Pizza would taste like Pizza????

            "I'll have a large everything on it with double garlic please!"

            Wayne Sagar
            "Pusher of Electrons"


            • #7
              Re: Furias

              Originally posted by speeddemon
              Yes, but don't you see the magnitude of this? FIRST, a couple weeks ago I actually admitted that I 'could' (theoretically) have been wrong once or twice. Now, I'm admitting that I actually don't know something, and am asking if anyone out there might actually know MORE than "I" do.

              That's progress, isn't it? :-) A sign of maturity, perhaps?
              Awww Speed... we love ya just like ya are... "don't go changin" ....

              Wayne Sagar
              "Pusher of Electrons"


              • #8
                Re: Furias

                Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
                LOL... would that it were! Right now, I'd give my left... er.... lug nut for the ability to eat a Pizza or a cheeseburger, or steak or a bowl of stupid soup.... ANYTHING!

                I'm absolutely obsessed with food now..... I actually managed two very carefully eaten (have to be real careful or food will wind up in my lungs) teaspoons of apple sauce last night... tasted about like slightly sweet (guess I can tell if something is sweet) mush... no apple taste present...

                Hummn... wonder if Pizza would taste like Pizza????

                "I'll have a large everything on it with double garlic please!"


                I keep forgetting to ask.....are you going to go as Howard Pardue for Halloween?


                • #9
                  Re: Furias

                  Originally posted by speeddemon
                  I keep forgetting to ask.....are you going to go as Howard Pardue for Halloween?
                  (rimshot) owwwwwww!!!! I don't know who should bop ya for that one Speed... Howard or me!

                  Hey, I'm starting a new fad don'tcha know... If a certain part of my hairline does not return... (back of my neck, from about half way down my ears on down, is gone from where the radiation exits) Then I'm just about gonna have to have a "Moe" cut "bowl cut" so, we'll see.. !

                  I've been wearing hats, which I never have liked but do right now... It really is strange going to stores, I truly wish I could become invisible. It's clear what my problem is and people can't help but stare... I've not been stared at since I cut my hair off MANY years ago and it's sort of hard to get used to... I'm gonna have to get one of those Richard Vander Mullen jobbies that just about hide your entire head...

                  My hair is crying out "I'll be baaack" but it could be and prolly will be months if not an entire year before it's "normal" or as normal as it'll get.. May never have a hairy lip again tho... *snif*

                  Like the Howard joke... I'll forward it onto him for ya <joking>

                  I wish the entire visitor base of this board could make Nellis! What a hoot that would be!!!!

                  Wayne Sagar
                  "Pusher of Electrons"


                  • #10

                    Lucky man- your hair grows back (DOH)
                    Warlock #75, Steve Ballard, Al "Papa" Goss
                    RIP 03/17/10


                    • #11
                      Re: Hair

                      Originally posted by RandyGoss75
                      Lucky man- your hair grows back (DOH)
                      Weeellllllll... I'm being "positive" the docs wont commit to a "yes, it will come back" I just get... "you might get lucky" type answers... but the one area that would really be nasty, the back of my neck bowl cut look, I'm really hoping *will* come back in.. It's got little wiskers there now, so it's clear that *somethin's* happening.... Really at this point, I think I'll just keep my prayers limited to the pizza thing, then if food starts to taste good and go down easy, I'll just get so fat that I don't give a damn about hair or no hair... at least I'll have FOOD!!!! FEEEEEEEED MEEEEEEEE!!!!

                      Ahem... sorry... I get carried away sometimes!!!

                      I'm in a really good mood this week because of the glowing reports from the doctor visit on Monday.. Apparantly, I'm way ahead of their normal healing rate and that's gotta be a good thing!

                      I know, I've had a ton of help from all you guys here who said prayers for me and a ton of others, friends of friends who turned me into the prayer services at their various churches, I've literally had 100's of people praying for my return to health... I just don't see how there could be any other explnation, other than there really is something to all this.... (I am and always will be a cynic on religion but I'm being worn down, I must admit!!!)

                      Nuff o dis, I hijacked Speed's thread entirely... anyone hear any more from Bill after Reno than I did from him *before* Reno?

                      I'd be really sad to see that team go!

                      Wayne Sagar
                      "Pusher of Electrons"


                      • #12
                        Re: Furias

                        Hi Wayne-

                        I'm NOT a preacher but I'd feel like a coward if I don't write this!

