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Nellis AFB - Las Vegas Air Show Aviation Nation Photos

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  • #31
    Re: Nellis AFB - Las Vegas Air Show Aviation Nation Photos

    Originally posted by paintboy
    Victor, I really wanted to meet you, but never had the opportunity to conduct my search. Dave
    Great shots Dave, I know where you were .
    I'm sorry I missed you my Dad had a heart-attack two weeks ago and I wasn't sure if is going to make it. I've been running in circles ever since and I know there was a few people I never got back too.
    If the Thunder Mustang is around that's where I'll be.

    I put some of my pics here:

    Registered members may upload and share images. PLEASE note copyright rules must be followed.


    • #32
      Re: Nellis AFB - Las Vegas Air Show Aviation Nation Photos

      Very nice pics. Love the A-10

      Rare Bear Fan Sponsor


      • #33
        Re: Nellis AFB - Las Vegas Air Show Aviation Nation Photos

        As demonstrated year after year after year, great things come from that small package. But never, ever a leak

        and AGAIN, take a look at the last pics posted. Dago clearly out front both on the ground and in the air!


        • #34
          Re: Nellis AFB - Las Vegas Air Show Aviation Nation Photos



          • #35
            Re: Nellis AFB - Las Vegas Air Show Aviation Nation Photos

            To all... thanks for the compliments on the shots! This was only my second outing with my new D2H and proving that even someone who has never used an SLR can get good images, BeerNazi did some pretty good work with the D1 and 24-120VR on it! Some I will use in illistrating whatever sort of show review I can work up.

            I can say one thing, I don't have a steady hand at this point in my life!! So thank god for VR!! OK, I'll say two things, having no spit in this very dry part of the world REALLY SUCKS!

            I did not make it in to the show on Saturday so missed seeing Mike Houghton, to whom I owe a debt of grattitude for being so damn nice to me during my illness and sending me a "care package" from RARA that included some really nice "too bad you could't be here" items that I will forever cherish!

            It was GRAND to get a chance to visit with some very good friends I've made at Reno once again!!

            Paintboy: I'd bet we were within feet or yards of each other on Sunday. I watched the first mixed demo from on top of Dago trailer, then took up position on lawn chairs on show side of that USAF water trailer that was between The Bear and the flightline for the rest of the day. It was VERY hard for me to talk though (and still is) due to the dryness in my mouth. As soon as I speak a word or two, all moisture is gone and my lips stick to my teeth...

            My brother in law actually sort of did himself in while trying to heal from this same thing.. he lived in Reno. I think I can see why. You would not believe how something so simple as saliva, when missing, can ruin your day!

            Mine is supposed to come back.. I sure hope it does!!

            Dago Dog:Don't believe I've met you, I know several members of the team but I don't think we've met. I might recognize your face but not the name. Thanks for playing nice! Something important to consider when "bashing" The Bear, it's pretty easy to make and maintain a winner when you have the resources and veteran team that you guys have. When you consider what the Bear guys have done in the brief time they have had her, and with what they have had to work with, in my mind and that of many others, it's pretty darn impressive!

            As for John's hanging back win on Sunday. I'll say it again and said it to John on Sunday here in Vegas. He did the smartest thing possible to save the engine, make the bux and come home the winner. Tiger did the same thing against David Price some years back. Why waste the motor when you don't have to?

            Maybe John was out of squeeze juice, maybe not, maybe he had more travel on the go stick... maybe not but he did the right thing, no matter how you slice it and he won, no matter how you dice it..

            Nice thread hijack by the way 5 pts for style... I'm pretty good at it too.

            Wayne Sagar
            "Pusher of Electrons"


            • #36
              Re: Nellis AFB - Las Vegas Air Show Aviation Nation Photos

              I totally agree Wayne, coming back from adversity is truly what makes a champion just that. The Bear will always be a favorite, and as such the followers will be passionate about their champ. I just wanted to add some diversity to the love fest. You know . . .variety is the spice of life.

              No slights meant to anyone including the Bear support team, all of them deserve the kudos. Hope that my passion for the race brings more to the fun, not in a Sani-hut kinda way if you know what I mean.

              I couldn't find the right place or time to announce my presence, so the hi jack was slightly intentional. My apologies for the diversion. My invitation still stands BTW, bring Lots and Lots of Ca$h.


              • #37
                Re: Nellis AFB - Las Vegas Air Show Aviation Nation Photos


                Great shots of the planes in the low light of the Thunderbird Hangar Party. Hey, you even got my video in there.

                Man, it was great to see you there. I got back late Monday night, and had to start catching up today. I just took a spin through the website, and had to comment on the awesome Glacier Girl shot.

                I've got a few shots from Sunday when I was out preparing for Sean Tucker's ribbon cut, and also from departure on Monday. I'll try to post them tomorrow.

                It was a great show, and a fantastic week in Vegas. We touched a lot of veterans' lives and it was as much of an honor to be around them, as they told us it was to be invited. I can't wait for next year!!!

                Jeff Lee
                World of Wings


                • #38
                  Re: Nellis AFB - Las Vegas Air Show Aviation Nation Photos

                  I thought I would share a few more images from Nellis. Let the racing begin! Hope everyone enjoys them.

                  Attached Files


                  • #39
                    Re: Nellis AFB - Las Vegas Air Show Aviation Nation Photos

                    Originally posted by Jeff Lee

                    Great shots of the planes in the low light of the Thunderbird Hangar Party. Hey, you even got my video in there.

                    that was my intention amazing what you can do with VR lenses! Some of those were pretty close to a second exposure (the ones that long did blur) the ones that turned out were about a half or quarter second.. hand held!

                    You lose the image when the shutter is open also, so it makes it really difficult to hold where you think the shot should be. I REALLY wish I'd have had my tripod with me, could have gotten some that were more what I had in mind.. but VR made the shots possible.. OK... I'll take *some* credit... at times, I'm blessed with pretty steady hands....

                    Was REALLY good to see all the WoW crew, specially my director and I wish we could have spent some quality time (drinking someone elses's boosze, of course) at the O club!!

                    Wayne Sagar
                    "Pusher of Electrons"

