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  • #31
    Re: Tunica in N. Florida, I think I can comment on the weather
    'round the south coast........

    .....yep, some of you will be uncomfortable......
    .........humid ?.....most likely.......


    almost all aftershave or colonge worn
    is DEET based

    .....(darned state birds)........
    Jim Gallagher


    • #32
      Re: Tunica

      Wish they would have picked a different month. Managing to get to this event, as well as PRS, is going to be difficult and PRS is really a must go if you're involved with the Reno event.

      I really do hope they can pull this off but even though it's currently showing as a go, I find it hard to wrap my brain around it actually coming off successfully.

      I'm not sure where I read it, but I read that the guy who did the filming for RARA last year was the one behind this race??? If that were true, he'd certainly need the help of those who knew racing a bit better than he. I spoke with him at PRS and he indicated that PRS was the first time he'd ever done anything involving air racing. I'd imagine he's got others involved with him who would have more experience though....

      So far, I see Mary Dilda as committed, I wonder what the actual showing will be come race day? I'd sure like to be there to find out.. I don't think the budget is going to be there for it though...

      If the weather is anything like Florida, I've only been out a few times for Sun n Fun, that's in April and it can get nasty hot even that early. Yikes!

      If anyone lives in the area, sure would like to see some photos of the area where they'd race..

      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"


      • #33
        Re: Tunica

        I've talked to people in both IF1 and in the Sport class -- both classes have sent out info to members about Tunica asking who's interested in participating. Not much about prize money yet though. There's also apparently already a person dealing with press credential applications and such.

        I'm hopeful...


        • #34
          Re: Tunica

          Originally posted by wingman
          I've talked to people in both IF1 and in the Sport class -- both classes have sent out info to members about Tunica asking who's interested in participating. Not much about prize money yet though. There's also apparently already a person dealing with press credential applications and such.

          I'm hopeful...
          Neal, are you beginning to plan to go??

          Wayne Sagar
          "Pusher of Electrons"


          • #35
            Re: Tunica

            Check this out or do a Google search Tunica air races.


            • #36
              Re: Tunica

              Originally posted by Airracer75
              Check this out or do a Google search Tunica air races.
              My goodness! The momentum certainly is building, my mind begins to wrap around how in the world to be able to go!

              On what is relatively short notice as, far as air racers go, it's going to be interesting to begin asking around to see who from out this way might go. My guess is, they will get a fair showing of mid country and east coast "stock" airplanes... It'd be a wonder to see if airplanes like Dago Red, Strega or Rare Bear... any of Mike Brown's mounts, etc would be ready enough to go...


              Wayne Sagar
              "Pusher of Electrons"


              • #37
                Re: Tunica

                Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
                I'm not sure where I read it, but I read that the guy who did the filming for RARA last year was the one behind this race???
                Wayne, I just check the ending credits on the September Thunder video from the 2004 races and there is a Jeff Landers listed as Writer/Producer/Editor. I also noticed that the video is released by a company called JLImages. Putting two and two together (I know this can be dangerous) I would guess that the Jeff Landers that is putting on the Tunica Air Races and the Jeff Lander from the 2004 Reno Video are the same person.

                BTW: I'm AM IN NO WAY saying that he (Jeff Landers) is incapable of starting up a new series of air races in Tunica or anywhere else for that matter. Even though I won't be able to attend, I really do hope that the races go off without a hitch. I think by having air races in a new part of the country (as far a recent times go) It has the capability to bring a whole new crowd into this great sport.

                Blue Thunder Air Racing
                My Photos
                My Ride


                • #38
                  Re: Tunica

                  Hi Wayne -- If there's a race, we are definitely going. I've missed two Unlimited race events in 29 years, and regretted it both times!

                  Birgitta has finally retired (from one job anyway) which gives us much more freedom to plan things.



                  • #39
                    Re: Tunica

                    Originally posted by wingman
                    Hi Wayne -- If there's a race, we are definitely going. I've missed two Unlimited race events in 29 years, and regretted it both times!

                    Birgitta has finally retired (from one job anyway) which gives us much more freedom to plan things.

                    Neal, I'll try to see if I can possibly afford it. No way I'd drive that far, and my recovery has to progress a bit further before I can commit to a trip that far as well... I'm still eating via the tube and carrying that much canned stuff with me is exhausting!

                    Money for flight and room will also be something I'll have to figure out.. Always committed to PRS so that comes first on the list, John Parker is also planning a speed run that same weekend (as Tunica)...

                    Will have to see how the $$ go for this one..

                    Would be nice to see it if it happens though...

                    Wayne Sagar
                    "Pusher of Electrons"


                    • #40
                      Re: Tunica

                      Mississippi in June...Maybe they can get Right Guard as a sponsor.
                      (Mennon still around?)
                      Formula One's will probably go open cockpit...


