Re: Picture Of The Week - Which Mustang?
Ouch... there simply can be no defense for improper ground check/preflight! Especially on an airplane that had sat for so long..
The Mustang carries quite a bit of oil, geez it seems that somewhere along the line *SOMEONE* would have noticed a LOT of fluid being lost by this airplane??
I've read reports of several accidents (not mustangs, just run of the mill NTSB reports) where an airplane was to be ferried that had sat for a long time.. one, there was even a missing spark plug! Off the pilot flew to the crash site...
I've flown with guys that would almost drive you nuts with detail checks on preflight, and with a few who did absolutely nothing (admittedly, they had a crew behind them and were flying a series of flights close together) and some in-between.
I'm not a pilot - yet... but I think, hope, I'll be pretty on top of pre-flights when/if I ever get the vaunted ticket to fly! Can't take *that* long to do it right.
I'd like to hear from some of the pilots here what their thoughts are on preflight. In the big picture, there really are not that many accidents attributable to bad preflight but even one is probably too many. How much is enough caution, how much is too much??? Taking this off thread, sort of.. but since this sort of thing is in the history of this airplane, I guess it's sort of on thread
Originally posted by FlyKidChris
The Mustang carries quite a bit of oil, geez it seems that somewhere along the line *SOMEONE* would have noticed a LOT of fluid being lost by this airplane??
I've read reports of several accidents (not mustangs, just run of the mill NTSB reports) where an airplane was to be ferried that had sat for a long time.. one, there was even a missing spark plug! Off the pilot flew to the crash site...
I've flown with guys that would almost drive you nuts with detail checks on preflight, and with a few who did absolutely nothing (admittedly, they had a crew behind them and were flying a series of flights close together) and some in-between.
I'm not a pilot - yet... but I think, hope, I'll be pretty on top of pre-flights when/if I ever get the vaunted ticket to fly! Can't take *that* long to do it right.
I'd like to hear from some of the pilots here what their thoughts are on preflight. In the big picture, there really are not that many accidents attributable to bad preflight but even one is probably too many. How much is enough caution, how much is too much??? Taking this off thread, sort of.. but since this sort of thing is in the history of this airplane, I guess it's sort of on thread