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  • Nellis?

    Does anyone know what racing team are planning on being at the Nellis Airshow?
    Also NASA's good old buddy the NB-52 that drooped the X-15 and everything els under the sun is to be decommissioned in November, wonder if it will show up at Nellis. Since there is not going to be a show at Edward's I wonder if they will bring anything to the Nellis?
    Wayne got any info yet?

  • #2
    Re: Nellis?

    Originally posted by Marauder61
    Does anyone know what racing team are planning on being at the Nellis Airshow?
    Also NASA's good old buddy the NB-52 that drooped the X-15 and everything els under the sun is to be decommissioned in November, wonder if it will show up at Nellis. Since there is not going to be a show at Edward's I wonder if they will bring anything to the Nellis?
    Wayne got any info yet?
    Go to the website a click on air racing. Tentative racers will be Rare Bear, Dago, Precious Metal, Ridge Runner, Voodoo and Riff Raff for the Air Racing Demo.
    Hope to see you all there.


    • #3
      Re: Nellis?

      im not sure but every one pray i make help me oh- be -one ur my only hope lmao thanks wayne for the info on the hotel (U rock!) but you allready knew that


      • #4
        Re: Nellis?

        Originally posted by connie
        Go to the website a click on air racing. Tentative racers will be Rare Bear, Dago, Precious Metal, Ridge Runner, Voodoo and Riff Raff for the Air Racing Demo.
        Hope to see you all there.
        ARG! the menu bar never loads and I can't see the info for Air Racing.
        Is there a schedule posted?


        • #5
          Re: Nellis?

          Victor, the schedule is accessed through the menu bar on left also


          • #6
            Re: Nellis?

            I'm bringing Unleashed to Nellis to display; hopefully will be flying, too.

            Scotty G
            Unleashed Sport Class Air Racing
            Attached Files
            Scotty G


            • #7
              Re: Nellis?

              Originally posted by Marauder61
              ARG! the menu bar never loads and I can't see the info for Air Racing.
              Is there a schedule posted?
              Oh man.... what browser are you using and what OS? You must have java blocked somehow. The menu *should* load, though it sometimes seems to take more time than I'd like it to when on a slow connection... I used to have text links at the bottom of the page in case it did not work, there are so many changes thrown at me, so often on that site, that, for ease of updates (read that, I'm too damn lazy to keep farting with the text links) I removed them... I will add again though, obviously, there are some who have security levels set to high or have javascripting turned off somewhere and it will not work for them... this is the first time I've heard this.. I've got a "it don't work" link on the contact page, accessed via the menu... guess I better put one in in plain text so's those who can't access the page can let me know..

              Ahh... the life of a commercial web dood!

              The menu of who's coming is in the process of changing as we speak, we're never exactly sure who is until they show anyway but due to some funding problems, the IF1 demo has, unfortunately, been cancelled... However.. there is something else being put together that is going to be extremely HOT... check back later on the nellis site, I'll make up a set of text links... in further explnation of why I took them off, there are so many categories in each link, it forces me to make an extra page for each text link that has all the options on it.. yea yea yea... I'm lazy, and have fallen under the spell of the ease of using java scripting for things like the menu on complex sites like the nellis show..

              For now, here's the direct link to the air race section the list of those who will appear will change drastically in the next few days, weeks prior to the show...

              Wayne Sagar
              "Pusher of Electrons"


              • #8
                Re: Nellis?

                Blue Thunder will also be there. In addition, Bald Blunder (me) will be there too. I'm not a raceplane, but sometimes I act like one.

                Bill Pearce

                Old Machine Press
                Blue Thunder Air Racing (in memoriam)


                • #9
                  Re: Nellis?

                  The Bear should be there this year. I heard from Sharon Coates that John P. took the Bear up last thursday before the T.V. show. He was purging the 160 ocatane fuel from the system, and everything seemed to be running fine.

                  What kind of appearance money do the invited race teams receive? I think I remember last year that other teams could participate and have expenses paid, but no appearance fee paid.

                  So will Scotty G. finally be "Unleashed"?


