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  • #16
    Re: Tunica

    I meant an 8.0 mile course. Guess you knew that

    Ron Henning
    Ron Henning


    • #17
      Re: Tunica

      Going fishing-didn't some time in the past some FEDEX pilot (NOT the Dildas) get hooked up with some casino bigwigs and a few race pilots to try and undermine Reno? Seems that a race in Tunica in June would screw up PRS.

      Not trying to start rumors but lots of questions. I would LOVE to be able to drive to see an unlimited race but, having spent a few years in the airhsow business, I know how political things can be and right now nothing ads up for me.

      Anybody have any facts? I'm just speculating on past experience, which is 20 yrs old now.

      Ron Henning
      Ron Henning


      • #18
        Re: Tunica

        I caught a brief interview on WREG channel 3 out of Memphis, Tn this morning. They are planning to go ahead with the show. Dates June 02nd - 05th this summer in Tunica. Only details I've found were Phone 1-877-4-air races. Also two of the people interviewed in connection with arrangements / names:Webster Franklin of Tunica Chamber of Commerce and Jeff Landers of, don't know where.

        No mention of the purse amount, budget, or other details. Only talked of the many Hotels and Casinos, how close Tunica is to Memphis and how much flat land that was perfect for this type of show, also that they had an airport.

        I don't know what all is involved with such an event but common sense tells me it does take much money, time, and construction plus much more behind the senes hard work. I do hope it is an successfull event and there are many pilots participating with a large enough purse to draw them to Tunica.

        I am an R.M.T. (Registered Massage Therapist) and would love to provide stress relief and relaxation for the pilots and other participants but need input from everyone on this issue. Would you need or want a therapist available or team of therapist on hand to soothe the nerves and relax your neck, shoulders, back, arms, wrists, hands?

        Give me some feed back please .


        • #19
          Re: Tunica

          There is no doubt that time and sponsorship dollars are the biggest obstacles. If you look at Tunica, first 4 casino companies own all the casinos, if the Tunica CVB buys in which it has, they have a 14MM budget, the blessing and influence of not only the casinos, but the media, the state government and many more. If you note, Trent Lott is the US Senator from Mississippi, the Chairman of the US Approprepiations (missspelled)committee that funds, the FAA, the Military and many other groups. Look at the money that he has spent to get new airports and improvements at Tunica and Biloxi airports, he knows the importance the casinos are to he and the state. Tunica, is good ole boy, if you have the blissing of the casinos, the CVB, the local gov, it comes down to sponsorship $$ to make things happen. There is no doubt that all the different race classes want to see this work. If 10 or 12 planes from 4 or 5 classes show up the first year and a few other air acts, thats not a bad start to build from.


          • #20
            Re: Tunica

            Bobby Baldwin owner of Baldwin Racing Team, and MGM Mirage Properties bought Sam's Town Hotel & Casino and Horshoe Casino. This is to be finalized March 01, 2005 according to his personal Massage Therapist at the Bellagio in Vegas. She was at the Jack Binion World Poker Open all this month of January '05 and that is what she told me, Sooooo - more money and new blood is moving into the area so to speak which will surley help out on $$$$$$$$ issues. Bobby flew into Tunica on his private jet along with others doing the same and will continue to do so. Especially due to the buy out/take over! There will have to be more flights in and out due to handling this change.

            I'm lead to believe that there will be many changes of improvement and growth due to this high roller bringing bigger fish to the area. And they aren't scared to spend large sums to make their visits better which in turn makes everything better and bigger for this area. Including the airport and events such as the Air Show.

            Thought I'd give yall some more hope.



            • #21
              Re: Tunica

              A guy that used to work on my little airplane has been approached about building a hanagar in Tunica to provide 24/7 service, including maintenance, for high rollers.

              Maybe there will just be a race with no airshow. If you saw Hugh Oldham's article in World Airshow News, the Blue Angels delaying the finalizing of their schedule by only 26 hours screwed a lot of shows, as the top airshow acts are almost always totally booked in the first 8 hours of the ICAS convention.

              Hope the race happens but will be surprised if they can even get a waiver on this short notice-having had the "pleasure" of having to get an airshow waiver in the past.

              Ron Henning
              Ron Henning


              • #22
                Re: Tunica

                what show and where? also, anyone know how many are comin to prs?

                **moderator edit**
                Unregged... you'll probably get more responses if you sign with, at least, a nickname...