                      • #41
                        Re: Tunica

                        Where do I start with this? I have stood on the sidelines since reading the first post regarding the promotion of the Tunica Races. My first question would have to be; June is a mere 4 months away and unless I am missing something has this event acquired sponsorship or capital to make available the prize money the promoters are hoping to make available? Look, first of all I am all for expanding the sport of air racing and I hope this venue develops into a second race event for air racing, but I have to say I am absolutely dumbfounded at the growing response by the race pilots to embrace this yet undeveloped event. It is unclear as to what hurdles if any have been successfully cleared to bring this event to reality. The logistics alone have to be staggering to get an event of this magnitude out of the gate. Can it be done by June? We will all know in 4 short months.
                        Now the good news for all you race fans out there. Art vance has been circling the wagons in an attempt to secure as many Unlimited Racers to participate at Tunica. This is what I know, but in no way reflects the actual response from the racing community. The Texas racers (Pardue, Ezel and Dawson) are looking to attend. Brent Hisey has responded favorably regarding bringing Miss A to Tunica. Jimmy Leeward is very interested in bringing Cloud Dancer and Mike Keenum may bring Riff Raff. Here is the stunning (at least to me) development to this whole race in Tunica. Mike Brown is looking to bring ALL THREE of his racers and the Sanders have indicated they would bring both Dreadnought and Argonaut IF certain concessions could be made. And there could be more surprises on the horizon as this thing has got the air racing community absolutely on it's heels.
                        O.K. I have to state the following to see if it is just me who feels this way or not. Again, it is great that there may be another venue for air racing, but would as many of you be so willing to see this take off if it meant one or all of the above mentioned racers WOULD NOT be able to attend Reno because of a broken airplane? Lets get real about Tunica. This race means absolutely nothing to the world of air racing where as Reno IS a National Championship and holds historical value in aviation. Why, O why would a Mike Brown or the Sanders risk their high octane racers and a chance at a National Championship for Tunica?? Help me understand this because I can not fathom any reason why I would risk my 470MPH racer to a race that holds no value.
                        For those of you hungry for air racing start making your airline reservations for MS as it looks like it is being embraced by the Unlimted class. Right now it looks as though 10-15 unlimited racers are willing to make the trip and who knows how many more will decide to go by June. The fallout could be catastrophic for the Reno races. I hope that will not be the case.



                        • #42
                          Re: Tunica

                          Here is my nickle's worth.

                          Historically, there used to be an Air Race SEASON, not just -1- race a year. With more exposure, the race purses and sponsorship money may and can increase to the point where the racing teams may be able to support full time (paid?) crews, extra race engines and more speed development. One of the snags of the company that I work for to sponsor Air Racing is the extreamly limited exposure of one race a year. The planes that they are minor sponsors (currently, not in any special order, Rear Bear, Dago Red, Voodoo, Riff Raff, The Two of Hearts, The Aeroshell Team, and the Exxon Tiger) also fly the Air Show circuit or the demo races. My employer is also into supporting the EAA with it's many venues. On the other hand, they are all over NASCAR with it's racing curcuit. Sponsors want exposure. More exposure means more money or equipment and services that they will be willing to invest. If this sport is to survive and get the media exposure that it used to get in it's early years (1920-1940's), a racing circuit is a necessity. It used to be local and regional races lead up to the big final in Cleveland. Now they can lead up to Reno or another major racing event. I have nothng against Reno and hope to get there someday, but it's easy for someone to call it's event the "National Championship" when it's the only game in town. After all, the "National Air Races" used to be be held in Cleveland, LA and Chicago too!

                          It takes a lot of money, time and effort to prepare a racing plane for a once a year outing. The purpose of a racing plane is to race!

                          Just my nickle worth.....

                          Kenn Smith
                          member, Society of Air Racing Historians
                          1946-1949 Historian
                          May all your bent wings be F2G Corsairs!


                          • #43
                            Re: Tunica

                            Hi Dave:

                            If you hold an Air Race they will come! In the late 80s/early 90s we had Races in Texas, California, Colorado, Kansas and Arizona -- at least once three in one year. Participants included Shelton, Destefani, Sandberg, The Museum of Flying, The Air Museum, Rheinschild, Pardue, Yancey -- all the heavy hitters of the time -- and they all made to Reno in September. In fact that period had some of the greatest Renos ever!

                            More racing can be a very good thing...



                            • #44
                              Re: Tunica

                              People have tried to put on races other than Reno for years. Fact of the matter is there are VERY FEW venues that have the air/groundspace, runways, and ability to handle traffic and accomocations that would be required, and those few places that exist never make it because of the good old money monster. Take it from one that has been there, putting on an aviation event is a monumental undertaking and I will be shocked (pleasantly) if there is ever another air race, and even if there is I give it even less odds for having a repeat as they will be so far in the hole financially after the first one that no one will back another. Sure hope I'm wrong but history supports my observation.

                              Ron Henning


                              • #45
                                Re: Tunica

                                Today's Memphis newspaper had a blurb about the Tunica races being patterned after Reno with "up to 4" classes of racing on courses 2-8 miles around.

                                I have the distinct feeling these folks have never tried to put on an airshow, let alone an air RACE which has to be half again as hard to produce. Anybody who has ever been involved knows what I'm talking about.

                                More power to them.

                                Ron Henning
                                Ron Henning