                  • #10
                    Re: Nellis?

                    Originally posted by Kevin L
                    What kind of appearance money do the invited race teams receive? I think I remember last year that other teams could participate and have expenses paid, but no appearance fee paid.
                    That's usually something that is not discussed in public.. (the amount and details) I'm pretty sure though that there are a certain number of slots that do receive a modest "appearance fee" and there are "open invites" to others above and beyond that number to either be on static display or fly for gas and whatever...

                    Again... I don't know the exact details and It's sort of not "proper" for the guys to talk about the exact amounts involved usually.

                    Wayne Sagar
                    "Pusher of Electrons"


                    • #11
                      Re: Nellis?

                      [what browser are you using and what OS? You must have java blocked somehow.

                      have security levels set to high or have javascripting turned off somewhere and it will not work for them

                      ......IE5.0 is as "hot" as my old wind--up machine will handle.....downloads of
                      the virtual machine to run java script don't seem to be around for win95...

                      ..........yea,I wish........but no,you have other needs to attend to....

                      ...(besides all this drooling ain't good for the computer....

                      THANKS WAYNE!
                      Jim Gallagher


                      • #12
                        Re: Nellis?

                        Originally posted by mayday51
                        ......IE5.0 is as "hot" as my old wind--up machine will handle.....downloads of
                        the virtual machine to run java script don't seem to be around for win95...
                        THANKS WAYNE!
                        Hummn FiveOne... someone else might know better than me, but, I'd wager that the files for win 98 would install and work...

                        You REALLY need to, at least, upgrade your operating system though.. The older systems have been abandonded by MS and are wide open to those with bad intent..

                        Plus.. here's how web developers have to work.. at least how I've worked since I started doing this in '97... you go back a few browser versions in your design... you design for that "lowest common denominator"

                        Now, as newer features are "invented" for the designer to use, such as Java PHP and all that good stuff that I barely understand but can impliment with much hair pulling (wish I still had some) and headache... so, then, as all these neat tools become available, and newer and newer browsers and operating systems become available, you move the "lowest common denominator" up the chain to newer and newer browsers and OS's... meaning.. some stuff quits working for the older systems..

                        It's the way it has to be or, we'd still be looking at all text websites!!

                        I STILL should never have a website without text links though.. it's just bad practice and I know it. Search engines don't usually follow links that are strictly buried in Java scripting... so, it kind of limits the exposure to search engine listings..

                        Anyway, I'm rambling here.. I will put in text links on the site as soon as possible. I apologize that ewe could not find what you are looking for. I will also update the "menu loading" message to be a bit more complete and say something like..

                        "Menue Loading
                        Please Wait
                        If You Don't See
                        A Menu In 5 minutes
                        UPDATE YOUR DARN SYSTEM

                        Jussssssssssssst kidding!!!

                        Wayne Sagar
                        "Pusher of Electrons"


                        • #13
                          Re: Nellis?

                          Again... I don't know the exact details and It's sort of not "proper" for the guys to talk about the exact amounts involved usually.


                          Sorry Wayne....I'll be in my room writing "I will not be rude" sentences.
                          Please let me know when I can come out.



                          • #14
                            Re: Nellis?

                            Originally posted by Kevin L
                            Sorry Wayne....I'll be in my room writing "I will not be rude" sentences.
                            Please let me know when I can come out
                            Kevin, I think maybe you took my response the wrong way. It's just not something that's usually talked about. It's even hard to get out of the racers exactly what the prize money is.

                            Anyway, you asked, I answered what I know to be true...

                            Sorry if your feathers were ruffled... you can come out now!

                            Wayne Sagar
                            "Pusher of Electrons"


                            • #15
                              Re: Nellis?

                              No ruffled feathers at all Wayne. Just a "tongue in cheek" remark on my part.

                              I heard an amount mentioned last year at the friday night bear cave cookout. You do make a good point though. Different teams may negotiate for different deals. It is probably best for the teams that it not be divulged.

                              I'm glad your recovery is going well. I saw what smoking did to my grandfather, and that has kept me away from it.


