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Miss Suzi-Q, Race #33

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  • Miss Suzi-Q, Race #33

    Not sure if this belongs here or in the historic section, but I was going through and scanning some of my fathers slides and found this...
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Re: Miss Suzi-Q, Race #33

    Not sure why it will not let me edit that post, but I wanted to replace that image with this one, it scanned much better.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Re: Miss Suzi-Q, Race #33

      Can't really say if I like it, but that is one interesting paint job. I don't recall ever seeing a pic of this plane before.


      • #4
        Re: Miss Suzi-Q, Race #33

        Here is a better known racer. Still learning about this scanner. I have aquired a Nikon Coolscan 4000 ED, I am hoping Mark K. will be around soon to give me some pointers!
        Attached Files
        Last edited by glider90; 12-19-2004, 02:55 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Miss Suzi-Q, Race #33

          TIPSY MISS.......I belive taken in Reno 1976 races....looks
          like Frank Tallman's Duck brhind it.


          • #6
            Re: Miss Suzi-Q, Race #33

            If I remember the story right, that paint job was the result of a colaberation over a bottle of whiskey. No kidding.


            • #7
              Re: Miss Suzi-Q, Race #33

              Thats Ken Burnstine Miss suzy Q it won the 1974 Races when Lyle Shelton got dis qulifiled and Bob Love got disquilfiled and in 1976 the plane crashed in the desert after arriving at the Mojave Races.



              • #8
                Re: Miss Suzi-Q, Race #33

                One more for now. I have more, if there is interest I wil put them in the history section.
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Re: Miss Suzi-Q, Race #33


                  Keep it up. It is great to see some of the old stuff. Thanks for putting them up.

                  Bill Pearce
                  Bill Pearce

                  Old Machine Press
                  Blue Thunder Air Racing (in memoriam)


                  • #10
                    Re: Miss Suzi-Q, Race #33

                    Not sure why it will not let me edit that post, but I wanted to replace that image with this one, it scanned much better.
                    The forum only allows you to edit posts up to 30 minutes after you hit SUBMIT, and then makes 'em permanent afterwards.

                    By the way, cool pic! I never saw that bird before anywhere.


                    • #11
                      Re: Miss Suzi-Q, Race #33

                      Glider90 -- These scans really look quite good! If you Google "Scantips" you'll find a website with an excellent discussion of scanning both negatives and slides, as well as printed material. This is where I learned most of what I know about scanning.



                      • #12
                        Re: Miss Suzi-Q, Race #33

                        Originally posted by glider90
                        Not sure if this belongs here or in the historic section, but I was going through and scanning some of my fathers slides and found this...
                        Hey Jim,
                        Awesome picture. The second scan is beautiful. I think it belongs right where it is, HAH! The first Reno I went to was in 74, (as Shawn attested to above), and Ken Bernstein was indeed the pilot. Thanks for jogging the old memory. Wish the pictures I have were that nice. This was the race that started my madness, heh, heh.
                        Bill (aka: Air Race Addict) ME PLEASE
                        Never mind. Maybe next year


                        • #13
                          Re: Miss Suzi-Q, Race #33

                          Originally posted by glider90
                          Here is a better known racer. Still learning about this scanner. I have aquired a Nikon Coolscan 4000 ED, I am hoping Mark K. will be around soon to give me some pointers!
                          Hi Jim... here's some tips for you (or how I do the scans) on the Nikon SC4000ED. I usually scan at 4000 DPI at 50% - giving me a very workable raw image size of 2891x1973 at just over 16 megs (bmp). On the scanner settings, if there is a noticeable grain - then I will use the GEM tool set at 3... and if it ISN'T Kodak Kodachrome film, I always use the Digital ICE to eliminate the dust spots. I never use the ROC settings as I have found that it's much better to use Adobe Photoshop to correct color irregularities then using the scanner's software, which seems to be rather limited (being an "all or nothing" affair). Adobe just lets me fine tune the colors a lot better.

                          After the "raw scan" is done, the usual post-processing includes resizing the image by 50%, then 90%, then a series of 98% (if needed for a full frame image) and crop to a final "archival" size of 1148x768. After this is done, the hardest part of the job remains... color correction.

                          Newer slide film like Fuji Provia yields exceptional results by just clicking the "auto contrast" in adobe. But on most older slides/negatives - there is a LOT more involved. I usually just use my eye as a judge, and apply a varied amount of different color variations (Adobe 6.0 and newer has all this built in) and messing with the color saturations & hues of the various color shades to yield the best result.This can be rather time consuming, and you must remember what you use so that all the pictures look consistent and not like they were taken by a different person all together (which is a separate challenge all to itself).

                          Hit me up if you have any other questions or need any assistance. I love messing with happy pictures - and do find the post processing stuff most rewarding & challenging.

                          Pic #1 is a raw scan of 25ASA Kodak Ektar Negative film (circa 1992)
                          Pic #2 is one that has gone through post-processing
                          Attached Files
                          Mark K....


                          • #14
                            Re: Miss Suzi-Q, Race #33

                            BTW: the scans looks great... just need a little post-processing help
                            I should add that everyone's monitor displays things a bit differently, so as a result, what looks great on one may not look great on another.
                            Attached Files
                            Mark K....


                            • #15
                              Re: Miss Suzi-Q, Race #33

                              Thanks for the kind words everyone, and for the tips Mark! Nice work on the post processing touch. I have Adobe 6.0, and it looks like that is what I need to be learning more aboout.

                              I was scanning the files too large at first, too small after that, I think your method will help me quite a bit.

                              I know that these images were taken at Oshkosh, but somwhere my dad should have some slides from the races at Cape May, New Jersey and Cleveland. Once I find those there could be allot more to share.


