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Off to the wild blue yonder...well brown that is :P

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  • Off to the wild blue yonder...well brown that is :P

    Tomorrow morning I am off for a Mid-East Vacation. I should be able to visit AAFO quite often with where I am going. I should be able to hook up with Stevo at least once over there which would be kewl. Yall take care and see ya around!

    If anyone wants to correspond non-electronically(snail mail) you can reach me at:

    Eric Romo
    5 EAMS/MX
    APO AE 09889

  • #2
    Re: Off to the wild blue yonder...well brown that is :P

    God' speed, Eric.
    Stay well and out of harms way.Come back safely.
    THANK YOU for what you are/will be doing.
    Betty Sherman
    National Air racing Group


    • #3
      Re: Off to the wild blue yonder...well brown that is :P

      Thank you ma'am


      • #4
        Re: Off to the wild blue yonder...well brown that is :P

        Hey Eric, if you ever have any special needs just say so. If... err when... I'm in your neck of the woods I can hand deliver them to ya. Take it easy and don't eat too much at the breakfast buffet (you'll see).

        Blue Thunder Air Racing
        My Photos
        My Ride


        • #5
          Re: Off to the wild blue yonder...well brown that is :P

          Thx Steve, mucho Appreciate it!!! Thx for the intel on the


          • #6
            Re: Off to the wild blue yonder...well brown that is :P

            Be safe and be well my cousin. We'll be counting down the days till you come back. (Along with counting down the days left till Reno '05!!! )


            • #7
              Re: Off to the wild blue yonder...well brown that is :P

              The wife and I pray for your safe return and hopefully you'll be back in time for the races in '05.

              You know where to find us! I'll have plenty of cold ones and we'll make sure you get a parking place. I'm sure a toast will be in order!



              • #8
                Re: Off to the wild blue yonder...well brown that is :P

                Thanks Gary for the prayers and looking forward to seeing ya again at Reno.


                • #9
                  Re: Off to the wild blue yonder...well brown that is :P

                  Good luck god speed and give em hell


                  • #10
                    Re: Off to the wild blue yonder...well brown that is :P

                    with any luck i won't be far behind eric! hehe
                    heh heh alriiiight


                    • #11
                      Re: Off to the wild blue yonder...well brown that is :P

                      God bless you and our thoughts are with you and all of your 'friends' there. Thank you! Sign - Just another free U.S. citizen - that cares!


                      • #12
                        Re: Off to the wild blue yonder...well brown that is :P

                        Remember.....Camel Spiders.....BAD.


                        • #13
                          Re: Off to the wild blue yonder...well brown that is :P

                          "Camel Spiders.....BAD"

                          But taste fine broiled in butter....

                          Good luck and thank you Eric!

                          Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                          • #14
                            Re: Off to the wild blue yonder...well brown that is :P


                            From an ex-Marine:

                            Stay low.

                            Look at everything.

                            Move fast.

                            Shoot straight.

                            This was the advice of an Israeli sergent we had on loan about how to survive urban combat. I never had a chance to put it in practice, and I hope you don't either.

                            Semper Fi,

                            Eric Ahlstrom
                            Eric Ahlstrom


                            • #15
                              Re: Off to the wild blue yonder...well brown that is :P


                              Our prayers are with you every single day that you are there. Be safe and come back. Please keep us in touch with what's going in your life. Godspeed to you and thank you for your willingness to serve our country.
                              And please don't let the SOB's over here get you down. for every one of those jerks, there are 100's of us who really care about you and the rest of you guys and gals over there. God Bless.. Mike G.