                        I can understand that you became a cynic on "religion". There's a very large movement among believers to remove as much "religion" as possible and concentrate on faith- and that's not a bad thing in many cases. Millions have become cynics after a bad experience in one denomination or another, most often as a result of things such as abuse of authority by the leaders of the church or mistreatment by its members (although I'm not assuming that was your experience at all). Humans have a real knack for ruining a good thing, in this case a great thing- the fact that there really is a Creator out there that actually cares enough about what He created to give us free will to believe or not. He didn't just create a bunch of zombies to do His will without a choice.

                        We can choose the absolutely free gift of His love and everything that goes along with it- including healing (spiritual & physical). I wouldn't say any of this if I hadn't experienced that love myself- it gets proven to me over & over. Things really started changing for the better when I gave up trying to figure it all out by myself and quit trying to do everything my own way with just my own strength.

                        I'm thrilled at the progress of your recovery and that you appreciate and recognize the effect of the prayers being sent up on your behalf (you are,of course, in mine as well). OK- here's where I have to be bold and hope you don't nuke the post! I would suggest that you find a non-denominational church (I'll be glad to help if you like) and just visit there once or twice. I think you'll like what you feel there and you'll start to want what they've got- God's real love, not pretense and facades. It would be the best thing you've ever done for yourself (besides praying).

                        Thanks for reading..... Duncan Mullins


                        • #13
                          Re: Furias

                          the only church i go to is nondenominational

                          heh heh alriiiight


                          • #14
                            Re: Furias

                            glad your feeling better im hopping ill see ya and meet yaaaa for the first time next year may be with that pizza your talking about.god speed with the recovery


                            • #15
                              Re: Furias

                              Originally posted by drmull
                              Hi Wayne-

                              I'm NOT a preacher but I'd feel like a coward if I don't write this!
                              Duncan, I probably have the same feelings inside me toward established religion that I had when I was a kid. Real poor family as far as money went, but totally rich in the really important things, like appreciating what you do have, rather than being bitter over what you don't, etc..

                              In my case, I have been to church with Beer Nazi, who goes to one that I can't remember the denomination. Very progressive, the pastor is just a wonderful person. His way with interpreting the bible and events therein is absolutely captivating, as well as interesting... but...

                              My "faith" if you can call it that is now, has been and probably always will be one of just knowing that there is "something" there but also, I carry a very strong feeling that we (mere humans) lack the ability to totally understand just what is there.

                              It's clear to me that there is a "force" of some sort, I've had my butt pulled back from the brink at just the last moment by "something" too many times to not believe that.... what will be my lasting question, for life.

                              I have and always will just try to live my life to be the best person I can, accomplish all that I can, look out for the "little guy" .. apreciate what I do have rather than feel badly for that I do not have.

                              In my present case, I have had some very low, low moments where I felt that perhaps, just leaving "here" would be the right thing, it just seemed too hard at times to stay here. *Something* and I don't know what, seems to tell me in ways hard to explain, for one, my rate of recouperation right now. I feel like it's very very slow, yet I'm told by the medical professionals that it's fast, quite fast. Indeed, the word remarkable was used more than once..

                              Why? I'm just a 53 year old who never ate particularly well, did not work out, did not pray or ever subscribe to any religion of any denomination, oor non denomination. There is clearly something left for me to do... Funny thing... I've felt strongly, since I was a little tyke, that there was something really really big that I had to do someday.

                              I've yet to figure out what it is but I clearly have not done it yet and hopefully, I'm to be spared after being taught quite a lesson with my illness.

                              Right now, I feel it might have something to do with saving others who smoke or use tobacco. I've got, at least one very good friend, who has given up a very strong chew habit and is using the gum instead... Maybe this will save him so he can have a long life with his wife and family?

                              Duncan, I will not delete this post but, perhaps for the sake of those who don't necessairly want to hear my life story, we should carry on further if we should want to, via email or PM or phone or something... Though, if you were to choose phone, I would have to warn you. My voice, though on some days sounding very strong, is very weak and my stamina for talking is short indeed... or I pay a price. Clear voice today, horse and a very intense sore throat the next..

                              Thanks for sharing your feelings, and for your very strong support!

                              Wayne Sagar
                              "Pusher of Electrons"