                • #23
                  Re: Tunica


                  Tunica appears to be a go. My contact in the the Marketing Department at my workplace recieved an e-mail from Mary and Steve Dilda indicating that the "Two Of Hearts" team is committed to the race. The company I work for is one of Mary's newer sponsors.

                  May all your bent wings be F2G Corsairs!


                  • #24
                    Re: Tunica

                    The Lincoln races were put on by Jack and sylivia sweeny And Don Ryder who was the orginal people who started Nag they wanted top put a Race on and it was in Lincoln i remember going to Don house and they were building the pylons they were regular pylons not bolons.

                    I could remember a little of the race but my dad and my uncle work the race and i got to the pylons out there.

                    witch the bombers were cool i remember they had a race with a b25 and a b23 Dragon and the b25 was flown by John Crocker .

                    they race was 1975 and 1976 those were the only time they had that Race.

                    All the best Shawn Aro


                    • #25
                      Re: Tunica

                      Could they have possibly picked a worse time of the year for an air race in Mississippi? Not meaning to sound like a stick-in-the-mud.... but with average temperatures in the 90s and realative humidity approaching that level - it would be like sitting in a sweat box from 11AM until very late in the afternoon. Not my idea of a "outdoor friendly" enviorment... I won't even talk about the misquitos . Now I know that Reno may be hot, cold, or wet.... but the air is never think enough to cut with a knife... high humidity and high temps make for a very unpleasant experience.

                      My best wishes to those who choose to attend - remember to take pleanty of liquids & don't forget your salt tablets
                      Mark K....


                      • #26
                        Re: Tunica

                        I lived in Mississippi for a year and a's not *that* bad. If you can stomach Kissimmee, or Lakeland, or any of those other Florida places in the summer, Tunica will be fine.


                        • #27
                          Re: Tunica

                          Originally posted by Randy Haskin
                          I lived in Mississippi for a year and a's not *that* bad. If you can stomach Kissimmee, or Lakeland, or any of those other Florida places in the summer, Tunica will be fine.

                          I think Hacker's been pulling too many G's lately.


                          • #28
                            Re: Tunica

                            Well, weather wise July and August are worse, we have Reno in Sept and Oct would probably be too quick a turn around for the racers, as well as the fact that the Blue Angels fly here in the fall as well, and by Nov the wx at many racers home bases would prevent them departing.

                            May would be best except for the Memphis in May festivities, as the NHRA found out the hard way about a decade ago. When they moved the drag race out of May attendance soared as it no longer had to compete with the music fest, bbq contest, etc.etc.

                            And they probably couldn't get it done by April and the wx is still bad up north then as well, so I guess June it will be.

                            Ron Henning
                            Ron Henning


                            • #29
                              Re: Tunica

                              Some years ago there was a race in the summer in Sherman Texas, just outside Dallas. Now that one was hot -- 100 plus and very humid. I remember a major problem with sweat dripping on my cameras and lenses...

                              However, there were airplanes racing (and racing hard) and that made the weather just fine, Thank you very much!! I will (and have) put up with a lot to be at an airplane race. Actually I have many good memories of the event. I was crewing for John Crocker at the time. John had reserved a van for a support vehicle, but was late arriving (he got there with one airplane tire and one truck tire, which is another related story altogether), and had to settle for a Lincoln Town Car. That car spent most of the event sitting under the wing of #6, engine and air conditioner running, to provide a cool dry place for the crew. We did not put many miles on the car, but it's a good thing Lincolns do not have a Hobbs meter!!

                              Skyraider aerobatics, Tsunami's only win, Tiger getting reamed out by Dwight. Actually if Tunica gives as many good and interesting memories, we'll be doing quite well...



                              • #30
                                Re: Tunica

                                Originally posted by wingman
                                Some years ago there was a race in the summer in Sherman Texas, just outside Dallas. Now that one was hot -- 100 plus and very humid. I remember a major problem with sweat dripping on my cameras and lenses...
                                When I went to the Gathering of Mustangs and Legends in Kissimmee Florida back in April 1999 - it was rather hot and humid too. Not terribly bad for that area, but I've also visited down there in June/July and although the early mornings & late evenings were great, the late mornings/afternoon times were god aweful. The only tollerable relief was fleeing to air conditioned sactuaries .

                                Speaking of the GML - quite a few of my photos were a little out of focus. I thought it was strange since they should have been as sharp as a tack... then later realized that the humidity rising off the ground was causing distortion when the shot happened to span accross any of the grass covered infields (I was only using a 300mm lens too).
                                Mark K....

