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  • #31
    Re: Furias

    Originally posted by Apteryx

    Really, but first let me sugguest you find a good glider & stick.
    NO camera's, no engine noise, no "gear", just you, the bang of the release, the rush of the wind, the smell of the pines and the ocean, the blue of the sky, the tapestry of the land, a couple of cummulous to punch holes in....
    EXPERIENCE IT, (for yourself), it will cleanse your soul.
    .................................................. ...Paul
    I highly recommend trying the sailplane! I went up in a Grob 103 and it was GREAT! I'd do it again in a HEARTBEAT! AND, it's a lot cheaper and easier getting licensed in a glider. Go see



    • #32
      Re: Furias

      Hey Wayne, I don't know if they still do, but last time I was by North Plains just West of Hillsboro there was a place that at least gave sailplane rides if not full flight instruction. Bit closer then McMinnville, but I think that the glider operation out of Mc is larger.
      P.S., since we're hijacking here, glad to hear you're feeling better. It seems like you posted a whole bunch more the last few days that you have in quite a while. Glad to have you 'back'.

      Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
      I've heard this before, start with soaring first, then go power.. Problem is, there is NO WAY anyone's gonna be soaring out of Evergreen! At one time, it was way out in the boonies and might have been OK for that, not now! Nearest soaring field that I know of is probably McMinnville, a pretty far jaunt for me. Interestingly enough, at one time, I was talking with the lady that runs the flight school out there, she was wanting to trade some glider time for a website.. we never got past the talking about it stage...


      • #33
        Re: Furias

        Originally posted by TomL
        Hey Wayne, I don't know if they still do, but last time I was by North Plains just West of Hillsboro there was a place that at least gave sailplane rides if not full flight instruction. Bit closer then McMinnville, but I think that the glider operation out of Mc is larger.
        P.S., since we're hijacking here, glad to hear you're feeling better. It seems like you posted a whole bunch more the last few days that you have in quite a while. Glad to have you 'back'.
        Tom, I think maybe it is still there but I don't know if they ever offered lessons.. I'm still a ways off from being able to physically and even further off getting out of debt so I can even think about doing something like that...

        I run this site, as well as the other websites that I "do" for people as a business, over the past 4 years, I've managed to get pretty steep in debt with credit cards that I used to pay the server bills, buy my first good camera, another one for someone as a loan, who, in the end, really screwed me over on it and everything else... but we'll not go there... I managed over the past few months to actually pay off two of the smaller ones but the biggie hangs over my head and will until I work enough "client" stuff to get it paid off...

        *Someday* I want to have flying under my belt! But again, I totally realize, it's not something to dabble at, you have to be really serious, otherwise you just wind up with a liscense to kill yourself!

        I am, indeed, feeling better! Not where I want to be yet, my doctor said I'm pretty impatient and I'm doing better than most at this stage but I really want to eat, get my hair back and just get back to normal. I do have a lot more energy, despite still having to take a fair amount of pain pills due to the damage done to my tongue, mouth and throat by the radiation... They do make me pretty sleepy at times! And, of course, after two months of heavy use, I'm probably "hooked" and will have to be weaned off of them... but... that'll be easy!

        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #34
          Re: Furias


          Good to hear you are healing. I also take some of the most effective painkillers available when not in hospital ( there they have real strong painkillers ) and they are good, but make me sleepy and...somehow dizzy too. My operation will go to the next week after all, if I am not deteriorating radically before that. I have lost 35 pounds in 3 moths of my weight and I am practically just lying on a shallow bed and my laptop computer is on the floor.

          It took a painful effort to go to a drugstore and grocery to get stuff over the weekend. Being sick is no joyride either. My right leg is just unbearable when I try to walk with is just hanging there and in great pain...because of the fractured disc that is pressing the nerves. I heard back surgery has come along way in last 20 years or so. Let's hope they succeed also in my case. OTOH in my case it is among 5% of the rarest in its class.

          Not needles to say what this has done to my business so far...great opportunities just keep slipping away almost daily. One thing is for certain; if there weren't sick people doctors wouldn't have work. So I feel somehow important in a way.

          take care you guys and gals,


          Juke T


          • #35
            Re: Furias

            Originally posted by Gary Osif
            I highly recommend trying the sailplane! I went up in a Grob 103 and it was GREAT! I'd do it again in a HEARTBEAT! AND, it's a lot cheaper and easier getting licensed in a glider. Go see

            Wayne, there's a spare seat in my Duo Discus any time you feel like dropping by Boulder. Least I can do for the man responsible for Stopping in here is one of the high points of my day.

            Taking a ride in the Duo over the Rockies is the sailplane equivalent of a P-51 hop: you're starting at the top. Very nearly a religious experience, I assure you. Have a look at the photos from my last flight, a couple of weeks ago.

            BTW, I always tell people who say they want to learn to fly both airplanes and gliders: start in the glider, you'll be a better pilot. OTOH, learning in a low-power taildragger comes a very close second; that's the way I did it, soloing a J-3 Cub at 16 and moving up to gliders the first chance I got.


            • #36
              Re: Furias

              Originally posted by Kilo Hotel
              BTW, I always tell people who say they want to learn to fly both airplanes and gliders: start in the glider, you'll be a better pilot. OTOH, learning in a low-power taildragger comes a very close second; that's the way I did it, soloing a J-3 Cub at 16 and moving up to gliders the first chance I got.

              My first landing in a glider scared the CRAP out of me. I kept reaching for the throttle in case I had to 'go around'....nothing like grabbing at 'air'.


              • #37
                Re: Furias

                Originally posted by speeddemon
                My first landing in a glider scared the CRAP out of me. I kept reaching for the throttle in case I had to 'go around'....nothing like grabbing at 'air'.
                Well your speed brake is kinda like a throttle, cept it ain't gonna get you a go around.


                • #38
                  Re: Furias

                  Originally posted by King
                  Well your speed brake is kinda like a throttle, cept it ain't gonna get you a go around.
                  Exactly, King. For those of you who aren't familiar with both controls, here's my short explanation of the use of the throttle and the dive brake handle on final approach.

                  Throttle (full back to full forward):
                  Go Short - Go Long - Go Around

                  Dive brake (full back to full forward):
                  Go Short - Go Long - Oh, s__t!

                  That being said, I've made something north of 10,000 glider flights and never ended up short of the intended runway or field. Never been long either, for that matter.


                  • #39
                    Re: Furias

                    It's interesting when you are recovering up to 60 sailplanes in a hour or so and some bozo touches down and applies the brakes immediately (instead of rolling out) on the runway with 2 or 3 sailplanes (or more) right behind him.

                    The guys on short final will be low and ready to touch down, then you close the speed brakes, gain some altitude and fly over the bozo on the runway and land long. No engine mind you, but sort of a go-around or a go-over would be better to describe it.


                    • #40
                      Re: Furias

                      Sorry if I sound like one of these "born again non-smokers" but that's what I am and will be. I will preach the evil of smoking for the rest of my life, however long that may be! If I can save one person the pain that I've caused myself and those close to me... yes, it affects them also, then I will have accomplished something and maybe...
                      WHATEVER IT TAKES, different things affect diffent people, I think sharing stories, we may ultimate touch someone to SEE THE LIGHT. Some researchers claim, AT BEST, every minute smoking, knocks an equal amount of time off your life. I personally want to be in the AAFO
                      Centurian's club, telling some rookie at the 2050 Reno Races, how things SHOULD, be done....I'll share a story, of why a friend quit.

                      A teacher and good friend I had, lifetime smoker, who couldn't quit,
                      went into the hospital, for by-pass surgery. He shared a room, with another lifetime smoker, who was a MESS, what he hadn't had radiated, had been removed. They both had surgeries about the same time. As my friend was coming out of the groggyness, he looked over and saw his roomie, smoking a cigarete he had smuggled in, through the the air-way tube installed in his throat, alternateting hits of smoke & oxygen, my friends first conscious words were "stupid bastard". He was so moved by INSANITY of the addicition, that when he got home, he threw away every cigarette he had, and never touched one again. He had a few more years untill his heart gave out, but I'd like to think we'd still be having morning coffee and swapping stories, had he only quit earlier.

                      SQUEEZE EVERY MOMENT YOU CAN OUTTA LIFE............Paul


                      • #41
                        Re: Furias

                        I didn't mean to start a thread hijacking. I am glad for Wayne. He's obviously well liked and I'd like to meet ol' Wayner.
                        Speaking of hijacking a thread, I got my girlfriend hooked on fishing, so she went and bought a bass boat and a Suburban to pull it with. Yours truly will be her fishing guide. I have missed it since I took up with these computers 4 years ago. I am excited. I'll be back on the water soon. It will consume me again.
                        Now to follow Waynes advice.
                        God Bless each and every one of you guys and gals.
                        There ain't nothing like having good friends you can talk to, even if they are on the internet. It's a good thing.


                        • #42
                          Re: Furias

                          [QUOTE-Yours truly will be her fishing guide. I have missed it since I took up with these computers 4 years ago. I am excited. I'll be back on the water soon. It will consume me again.


                          • #43
                            Re: Furias

                            I'll take my chances with my Dell. I actually have a piece of software that maps a particulary well known bass fishing hole in Texas. It has actually been good to me lately. My biggest this year was about 8 pounds.
                            I heard something once about a lifejacket for laptops. I never saw one though. Git-r-done


                            • #44
                              Re: Furias

                              Originally posted by Apteryx
                              SQUEEZE EVERY MOMENT YOU CAN OUTTA LIFE............Paul

                              Wayne Sagar
                              "Pusher of Electrons"


                              • #45
                                Re: Furias

                                [QUOTE=mgbf4u]I'll take my chances with my Dell.
                                I heard something once about a lifejacket for laptops. I never saw one though.
                                Both "Pelican" & "Seahoarse", make hard-shell, relatively small laptop cases. One of the Pelicans is foam lined, and claims floatation of a 20lb. load (salt water). There was an outfit that had a Neoprene case, but the links appear, dead...Decent models start around $125.00. Small price to perserve those Reno jpeg's.

                                Always want to cover your.. bass ........................Paul

